Arti Perks

Arti Perks

Artinya perks, drip?​

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1. Artinya perks, drip?​


Perks : Untung / Keuntungan

Drip : Menetes


Jadikan Tercedass Yaa


Perks keuntungan

Drip besi baja runcing


2. bagaimana Konsep Kekuasaan dan Legitimasi Menurut Stephen C. Perks.



3. Perks loan bilangan asli 18 x 17x16x15 dapat di tuliskan

cek sahabat oke... ..

4. tolong rubah kata ini menjadi benar 1. The company you work for is well-known for its job security. 2. You were suddenly made redundant. 3. You received a promotion. 4. You were given an increment. 5. You worked unsociable hours. 6. You had a steady job. 7. You had adverse working conditions. 8. You suddenly found yourself unemployed. 9. You took time off work because of repetitive strain injury. 10. The office where you work has sick building syndrome. 11. You receive regular perks as part of your job. 12. Somebody called you a workaholic. 13. Your company doesn’t give you many incentives. 14. Your boss announces that there is going to be some downsizing of the workforce. 15. Your work didn’t offer much job satisfaction. 16. Your company has a generous incentive scheme. 17. You receive a commission for the work you have done. 18. You receive support from a union. 19. You were under stress. 20. You were forced to resign. 21. You received a cut in your salary. 22. Your company gave you sickness benefit. 23. You found your job very demanding.​


maaf kebanyakan karena saya g terlalu bisa b Inggris


sory nya maaf udah di jawab sory ya maaaf banet

5. Please help me!! Help me make a speech about "Leader in Me" • what it's about • the definition of it • why we need to be a leader • how to be one• (perks) of being a leader it doesn't have to be one whole speech (if you can its wonderful), but please give me LONG AND A BUNCH OF IDEAS, it's due by tomorrow, please help.​



so today I will address you all, the theme and the pidoto topic is "the leader in me" which is the leader's attitude inside of us.

what is a leader?

A leader is one who has the ability to lead, which means having the ability to influence others or the group, without heeding the underlying form of reason, A leader must be wise and decisive, he must also be responsible, active, and trustworthy.

it is hard to be a leader With all the issues to be handled and the responsibilities to be dealt with.

But a leader must be strong, healthy, and energetic.



hello there! i've tried to help u hehe. i really hope this is helpfull. and btw i know it isshort. but i do it purposely. why? so u can learn more on how to arrange words, translating, and speaking hehe

okayyy ! spread positivity and do jot give up! i hope your speech turns out well ♡♡

6. Untuk empat soal berikut ini, Anda akan membaca bab 4 -Chameleon- dari otobiografi “Born a Crime” karya Trevor Noah, selebritas Amerika yang lahir dan tumbuh di Afrika Selatan. Noah pindah ke Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2011, dan sejak 2015 menggawangi acara The Daily Show dari jaringan Comedy Central dan mendapatkan Emmy Awards pada tahun 2017 untuk acaranya. Bacalah penggalan otobiografi “Born a Crime” ini dengan cermat dan teliti, lalu jawablah pertanyaanpertanyaan berikut ini. Di halaman 40, dikatakan: My mom was the only force I truly feared. She believed if you spare the rod, you spoil the child. But everyone else said, “No, he’s different,” and they gave me a pass. Growing up the way I did, I learned how easy it is for white people to get comfortable with a system that awards them all the perks. I knew my cousins were getting beaten for things that I’d done, but I wasn’t interested in changing my grandmother’s perspective, because that would mean I’d get beaten, too. Why would I do that? So that I’d feel better? Being beaten didn’t make me feel better. I had a choice. I could champion racial justice in our home, or I could enjoy granny’s cookies. I went with the cookies. Dengan mempertimbangkan tokoh-tokoh dalam cuplikan bab 4 ini, jelaskan kenapa Trevor menuliskan “I went with the cookies”!​

Trevor menuliskan “I went with the cookies” karena dia tidak mau membalas dendam dengan cara mengubah cara berpikir neneknya. Dia  embiarkan cara berpikir yang salah tersebut dan lebih menikmati memakan kue neneknya.


I could champion racial justice in our home, or I could enjoy granny’s cookies.

Kalimat di atas memperlihatkan 2 kalimat pilihan yang berlawanan dari si penulis.

I went with the cookies.

Si penulis memutuskan pilihannya dan tidak akan melakukan apa yang disebutkan di kalimat pertama "I could champion racial justice in our home"

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang cookies pada


7. FRCISE 3: Use the Perks in italics to complete the sentences.her hair every morning.1. brushAnita _brushesEnglish.2. reachAlexcars.3. MixA mechanictea every afternoon.4. drikSonyatelevision at night.S. quatchJoon-Kee oftenhis children goodnight.6. KissPeter alwaysjeans to class.7. tlcarTina usuallydishes.Eric seldom9. talkJessicaher dog twice each day.When Don gets up in the morning, he10. xrreich.and​


1. Anita brushes her hair every morning

2. Alex cleanses his car every day

3. Kee usually makes tea every afternoon

4. Sonya often watches tv at night

5. John often kisses children at night

6. Peter always wears jeans to his class

7. Tina usually washes dishes at the morning

8. Eric seldom talk with everyone

9. Jessica usually feeds her dog twice a day

10. When Don gets up in the morning, he always cleanses his bedroom


Nomor 1 234567 dan 9 10 terdapat Simplepresenttense yaitu hal yg biasa kita lakukan sehari harinya, sedangkan nomor 8 kembali lagi ke Verb1karena Eric memang jarang berbicara kepada siapapun..

