Arti Licking

Arti Licking

the cat is licking ..... paw

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1. the cat is licking ..... paw

the cat is licking the paw

2. the cat is licking ........paw​


the cat is licking ..her......paw


the cat is licking her paw

3. cleans - regularly - his fur - Cheeck - himself - by licking. The correct arrangement is ... *

Cheeck regularly cleans himself by licking his fur


cheeck regularly cleans himself by licking his fur

4. It loves me and shows it's love by licking me when I come back fromschool.It sleeps in a small basket near my bed.I love my pet very much and take care of it.Translation:​


It loves me and shows it's love by licking me when I come back from


It sleeps in a small basket near my bed.

I love my pet very much and take care of it.


Ia mencintaiku dan menunjukkan cinta dengan menjilatku saat aku kembali


Ia tidur di keranjang kecil di dekat tempat tidur saya.

Saya sangat menyayangi hewan peliharaan saya dan merawatnya.


It loves me and shows it's love by licking me when I come back from

school artinya Dia mencintaiku dan menunjukkan cinta dengan menjilatku ketika aku kembali dari


It sleeps in a small basket near my bed artinya Ia tidur dalam keranjang kecil di dekat tempat tidurku.

I love my pet very much and take care of it artinya Aku sangat mencintai peliharaanku dan mengurusnya.

5. write down the adjectives!I have a pet cat. its name is winkie. its white and grey in color. it has lovely green eyes. it is very soft and furry. it eats fish and drink milk. it plays with me when i come back from school. it likes to play with ball in the garden. it loves me and shows its love by licking me when i come back from school. it sleeps in a small basket near my bed. i love my pet very much and take care of it​


its white and grey in colorit has lovely green eyes

6. 0/5Bee mouth is includes as ...mouth. *17suckingO lickingbiting and chewingpiercing and sucking​


piercing and sucking


i'm sorry if i'm wrong, cmiiw

7. Apa artiMy cat I have a pet cat . It's name id winkie.It's white and grey in color. It has lovely green eyes. It is very soft and fuury. It east fish adn drinks milk . It plays with me when l come back from scoohl . It likes to play with ball in the garden.Lt loves me and shows it's love by licking me when l come back from school. It sleep on a small basket near my bed . I love my pet very much and take care of it


Kucingku, aku punya kucing peliharaan. Namanya adalah winkie. Warnanya putih dan abu-abu. Memiliki mata hijau yang indah. sangat lembut dan Ramah. Dia memakan ikan dan minum susu. dia bermain dengan saya ketika aku kembali dari sekolah. Ia suka bermain dengan bola di taman. Dia mencintaiku dan menunjukkan cinta itu dengan menjilati saya ketika aku kembali dari sekolah. Dia tidur di keranjang kecil dekat kasurku. Aku sangat mencintai peliharaanku dan mengurusnya


cmiiw , maaf jika ada yang salah, semoga bermanfaat

8. 1. berikut yang termasuk staf artistik dalam pementasan teater kecuali a. asisten sutradara b. penata cahaya c. penata dekorasi d. properti e. penata rias 2. bagian dari babak yang menceritakan satu peristiwa tertentu disebut a. licking b. giat c. gesture d. adegan e. plot

1 asisten sutradara 2 plot

9. It loves me and shows it's love by licking me when I come back fromschoolIt sleeps in a small basket near my bed.I love my pet very much and take care of it.Translation:​


dia mencintaiku dan menunjukkan cintanya dengan cara menjilat ku ketika aku kembali dari sekolah

ia tidur dalam keranjang kecil didekat tempat tidur ku

aku mencintai peliharaan ku dan mengurus nya

10. aloe tomar--lan lan hannhubondoanot permitA HolidayDeShirtin Almate. Aroman forem dan Shintabungan menetre als minanata tartha thousetaatulance Dama Anoman cuenta gouring Chapterminang tandho kanggo Darwe Prime Shorts Aroman tocangan doring ProdajaAnoman dostal during Instapt. Damianosomtayowa Jamlicking toto dati saginganaltan Bahasa Aroma​


Sono cari di google gua nga tau hehe

11. CHANGE THESE ACTIVE VOICE INTO PASSIVE VOICE !! 1. The secretary types all documents 2. The students have been studying accountancy for 2 years 3. He is feeding all the chickens now 4. Mr. Bean has torn the important document angrily5. The dogs were licking the meat happily 6. You must enter the empty house bravely 7. They sent a lot of emails yesterday 8. She should not leave her little boy at home alone 9. We can do the test successfully 10. Miss Universe may spend much money for the holiday

Passive VoiceAll documents are typed by the secretary Accountancy has been being studied by the students for 2 years All the chickens are being fed by him nowthe important document has been torn by Mr. Bean angrily The meat was being licked by the dogs happily The empty house must be entered by you bravely A lot of emails were sent by them yesterday her little boy should not be left by her at home alone The test can be done by us successfully Much money may be spent by Miss universe for holiday



(ubahlah kalimat aktif berikut menjadi kalimat Passive)

Mengubahnya dengan menggunakan Rumus berikut:

