Puffs Artinya

Puffs Artinya

4/7 of the puffs that Mr Tan made were curry puffs and the rest were sardine puffs. Mr Tan made 32 curry puffs. How many puffs did Mr Tan make in all ?

Daftar Isi

1. 4/7 of the puffs that Mr Tan made were curry puffs and the rest were sardine puffs. Mr Tan made 32 curry puffs. How many puffs did Mr Tan make in all ?


56 puffs

[tex]32 \times \frac{7}{4 } = 56[/tex]

2. 15. A patient with bronchial Asthma has1-2 puffs, up to a maximum 8 puffs pera.asthmotec ....1 puff each dayb. 1-2 puffs, up to a maximum 8 puffshourperC.twenty four hoursd. 1-2 puffs, up to a minimum 8 puffs perday​

Jawaban: 1-2 puffs, up to a maximum 8 puffs per day (1day equal to 24hours

Penjelasan: klo normal up to max 4 times in 24hours

3. Mrs Lee baked 3 times as many curry puffs as apple pies. After giving away 30 curry puffs, she had twice as many apple pies as curry puffs.How many curry puffs did she bake?​


twenty curry puffs sorry if wrong


20 curry puffs.


smogabantu,...maaf klo slh

jngan lpa like,followdam jadikan jawabantercedas ya owhh iya nanti aku follow back deh

4. The text is .....a. Descriptive b. Narrative c. Eplanation d. News iteme. DiscussionTEXT=A brief summary of Speech ProductionSpeech production is made possible by the specialised movements of our vocalorgans that generate speech sound wavesLike all sound production, speech production requires a source of energy. The source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that comes from the lungs as we exhale. When we breathe normally, the air stream is inaudible. To become .audible, the air stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air stream to vibrate.As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly, chopping up the steady air stream into a series of puffs. Thps puffs are heard as a buzz, but this buzz is still not speechTo produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change shape. During speech, we continually alter the shape of the vocal track by moving the tongue and lips, etc. These movements change the acoustic properties of vocal track, which in turn produce the different sounds of speech. ​


The text is C. Explanation


Explanation Text merupakan suatu teks yang berisi penjelasan yang rinci.

5. I came to San Andreas from Liberty City. My parents are passed away because whole criminals robbed our house and kidnapped them. I was live with my brother, and at a time, my brother dead for lung cancer because he always puffs the lighted cigarettes, like four packs of cigarettes in a day. Because I got nothing and only have a gold from my parents, I decided to sell it and buy some seeds and grow them to get weeds. At a time, there is a criminal group want to buy my weeds and then I sold my weeds. Then, I moved to San Andreas, and now I continued my criminal life and now I live in a small house on Verona Beach. Until now, i am working with drugs and sell it to keep my relationship between other groups.Pertanyaan: Apakah ada Kesalahan dari penulisan cerita diatas? Sperti gramatical mistakes, Spelling mistakes, dll.

Saya coba betulkan ya...

I moved to San Andreas from Liberty City. My parents passed away because some criminals kidnapped them after robbing our house. I lived with my brother and at the same time he died due to lung cancer because he always smoked and spent four packs of cigarretes a day. Because I got nothing but jewelry from my parents, I decided to sell it and bought some seeds and grew them to get weeds. Once there was a criminal group wanted to buy my weeds and I sold it them. Then, I moved to San Andreas and I continued my criminal life. Now I live in a small house on Verona Beach. Until now, I am working with drugs and sell them to keep my relationship with other groups.

6. The Cobbler Turned Doctor A COBBLER unable to make a living by his trade and made desperate by poverty, began to practice medicine in a town in which he was not known. He sold a drug, pretending that it was an antidote to all poisons, and obtained a great name for himself by long-winded puffs and advertisements. When the Cobbler happened to fall sick himself of a serious illness, the Governor of the town determined to test his skill. For this purpose he called for a cup, and while filling it with water, pretended to mix poison with the Cobbler's antidote, commanding him to drink it on the promise of a reward. The Cobbler, under the fear of death, confessed that he had no knowledge of medicine, and was only made famous by the stupid clamors of the crowd. The Governor then called a public assembly and addressed the citizens: "Of what folly have you been guilty? You have not hesitated to entrust your heads to a man, whom no one could employ to make even the shoes for their feet." termasuk text apa

descriptive text

semoga membantu

7. 2. mrs vidya and mrs rina made 180 curry puffs altogether. mrs vidya madetwice as many curry puffs as mrs rina. how many curry puffs did mrs rinamake?​

Mrs. Rina made 60 curry puffs.