Moga bisa bantu ya :)




Anything that is ethical and lawful is okay with Google.

9. Why People Move to Suburbs from Cities More and more people are deciding to move to suburbs. Is that surprising? Living in the suburbs has many unique perks which you can't enjoy living elsewhere. Suburbs are the perfect balance between experiencing urban and rural lives. The first is that people prefer less crowds. What makes a city is inevitable is the endless numbers of people in every corner. Cities are already congested with multiple buildings, cars, and taxis. No matter where you go in the city, you'll always find yourself trying to push through a huge crowd of people. However, suburbs are generally much less populated which means they are not nearly as crowded or congested. Many people leave the hectic crowds from the city and move to the suburbs to enjoy some peace when walking on the streets. Second, if you are someone who is fond of nature, then the suburbs are for you. In the city, you'd be lucky to spot more than a few trees and bushes. On the other hand, the suburbs are thriving with nature. Suburbs never run short of beautiful mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, and parks. Here you will find vast stretches of greenery and open land that will give you a breath of fresh air. In addition, suburbs are also home to more wildlife species than the city which indicates that you'd be living in a healthy and wholesome ecosystem. The abundance of nature brings with it fun activities, such as fishing, hiking, zip-lining, and boating. Then, city residents look to move into a suburban area to gain a sense of community. In a city, it's incredibly hard to build friendships with the people surrounding you. By living in suburbs, you will benefit from a quality social life. You can have close-knit relationships with your neighbors and build your own interpersonal community. Having good friends and neighbors is not only fun for those Thanksgiving dinners, but is also a very important aspect of feeling safe and more at home. Tolong kakak dibantu,,itu yang dikolom pertanyaanya kakak​


1. Reasons of moving from suburbs to cities

2. Acitvities, population, environment, infrastructures of suburbs and cities

3. To emphasise the advantages of both suburban and cities

4. Suburbs is known to have unique perks because it welcomes urban and rural lives

5. The sequence starts from a densely populated suburb to a peaceful area where people can be fond of nature

semoga membantuu <3

10. 1. Apa saja yang termasuk budaya Pacitan? 2. Sebutkan tempat penemuan jenis kapak genggam di Indonesia! 3. Bagaimana perks banana kehidupan di bump pada zaman tersier? 4. Mengapa masa kuartier diktat akar penting dalam sejarah dunia? 5. Jelaskan penyebaran kapak lonjong di Indonesia!

1. kapak perimbas
2. Sumatra, Jawa. Kalimantan Barat, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi
5.Daerah penemuan kapak lonjong di Indonesia, hanya terbatas di daerah bagian timur, yaitu Sulawesi, Sangihe Talaud, Flores, Maluku, Leh, Tanimbar, dan Papua. Di Serawak, yaitu di Gua Niah

11. perusahaan membeli yang berikut perks : pikap bekas Rp.1800000, perkakas Rp.600000, alat-alat pembersih Rp.500000 , buatkan jurnal umumnya​


ini pembelian cash apa kredit?

pembelian tunai.

keterangan debit kredit

asset (pikap) Rp. 1.800.000

kas Rp. 1.800.000

perlengkapan Rp. 600.000

kas Rp. 600.000

Peralatan Rp. 500.000

kas Rp. 500.000

kalo pembelian kredit. kas diganti jadi hutang

12. Questions 22 – 23 refer to the following information. Situated in Pantai Indah Kapuk in North Jakarta, the Angke Kapuk natural tourism park covers an area of 99.82 hectares overlooking the Jakarta bay. With an entrance fee of Rp 25,000 (US$1.87) per person for adults and Rp 10,000 for children, the place offers river cruising on a motorboat as well as walking and cycling around the forest through bamboo and wooden paths. A six-seat motorboat can be rented for Rp 350,000 per boat. A bigger size, which can accommodate up to eight people, is available for Rp 400,000. Fauna watching is one of the perks that visitors can expect to enjoy while cruising the mangrove forest. During our recent visit, several wild birds were standing at wooden poles scattered among the trees. "If you arrive earlier in the morning, you can also see some lizards swimming in the river," said our boatman, Agus. In addition to a bird watching area, which is best seen from a wooden bridge connecting one mangrove zone to another, there is also an avian nursery reachable by bike. When it is close to sunset, visitors can be found lingering at and around a 20-meter tower near the cottage area. Made entirely from wood, the accommodation options are perfect for those seeking to enjoy the lush trees and calm river overnight. 22. What can we do when visiting the ‘Angke Kapuk’ Natural Tourism Park? A. Driving along the park. B. Watching a folk of birds. C. Enjoying special culinary. D. Staying in luxurious hotel. 23. What would people think of touring the park? A. It is lack of beauty and passion B. It is a unique experience C. It is a boring exploration D. It is all about animals

*Maaf kalo salah ya*

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