Turf Artinya

Turf Artinya

Sesuatu yang menjadi dasar hukumsetelah Alquran dan hadis adalah ....a. maklumatb. ijtihadc. maslahah mursalahd. Turfe. muslihat​

Daftar Isi

1. Sesuatu yang menjadi dasar hukumsetelah Alquran dan hadis adalah ....a. maklumatb. ijtihadc. maslahah mursalahd. Turfe. muslihat​


B. Ijtihad


Semoga membantu


Semoga membantu ❤️

2. sinomin dariclumpswitheredstileslateisolatedsquelchingshinglespurtingturfwrithingmortuarydefuncthedgeastonishmentspookymuffledhunchedwhacked

clumps - chunk
withered - shriveled
stile - entrance
slate - ballot, roster
isolated - secluded, detached
squelching - squashing
shingle - coast, shore
spurting - oozing, spewing
turf - lawn
writhing - squirming
mortuary - morgue
defunct - extinct
hedge - fence
astonishment - awe
spooky - creepy
muffled - gagged
hunched - stoop
whacked - bashed

3. The SeasonsSpring is a lovely ladyWith flashing eyes of greenHer hair is decked with flowersOf growing things she's QueenSummer's a lively school boyWho loves the sun and surfAnd singing, clowning, and prancingRound the campfire on turfAutumn's hair is goldenAs the leaves begin to fallShe enjoys the fruit of the harvestAnd the mellow light over allWinter's a sleeping giantWho slumbers long and deepWith slow but sure awakeningAnother year to greetTOLONG DI ARTIIN DONG YG BENER YAA MAU DI KUMPUL SEKARANG TERIMS​



Musim semi adalah wanita yang cantik

Dengan mata hijau yang berkedip

Rambutnya dihiasi dengan bunga

Dari menumbuhkan hal-hal dia adalah Ratu

Musim panas adalah anak sekolah yang bersemangat

Siapa yang suka matahari dan berselancar?

Dan bernyanyi, melucu, dan berjingkrak

Kelilingi api unggun di rumput

Rambut musim gugur berwarna emas

Saat daun mulai berguguran

Dia menikmati hasil panen

Dan cahaya lembut di atas segalanya

Musim dingin adalah raksasa yang sedang tidur

Siapa yang tidur panjang dan dalam

Dengan kebangkitan yang lambat tapi pasti

Satu tahun lagi untuk menyapa


maaf kalo salah

4. The Seasons Spring is a lovely lady with flashing eyes of green Her hair is decked with flowersof growing things she's Queen Summer's a lively school boy who loves the sun and surfAnd singing, clowning and prancingRound the campfire on the turfAutumn's hair is goldenas the leaves begin to fallshe enjoys the fruit of the harvestand mellow light over allWinter's a sleeping giantwho slumbers long and deepWith slow but sure awakeningAnother year to greet 1.Who wrote the poem ? 2 How many verses does the poem consist of ?3.Does the poem have ryhmes ?4.What are figure of speech you can find from the poem ? 5.What does the poem tell you about ? 6.What can you learn from the poem ? Help Me ! I Need Your help Thank you !

1. ?
2. 4. verses
3. yes, it does, rhyming is in the second and fourth lines in every stanza.
4. spring, sunmer, autumn and winter refers to a person
5. He uses personification (human form) to describe the seasons, situations vividly..
6 we can learn about t all seasons are good, as good as human's quality.. We don't need to worry about the changing of the seasons because all the seasons are positives..