8. They are made from billions and billions of tiny water drops in the air they come in many sizes and shapes on some days they blanket the whole sky other time they look like wispy puffs on smoke they are very pretty minta tolong di terjemahkan dalam bahasa indonesia

Mereka terbuat dari miliaran dan miliaran tetes air kecil di udara, mereka datang dalam berbagai ukuran dan bentuk pada beberapa hari mereka menyelimuti seluruh langit di lain waktu mereka terlihat seperti embusan tipis pada asap mereka sangat cantik.

9. Symptomatic treatment of acute asthma attacks 2. Prophylaxis of exercise induced asthma 3. Symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis Side effect: Frequent undesirable effect of ASTHMOEC 100 mcg is: fine tremor of skeletal muscle, nervousness, headache, dizziness, tachycardia, palpitation. Dosage: 1. Acute asthma; 1 puff, 5 minutes later a second dose may be taken (if breathing has not noticeably improved). 2. Induced asthma; 1-2 puffs for each administration, up to a maximum of 8 puffs per day. 3. Bronchial Asthma: 1-2 puffs for each administration, up to 8 puffs per day. 4. For children: should be advised by a doctor. 3. What is the function of writing the text? Answer: 4. How does the product benefit us? Answer: 5. How many side effects are mentioned in the text? Answer: 6. Who is probably allowed to use the medicine? Answer:.. 7. Which patient has to take a second dose if there is no improving of the breathing? Answer:. ............. 8. What can be concluded about the product? Answer:...... 9. Complete the dialogue below. Diana : Have you heard that Desi has been promoted to higher position? Jenny : I think she is a right person in the position. Diana : ..., because her educational background is great and her experience in the field is fantastic Answer:​


3. The function of writing the text is to explain how to use the medicine and what it is contain with

4. The medicine is useful for relieving asthma symptoms

5. 6 side effect

6. People that have asma

7. Patient with acute asma

8. The product really helping people with their asma

9. Yes she is

Semoga membantu...

"Popcorn ist eine Art von Mais, der sich aus dem Kernel ausdehnt und aufbläht, wenn er erwärmt wird.Hauptbestandteil von Popcorn ist Mais.Popcorn ist ein beliebtes Snack-Essen bei Sportveranstaltungen und in Kinos.Popcorn ist von Natur aus Popcorn Hoch in Ballaststoffen und Antioxidantien, kalorienarm und fettarm und frei von Zucker und Natrium. Popcorn ist eine Wahl für diejenigen auf eingeschränkte Diäten "

11. Text 3This text is for questions 8 to 10A brief summary of Speech ProductionSpeech production is made possible by the specialised movements of our vocalorgans that generate speech sound wavesLike all sound production, speech production requires a source of energy. The source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that comes from the lungs as we exhale. When we breathe normally, the air stream is inaudible. To become .audible, the air stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air stream to vibrate.As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly, chopping up the steady air stream into a series of puffs. Thps puffs are heard as a buzz, but this buzz is still not speechTo produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change shape. During speech, we continually alter the shape of the vocal track by moving the tongue and lips, etc. These movements change the acoustic properties of vocal track, which in turn produce the different sounds of speech. 8. The text is .....a. Descriptive d. News itemb. Narrative e. Discussionc. Eplanation 9. We can find the general statement in paragraph ...a. 1 c. 4 d. 1 and 2b. 2 e. 2 and 310. If something is inaudible, you can’t ... it a. eat d. drinkb. cut e. hearc. buy​


8. C. Explanation

9. A. ( 1 )

10. E. Hear

12. Mrs Chiu used 1/2kg of flour to make some cream puffs. Mrs Ng used 4/5kg more flour than Mrs Chiu to make pineapple tarts. How much flour did Mrs Ng use to make pineapple tarts? Give your answer as a mixed number.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Mrs Chiu used 1/2kg of flour to make some cream puffs

Mrs Ng used 4/5kg more flour than Mrs Chiu to make pineapple tarts

Mrs Ng used

½ + 4/5

= 5/10 + 8/10

= 13/10

= 1 ³/10 kg flour for make some puffs

[tex] \frac{1}{2} + \frac{4}{5} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1(5)}{2(5)} + \frac{4(2)}{5(2)} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{5}{10} + \frac{8}{10} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{5 + 8}{10} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{13}{10} [/tex]

[tex]1 \frac{3}{10} [/tex]

[tex]\purple{\boxed{\green{\boxed{\red{\tt{\ \: \red{{ ༻ ã‚·︎XxDAЯКNESSxXツ ༺ }}}}}}}}[/tex]

