Contoh Report Text Sunflower

Contoh Report Text Sunflower

Write description text about sunflower!

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1. Write description text about sunflower!

Description text


Sunflower is one of a flower that have an unique behaviour, such as always facing the sun light, sunflower have a yellow coloured petal and sunflower made sunflower seed that can be eaten if it is being processed properly

2. bagaimana cara membuat explanation text tentang sunflower life cycle? terimakasih :)

menurut aku,pertama, paragraf 1, jelaskan tumbuhnya bunga matahari tersebut dari biji sampai berbunga dengan bahasa Inggris.
paragraf 2, jelaskan bahwa bunga matahari bisa tumbuh dengan baik jika dipelihara dengan baik, "example : add some water every day for the flower...."
paragraf 3, isi dengan bahwa bunga matahari menghasilkan biji, setelah itu bunga matahari mengering dan bijinya akan jatuh disekitar bunga itu jatuh.(dijelaskan dengan bahasa inggris.)
paragraf 4, penutup di isi dengan "example : that all about the sun flower life cycle......" tambahkan menurut selera.

thank you:)



Bunga matahari


sunflower =Bunga matahari

4. Apa arti dari part of sunflower what to eat

Apa bagian dari bunga matahari yg untuk di makan.


5. Why does sunflower produce thousands of seed ? Because

The reason sunflower produces seeds in such large quantities is so that genetically, the probabilities of seeding a new crop of little baby sunflowers become greater.

6. What is the name of sunflower roots?

Apa nama akar bunga matahari?

7. Quiz time : Suatu hari, peashooter sedang berbincang-bincang membahas materi matematika hari itu dengan sunflower. Isinya sebagai berikut: Peashooter : "Sunflower, pelajaran hari sangat menyenangkan ya." Sunflower : "Kau benar, hari ini aku belajar banyak tentang bangun ruang." Peashooter : "Sunflower, aku lupa tadi bagaimana ya rumus balok. Tolong beritahu aku, bagaimana rumus balok beserta contoh soalnya ya." Sunflower : "baiklah akan aku beritahu. Tapi soalnya yang simpel saja ya. Jadi, seperti yang dibahas oleh pak guru tadi, rumus balo yaitu... Poinnya lumayan lho.


V balok= p × l × t

gitukan ya?!

contoh soal:

pak budi memiliki kolam berbentuk balok, pak budi ingin mengisi kolamnya dengan air, berapa volume air tersebut jika panjang kolam 10 m lebar 5 m dan tingginya 2 m??


v balok = p×l×t

= 10 × 5 × 2

=100 m³



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



Lebar =15

Tinggi =10

jawab: V=P x L x T

=20 x 15 x 10



8. apa arti jasmine dan sunflower​


jasmine = melati

sunflower = bunga matahari

Penjelasan: semoga membantu


1 melati

2 bunga matahari


9. 100 flowers 30 roses 20% daisy 10% lily rest is sunflower how many sunflower do i have?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:






jadi,jawabanya yg tepat adalah A

I'm really sorry if I'm wrong

10. Short description about sunflower

The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an living annual plant in the family Asteraceae, with a large flower head (capitulum). The stem of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) flower head.

The flower head is actually an inflorescence made of hundreds or thousands of tiny flowers called florets. The central florets look like the centre of a normal flower, and the outer florets look like yellow petals. All together they make up a "false flower" or pseudanthium. The benefit to the plant is that it is very easily seen by the insects and birds which pollinate it, and it produces thousands of seeds.

The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower State. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.


11. Keterangan nilai Pancasila menanam tanaman microgreen sunflower


pancasila ke limaaaaaaa

12. Why does sunflower produce thousands of seed ? Because


because there are thousands of seeds in the flower.

maaf ya jika ada kesalahan

13. apa bahasa indonesianya where did sunflower first plant?

dimana bunga matahari pertama kali tumbuh ?di mana bunga matahari itu ditanam pertama kali ?

maaf kalo salah

14. 6.What label is it?A.sunflowerB.sunflower seedsC.refined sunflower oilD.sunflower plant7.What is the brand name of the product?A.olioB.refined sunflower oliC.500 mlD.sunflower8.The following statements are the use of the product,excpt...A.the refined sunflower oil is for cooking.B.the refined sunflower oil is for baking.C.the refined sunflower oil is for frying?.D.the refined sunflower oil is for making syrup.​


6.c. refined unflower oil


8.d.the refined sunflower oil is for making syrup


6)C.refined sunflower oil


8)D.the refined sunflower oil is for making syrup.


Translate question:

6) Label apa itu?

A. bunga matahari

B. biji bunga matahari

C. minyak bunga matahari yang dimurnikan

D. tanaman bunga matahari

7) Apa nama merek produk tersebut?


B. bunga matahari olahan oli

C.500 ml

D. bunga matahari

8. Pernyataan berikut adalah penggunaan produk, kecuali ...

A. minyak bunga matahari yang dimurnikan untuk memasak.

B. minyak bunga matahari halus untuk memanggang.

C. minyak bunga matahari halus untuk menggoreng ?.

D. minyak bunga matahari yang dimurnikan untuk membuat sirup.✅

CMIIW,semoga bermanfaat:))

ohya,jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa!


15. give your opinions about sunflower​


sunflower is a beautiful flowers.

16. where was the sunflower first planted

The sunflower first planted in North American

Semoga Membantu!
Maaf kalau salah >_< Perasaan ane Pertanyaannya kurang lengkap :(

17. 9Which one is the ingredient of theproduct?a Jojoba leavesSunflower odWaterd. Sunflower essence​

C Water
Is this talk about photosynthesis? If it is, that must be the answer.
Hope it helps!

18. q: is a sunflower yellow? a:..……....

Jawabannya Yes, it is

Good luckYes it is that the answer

19. kenapa sunflower selalu menghadap 1 arah

karena bunga matahari selalu menghadap matahari

20. sunflower (be) from thailand (+) (-) (?) no, .....

(+) sunflower IS from thailand
(-) sunflower IS NOT/ISN'T from thailand
(?) is sunflower from thailand?

no, it is not/isn't
yes, it issunflower comes from thailand
sunflower doesn't come from thailand
does sunflower come from thailand?

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