A. Present Tense Active: S + V1 (-s/es) + OPassive: O + Be (is/am/are) + V3 + By S

1. The secretary types all documents

=> All documents are typed by the secretary

B. Present Perfect Continuous Active: S + has/have + been + V-ing + OPassive: O + has/have + been + being = V3 + By S

2. The students have been studying accountancy for 2 years

=> Accountancy has been being studied by the students for 2 years

C. Present Continuous Active: S + Is/am/are + V-ing + OPassive: O + is/am/are + being + V3 + By S

3. He is feeding all the chickens now

=> All the chickens are being fed by him now

D. Present Perfect Active: S + has/have + V3 + OPassive: O + has/have + been + V3 + By S

4. Mr. Bean has torn the important document angrily

=> the important document has been torn by Mr. Bean angrily

E. Past Continuous Active: S + Was/were + V-ing + OPassive: O + Was/were + being + V3 + By S

5. The dogs were licking the meat happily

=> The meat was being licked by the dogs happily

F. Obligation, mustActive: S + must + V1 + OPassive: O + must + be + V3 + By S

6. You must enter the empty house bravely

=> The empty house must be entered by you bravely

G. Past Tense Active: S + V2 + OPassive: O + be (was/were) + v3 + By S

7. They sent a lot of emails yesterday

=> A lot of emails were sent by them yesterday

H. Past Future Active: S + should + not + v1 + OPassive: O + should + not + be + V3 + By S

8. She should not leave her little boy at home alone

=> her little boy should not be left by her at home alone

i. Modal (may/can)Active: S + may/can + V1 + OPassive: O + may/can + be + V3 + By S

9. We can do the test successfully

=> The test can be done by us successfully

10. Miss Universe may spend much money for the holiday

=> Much money may be spent by Miss universe for holiday


Passive Voice:

DETAIL JAWABANMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Passive VoiceLevel: SHSKode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5

Kata Kunci: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Present Tense, Present Continuous, Past Future, Past Tense

12. I have a cat. It is Snowy. Snowy is a persian breed. It is small, fluffyA. Balland cute. It has thick white fur. When I (1) ... it, the fur feels soft.Snowy likes to eat fish an drink (2) ... It plays with me when I B. Sleepscome back from school. It likes to play with (3) ... in the garden. It c Cuddlelikes licking me when I come back from school. It (4) ... in a smallbasket near my bed. I love my pet very much.D. MILK​


1. cuddle

2. milk

3. ball

4. sleeps






13. The cat is licking .... own tailA. itB. itsC. themD. it is​


B. its.

The cat is licking its own tail. (Kucing itu sedang menjilat ekornya)

#semoga membantu. :)


kalo menurut

soalnya "cat" =>hanya 1 subjek

bukan "cats" =>lebih dari satu subjek

14. Anthea dash forward, slung Geoffrey onto her back, hauled him home and laid him in front of the fire,licking her lips in anticipation. Geoffrey, revived by the warmth, thought for the moment and then … winningly at Anthea. A.laughed B.smiled C.embarrased D.depressed Tolong Di jawab ya kak



Maaf kalo salah salah ^^

15. A. arrange into good sentences!1. cat - the - licking - is - itself2. tried - I - to - myself - motivate3. This - dewi’s - bag - is 4. beautiful - room - the - director’s - is - very​

1. The Cat is licking itself

2. I tried to motivate myself

3. This is Dewi's Bag

4. The Director's room is very beautiful



1. The cat is licking itself

2. I tried to motivate myself

3. This is dewi's bag

4. The director's room is very beautiful

16. ubah ke kalimat passive voice ya 1. they write letters everyday 2. the teache corrects our homework 3. gathet is licking the door overnight 4. the maid washed our clocks 5. the butcher was selling meat makasih

1. the letters are written by them everyday
2. our homework is corrected by the teacher
3. the door is being licked by gathet overnight
4. our clocks were washed by the maid
5. the meat was being sold by the butcher
1.the letters are written by them everyday
2.our homeworks are corrected by the teacher
3.the door is being licked by gathet overnight
4.our clocks are washed by the maid
5.the meat was being sold by the butcher
semoga membantu^^

17. Terjemahan no parking,no littering,no smoking,no eating and drinking,no licking the flower,no winning,dalam bahasa indonesia.

No parking = Dilarang parkir
No littering = Dilarang buang sampah sembarangan
No eating and drinking = Dilarang makan dan minum
No licking the flower = Dilarang menjilat bunganya
No winning = Dilarang menang (?)

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahhno parking = dilarang parkir
no littering = dilarang membuang sampah sembarangan
no smoking = dilarang merokok
no eating and drinking = dilarang makan dan minum
no licking the flower = dilarang menjilat bunga
no winning = tidak menang

maaf kalo salah,kalo salah di hapus aja >_<

18. then write the correct reflexive pronoun in the blank spaces1.Do you think the doctor can cure itself when he is I'll2.this light is automatic,it switches itself on at night3.The cat stays clean by licking itselfhelp me...thanks

1.No,it is not
2.Yes,it is
3.Yes,it is

Maaf kalau salah

19. The cat is licking ..................A. ThemselvesB. OurselvesC. YourselfD. Itself​


jawabannya yg tepat B


semoga membantu


D. itself


The Cat is licking Itself

20. II. Rearrange the words to make the correct sentences. 1. into - some - postman - just - inserted - letters - The - the - letter - box 2. race - competition - Jamie - the - lead - in - every - always 3. man - mow - The - is- the - using - grass - lawn mower - to - the 4. head - There - a - on - your - is - leaf 5. cat - The - hand - is - its - licking - white 6. can - see - I - a - seasons - of - lot - during - lightning - rainy 7. girl - a - book - borrowing - library - is - at - the 8. perform - A - trick - can - some - magician 9. likes - A - insects - lizard - to - small - eat


1.Some Post man just inserted the letters in the letter box

2.Jamie always lead the race in every competition

3.The Man is using lawn mower to mow the grass

4.There is a leaf on your head

5.The white cat is licking its hand

6.I can see a lot of lightning during rainy seasons

7.The Girl is borrowing book at the library

8.A Magician can perform some trick

9.Lizard likes to eat small insects

ᕙ( • ‿ • )ᕗ

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