13. Bantu jawab kak Read the four incomplete sentences and the phrases to their right in each group below. Write the numeral of the sentence beside the phrase that best completes each comparison 1. The children swarmed into the school cafeteria like______ . 2. The garden had a covering of snow as thick as ______ . 3. The girls in their pretty summer dresses looked like ______ . 4. The room was as dreary as ______ . 5. Bill’s mother said she thought the rock music sounded like______ . 6. The sound of the gypsy violins was as soothing as______ . 7. The cloud formations filling the sky looked very much like ______ . 8. She entered the room as silently as______ . 9. They bounced their conversation back a 10.The campers’ lunch disappeared as nd forth like______ . q 11.As the speaker’s voice grated on and uickly as______ . on, it sounded more and more li 12.His necktie was as bright as______ a. the frosting on a wedding cake b. a gray winter day c. a flock of hungry, chirping birds d. butterflies fluttering in a garden e. snow drifting down before dawn f. freight trains hitting headon g. puffs of cotton h. the ripple of waves on the shore i. a squeaky hinge on a rusty gate j. air from a punctured balloon k. a cardinal on a white fence post l. a ping-pong ba


Bacalah empat kalimat tidak lengkap dan frasa di sebelah kanannya di setiap kelompok di bawah ini. Tuliskan angka dari kalimat di samping frasa yang paling melengkapi setiap perbandingan 1. Anak-anak berbondong-bondong ke sekolah

kantin seperti

2. Taman itu tertutup salju setebal

3. Gadis-gadis di musim panas mereka yang cantik


tampak seperti

4. Ruangan itu suram seperti

5. Ibu Bill berkata dia pikir musik rock terdengar seperti_

terlihat sangat mirip 8. Dia memasuki ruangan dengan diam-diam

9. Mereka membalas percakapan mereka

10. Makan siang para pekemah menghilang begitu saja seperti

11. Saat suara pembicara diparut dan segera, itu terdengar lebih dan lebih12.Dasinya seterang

A. hiasan di pernikahan

kue b. hari musim dingin yang kelabu

C. sekawanan lapar, berkicau


D. kupu-kupu beterbangan di taman

e. salju turun sebelumnya


F. kereta barang menabrak kepala

G. sedotan kapas

H. riak ombak di


Saya. engsel berderit pada a

gerbang berkarat

J. udara dari balon yang tertusuk

k. seorang kardinal di tiang pagar putih

I. permainan pingpong

14. 2. The underlined utterance expresses … Gambar Tanpa Teks A. a hope B. an apology C. an inquiry of information D. information 3. I will join the beauty contest this year. … I’ll be the winner. A. Hopefully B. I must wish C. Do I hope D. Well done 4. Acehnese are suffering from aftermath or earthquake and tsunami. … everything will be normal soon. A. Good luck B. I am hoping C. Great D. Do you expect 5. Choose the following sentences which expression of wish … A. I need a nice house B. I would like to have a nice house C. I wish I had a nice house D. I like a nice house 6. The following sentences are expression of congratulations, except … A. I congratulate you on your success B. Nice work C. How poor you are D. That’s great 7. What is the antonym of the underlined word? Gambar Tanpa Teks A. Happy B. Sad C. Bad D. Good 8. We decided to fly … arrive a day earlier. A. for B. in order to C. so that D. so as to Gambar Tanpa Teks A. I agree B. I disagree C. I don’t think so D. No way Gambar Tanpa Teks A. It’s not necessary B. It’s a bad idea C. It sounds good D. It looks easy 11. The sales manager called his client … offer some new products. A. for to B. so that C. for D. to 12. The shop reduced their prices … they could sell more products. A. for B. so that C. in order to D. so as not to 13. The teacher closed his office door … nobody could listen to the conversation. A. so as not to B. in order to C. so that D. for that 14. The underlined utterance show … Gambar Tanpa Teks A. requesting B. disagreeing C. apologizing D. complaint 15. Freda has to leave work early … to go to a doctor’s appointment. A. so that she B. so as to C. in order D. for 16. The underlined word can be replaced by … Gambar Tanpa Teks A. respect B. perform C. commemorate D. provide 17. How much liquid does the POP 1000 contain? Gambar Tanpa Teks A. 100 mg B. 99 g C. 140 ml D. 65 Cal 18. The following are the vitamins in POP 1000, except … A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin B1 C. Vitamin C D. Vitamin E 19. From the label we know that POP 1000 does not contain … A. Carbohydrate B. Vitamin C. Protein D. Energy 20. What is the flavor of the drink? A. Lemon B. Orange C. Guava D. Durian 21. What is the function of writing the text? Gambar Tanpa Teks A. To give a clear information about ASTHMOTEC B. To advertise ASTHMOTEC C. To ask people to take the ASTHMOTEC D. To advise the reader to buy ASTHMOTEC 22. How many side effects are there in the text? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 23. From the text we can conclude that there are … kinds of asthma. A. three B. four C. five D. six 24. A patient with bronchial asthma has ASTHMOTEC … A. 1 puff each day B. 1 – 2 puffs, up to a maximum 8 puffs per hour C. 1 – 2 puffs, up to a maximum 8 puffs per twenty four hours D. 1 – 2 puffs, up to a minimum 8 puffs per day 25. Which patient has to take a second dose if there is no improving of the breathing? A. Prophylaxis B. Children C. Acute asthma D. Bronchial asthma


2. C

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. C

7. (Antonym brarti Sebaliknya misalnya : digambar tersebut ada orng Senang brarti pilih yg B gtuh..)

