Good Mother 2

Good Mother 2

2 Mother........dear jawab adkha good night mom​

Daftar Isi

1. 2 Mother........dear jawab adkha good night mom​


is it a conversation?

Mother : "good night dear"

Adhka : "good night mom"

2. 2. Mother is the (good) woman I have met.good nya jadi apa ya? most good / gooder / more good?​


Mother is the(good)woman I have met=gooder.

#Semoga Membantu.


Mother is the best woman I have met


Good itu bentuk comparativenya better, dan bentuk superlativenya best.

Jadi urutannya good --> better --> best

Karena kalimat itu ingin menonjolkan bentuk superlative dari good, jadi jawabannya Mother is the best woman I have met

3. 1. Ilham - good evening - JonoAnswer:......2. Ririn - good bye - RudiAnswer: ......3. mother - good night - HendraAnswer:.....​


1 yes good evening too

2 bye bye

3sweet dream

1. Good evening.

2. Good bye.

3. Good night mom.


Penjelasan :

- Jika dalam pembicaraan dengan seseorang Contohnya teman Maka kita menyapa dengan Sama contoh "Good evening" Maka kita jawab Good evening / Atau Good evening too.

- Tetapi, kita mengucapkan dengan orang yang lebih tua, maka kita harus sopan. Bilang dengan lengkap. bisa di bilang begitu.


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kode soal : 5


[tex]semoga \: \: bermanfaat[/tex]

4. 2.Fita will go to school, she says to her mother.Fita : Good bye, Mom.Mrs. Feny: ..., Fita. Take carea. Be carefulc. Good nightb. Good luckd. Good bye​


2.  Fita will go to school, she says to her mother.

Fita : Good bye, Mom.

Mrs. Feny: ..., Fita. Take care

a. Be careful

c. Good night

b. Good luck

d. Good bye​


Jawaban yang benar adalah poin D. Good bye karena mengucapkan selamat berpisah dengan putrinya yang mau pergis sekolah. Poin A. sebenarnya bisa juga dijadikan jawaban, namun menjadi kurang tepat karena sudah ada kalimat take care yang kurang lebih artinya sama dengan be careful. Pilihan good night dan good luck juga tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.

Semoga membantu ya.

5. tommy comes home from school at 2 p.m. he says good....... to his mother mohon bantuanya kak​



moga membantu

6. Make a sentence as number 1 1.I-good bye-zaky Answer: I say good bye to Zaky 2. I-good morning-Budi Answer : 3. Mother-good night-her son Answer: 4. Father-good afternoon-me Answer: 5. He-good evening-Mr.Irfan Answer:


2. Answer: I say good morning to Budi

3. Answer: Mother say good night to her son

4. Answer: Father say good afternoon to me

5. Answer: He say good evening to Mr.Irfan

7. *psychomotor assingnment*¥respond to the following greetings and partings¥!! 1).Teacher: good morning class! Students: ......2)the headmaster: good afternoon, students! Students: .............3)Mother: good night, honey! Mira: ............4)Mr.abdel: good bye! Miss.Ana: ..................5)Fatih: see you later! Firman: ..........

1) Students: Good morning, sir!
2) Students: Good afternoon, sir!
3) Mira: Good night, mom!
4) Miss Ana: Good bye!
5) Firman: See you later!

8. Dialog /Siska: Hi, Robby. How re you?Robby : Good. Siska,Siska Hi. Sakti. How do you do?SakoDialog 2Siska : Good afternoon, Mom.Mother: Good afternoon, Siska.SiskaThanks. Mom, this is Sakti.Sakti :. Good afternoon, Ma'am. Nice to meet you.Mother : Nice to meet you too, Sakti. Please come in.​


S : Halo Robby apa kabarmu ?

R : baik Siska

S : halo sakti , bagaimana kamu melakukannya ?

S : selamat malam Bu

M : Malam Siska

S : ma , ini sakti

S : malam tante. senang bertemu denganmu

M : senang bertemu kamu juga sakti . ayok masuk

9. 2. Mrs. Beni Good afternoon, Sari.1)...................... Sari : 2) ......................Good, thanks. Mrs. Beni : How is your mother? Sari : 3) .................thanks. Mrs. Beni : I have to go now. 4)................ Sari : 5).............​

Jawaban: are you?


3.She good



10. 1.father 05.00 a. m. good morning2.mother 03.30 p. m. ...... ​


1. father 05.00 a.m good morning

2. mother 03.30 p.m good evening


As a differentiator, 00.00-11.59 using AM or ante meridiem. Ante meridiem in Latin means before noon. After 12 noon, the time to enter PM or post meridiem. Post meridiem means after noon

jadikanjawaban terbaik


1. father 05.00 a.m. good morning

2. mother 03.30 p.m. good Afternoon


1. Ayah pukul 05.00 selamat pagi

2. ibu pukul 03.30 selamat sore

Penjelasan:Maaf kalau salah ^_^

11. 2. You are about go to school at 06.15. What would you say to your mother/father? a. Good day. b. Good morning. c. Good noon. d. Good afternoon. C​


b. Good morning soalnya pagi


good day/good morning


good day (hari yang indah)

good morning (selamat pagi)

good noon (pagi mau ke siang [contoh: jam 10-12])

good afternoon (siang-sore [contoh jam 13.00-16.00])

semoga membantu

12. 2. Arrange this words into a good sentence! Is – cookies – my – baking – mother – right now ​


my -mother - is - baking - cookies - right now


My mother is baking cookies right now.