8. B

9. A

10. B? atau A?

11. D

12. B

13. C

14. (Requesting brarti Saran, disagreeing brarti tidak setuju, apoligizing brarti meminta maaf klo complaint itu seperti orang yg sedang keluhan dengan seseorang)

15. C

16. ?

17. C

18. A

19. A

20. A

21. ? (Tolong Fotoin Gambar²nya ya....)

22. ?

23. B

24. ?

25. B?

15. Mr. Abdul made tuna and curry potato filling for some puffs. of the filling he made was tuna and the rest was curry potato. After he used, kg of the tuna filling and made another kg of curry potato filling, he then had equal amounts of tuna filling and curry potato filling left How much tuna filling did he make at first? Give your answer as a mixed number in its simplest form.A. 2 3/8B. 2 1/8C. 2 7/8D. 2 5/8​


b. 2 1/8

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu

16. promina puffs itu enakan rasa apa ya?​






blueberry ,pisang yang apel strowberry agak asam.

17. Speech production is made possible by the specialized movements of our vocal organs that generate speech sounds waves. Like all sounds production speech productions requires a source of energy. The source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that comes from the lungs as we exhale. When we breathe normally, the air stream is inaudible. To become audible, the air stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air stream to vibrate.As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly, chopping up the steady air stream into a series of puffs. These puffs are heard as a buzz. But this buzz is still not speech. To produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change shape. During speech we continually alter the shape of the vocal tract by moving the tongue and lips, etc. These movements change the acoustic properties of the vocal tract, which is turn produce the different sounds of speech. 16. What does speech production need ?​


source of energy


maaf kalo salah

18. The Cobbler Turned Doctor A COBBLER unable to make a living by his trade and made desperate by poverty, began to practice medicine in a town in which he was not known. He sold a drug, pretending that it was an antidote to all poisons, and obtained a great name for himself by long-winded puffs and advertisements. When the Cobbler happened to fall sick himself of a serious illness, the Governor of the town determined to test his skill. For this purpose he called for a cup, and while filling it with water, pretended to mix poison with the Cobbler's antidote, commanding him to drink it on the promise of a reward. The Cobbler, under the fear of death, confessed that he had no knowledge of medicine, and was only made famous by the stupid clamors of the crowd. The Governor then called a public assembly and addressed the citizens: "Of what folly have you been guilty? You have not hesitated to entrust your heads to a man, whom no one could employ to make even the shoes for their feet." termasuk text apa?

Jenis Descriptive text

19. Text 3This text is for questions 8 to 10A brief summary of Speech ProductionSpeech production is made possible by the specialised movements of our vocalorgans that generate speech sound wavesLike all sound production, speech production requires a source of energy. The source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that comes from the lungs as we exhale. When we breathe normally, the air stream is inaudible. To become .audible, the air stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air stream to vibrate.As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly, chopping up the steady air stream into a series of puffs. Thps puffs are heard as a buzz, but this buzz is still not speechTo produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change shape. During speech, we continually alter the shape of the vocal track by moving the tongue and lips, etc. These movements change the acoustic properties of vocal track, which in turn produce the different sounds of speech. 8. The text is .....a. Descriptive b. Narrative c. Eplanation d. News iteme. Discussion9. We can find the general statement in paragraph ...a. 1 b. 2 c. 4d. 1 and 2e. 2 and 310. If something is inaudible, you can’t ... it a. eat b. cut c. buyd. drinke. hear​


8) A. Descriptive

9) D. 1 and 2

10) E. Hear


8) tentang teks deskripsi

9) Kita dapat menemukan teks penting di paragraf 1 dan 2

10) Ketika sesuatu tidak terdengar kita tidak bisa mendengarnya.

20. They are made from billions and billions on tiny water drops im the air they come in many sizes and shapes on some days they blanket the whole sky other time they look like wispy puffs on smoke they are very pretty minta tolong diterjemahkan dalam bahasa indonesia mksh

Mereka terbuat dari miliaran dan miliaran tetes air kecil di udara mereka datang dalam berbagai ukuran dan bentuk pada beberapa hari mereka menyelimuti seluruh langit lain kali mereka terlihat seperti embusan tipis pada asap mereka sangat cantik.

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