My mother : Ibu saya

Baking : memanggang

Cookies : Kue (lebih dari 1. Cookie semacam kue2 kering kecil. Bukan sejenis kue tart)

Right now : Sekarang

So, the full sentence in Bahasa means :

Ibu saya sedang memanggang kue sekarang.

13. Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph!2. Fakhri: You too, MomMother: Good night honeyFakhri: I played football thisafternoonFakhri: I think so MomMother: Have a sound sleepFakhri: I will go to my bedroomMother: You look really tiredFakhri: Thank you momMother: You must take a rest dear.3. Students: Fine Ma'am, thank youStudents: Good morning Ma'amTeacher: How are you today?Teacher: Good morning, students​

susunannya =
mother : you look really tired
fakhri : i played football this afternoon
mother : you must take a rest dear
fakhri : i think so mom
mother : have a sound sleep
fakhri : i will go to my bedroom
mother : good night honey
fakhri : thank you mom
fakhri : you too mom
teacher : good morning students
students : good morning ma’am
teacher : how are you today?
students : fine ma’am, thank you

14. 1.Arrange the words below into good order.He-roses-his-buys-mother-for2.Arrange the words below into good order.My-hates-mother-dirty-my-socks​


1. He buys roses for his mother.

2. My mother hates my dirty socks.


1. (Dia membeli bunga-bunga mawar untuk ibunya.)

2. (Ibuku membenci kaos kaki kotor milikku).


1. He - roses - his - buys - mother - for

*He buys roses for his mother.

2. My - hates - mother - dirty - my - socks​

*My mother hates my dirty socks.


Arrange words is to rearrange random words so that it becomes the correct sentence.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

15. 1. Tina is leaving mira at 7 pm Tina : Good Night,Mira Mira : ........ Tina : ........ Mira : See You 2. At Diani's House Rina : Good afternoon,Ma'am Diani's mother : ......... Rina : ......... Diani"s mother : oh,please come on Rina : Thank you

Good night, Tina.
See you tomorrow, Mira.

Good afternoon, Rina.

16. re Fill in the blanks with suitable answers 1. Child ; Good evening, Mum ! Mother : Good ...son! How ... you Child :1... ...... fine Mother about ..... class today Child Nice, Mum! Evening are your how am 2. Andi : Good Mum Mother ...... do : Good evening, Andi! you want to Andi I want to TV What watch evening 3. Lisa :I have to to my now Good Mum, Dad Daddy and Mother: night, Lisa bed go good night​

Jawaban Nomor 1

Child : Good evening, Mum!

Mother : Good evening, Son! How are you?

Child : I am fine

Mother : How about your class today?

Child : Nice, Mum!

Jawaban Nomor 2

Andi : Good evening, Mum

Mother : Good evening, Andi! What do you want to do?

Andi : I want to watch TV

Jawaban Nomor 3

Lisa : I have to go to my bed now. Good night Mum, Dad

Daddy and Mother : Good night, Lisa

17. d. Goodbye2. MotherIt's time to go bed, dear!ShandyMoma. See youb. Good nightc. Good byed. Good day2 HeruWhaticroom!​


B.Good night


Karena dikatakan "its time to go bed"

artinya sudah waktunya untuk tidur

18. 1. teacher : good morning class !students : .......2. the headmaster : good afternoon, students! students : .......3. mother. : good night, honey !Mira : .......4. Mr Abdel : good bye ! Miss ana : .......5. Fatih : see you later ! firman. : .......​


1 good morning teacher

2 good afternoon

3 good night

4 good bye

5 see you


1. teacher : good morning class !

students : Good morning, Sir / Ma'am!

2. the headmaster : good afternoon, students!

students : Good afternoon, Sir / Ma'am!

3. mother. : good night, honey !

Mira : Good night, Mom!

4. Mr Abdel : good bye !

Miss ana : Bye, I'll see you tomorrow!

5. Fatih : see you later !

firman. : Okay, see you!


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Greetings (salam) dan Leave-taking (pamit) dalam Bahasa Inggris.


Good morning!

Good afternoon!


Good night!

Bye, I'll see you tomorrow!

Okay, see you!

Semoga membantu ya.

19. (complate dialogue under for number 2-3) 2.dikha :good morning mom Mother:............ 3.dalisha:............ Dikha:i am fine

2.dikha :good morning mom

Mother: good morning dikha

3.dalisha: how are you dikha ?

Dikha:i am fine

mom : goog morning

dalisha : how are you

20. 1.Miss Ani :Good bye,Edo,I must leave you now.Edo :...............,Miss.Take care yourself and see you later.Miss Ani :Sure.Thank you.Edo :..............2.Mother :Good night,Adi.Have a nice dream.Adi :................,Mom.Thank you. see you tomorrow.Mother :See you.​


1. good bye, you're welcome

2. good night


1. Miss Ani : Goodbye, Edo, I have to leave you now.

Edo : yes mis,Take care of yourself and see you later.

Mrs. Ani : Of course. Thank you.

Edo: yes mis,you're welcome.

2. Mother : Good evening, Adi. Sweet Dreams.

Adi : yes, Mom Thank you. See you tomorrow.

Mother: See you.

1.yes mis, yes mis you're welcome


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