5. Read the poem below! THE SEASONS Spring is a lovely lady With flashing eyes of green Her hair is decked with flowers. Of growing things she's Queen Summer's a lively school boy Who loves the sun and surf And singing, clowning, and prancing Round the campfire on turf Autumn's hair is golden As the leaves begin to fall She enjoys the fruit of the harvest And the mellow light over all Winter's a sleeping giant Who slumbers long and deep With slow but sure awakening Another year to greet ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS! 1. What is the poem about? 2. Does the writer want to show the good or bad things of the seasons? Give the reason for your answer. 3. How does the writer make you feel as you read the poem? 4. Which season will you think suits you best? Give me the reason!​


1. The Seasons.

2. Good things, because the writer puts a lovely poem about it.

3. By expressing using a person or a special situation.

4. Spring, it has a lovely time and flowers are everywhere, birds are singing and other was playing happily.


1. Dari judulnya kita bisa tau bahwa itu tentang "The SEASONS" atau musim.

2. Dari puisinya memakai kata - kata yang bagus.

3. Di dalam puisinya memakai penggunaan orang atau juga memakai kondisi spesial yang terdapat pada setiap musim.

4. Kenapa Spring adalah karena disana terdapat banyak kebahagiaan.

Semoga bermanfaat, maaf jika salah atau kurang lengkap


jawaban saya adalah









smga bnr..maaf klo sy slh jwb

7. Underline the indirect objects in the following paragraphs!Morg was cross. She was more than cross, she was furious. She had been chosen to mind her little brother, again. Normally she quite liked him, as he stumbled after her on his short legs, babbling in a way that made her laugh, but today there was some-thing much more exciting happening. The men were preparing to go on a hunt. There hadn't been a hunt for months. First there was too much rain and then there was too much work with the harvest. But now the wheat was in and the grain was all stored in pits. The Druid was here, bringing blessings from the gods and medicines for the villagers. So the chief had decided that it was time. Outside the men were gathering and the Druid was chanting. Morg longed to be there.But Morg was not allowed to go. She wasn't even allowed to watch. Her brother was unwell. He had an evil spirit in his chest which was making him cough and cough. He had to stay warm, and to do that, he had to be in the hut. Therefore, while her mother was fetching water, Morg had to stay in the hut too. It was dark in the hut. A warm, rich, thick darkness, lit only by the glow from the fire which burnt in the middle of the room. Later, the fire would be built up so that flames would lick the round black cauldronand heat the stew for the evening meal, but for now turf had been laid on the logs. The fire would stay hot and alive, but would not need to be fed. Morg knew that fires were as ravenous as the wolves she heard howling in the woods at night.Morg could smell the fire and the smell was as familiar to her as the smell of her mother. She could sniff and tell in a moment whether the family were burning ash branches or hazel, hawthorn or coppiced elm. To Morg, it was the smell of home. The glow from the fire lit the face of the boy who lay next to it asleep on the blanket. Morg swept the floor around him savagely. Any crumbs or discarded meat would make food for the rats, and her mother hated rats. Morg decided that today she hated her mother. She knew her mother was anxious about the cough because her sister had coughed in the same way before she had died. That didn't stop Morg from muttering a curse against the unkind-ness that kept her inside the hut. As she said it, she wished she could swallow the words back, but it was too late. She looked around worriedly. Maybe nobody had heard. She chanted a good will incantation, and crossed her fingers.Outside, she heard a hunting horn, loud and sharp across the village. Morg sidled towards the doorway. She could see light through a gap in the planks, but that was not enough. She opened the door a crack. Maybe she could watch them from here? She might just be able to catch a glimpse of what was going on. But she couldn't see anything. The fence that kept in the pigs was blocking her view. She opened the door wider, and an icy blast of wind whipped it out of her hands. It banged crash against the side of the hut. Behind her the fire crackled into life and the baby opened his eyes. Morg did not notice. She fought for control of the door. She wedged it with a stone, so that it still looked closed at first glance. She slid out and across to the corner of the pig fence


8. Underline the indirect objects in the following paragraphs!Morg was cross. She was more than cross, she was furious. She had been chosen to mind her little brother, again. Normally she quite liked him, as he stumbled after her on his short legs, babbling in a way that made her laugh, but today there was some-thing much more exciting happening. The men were preparing to go on a hunt. There hadn't been a hunt for months. First there was too much rain and then there was too much work with the harvest. But now the wheat was in and the grain was all stored in pits. The Druid was here, bringing blessings from the gods and medicines for the villagers. So the chief had decided that it was time. Outside the men were gathering and the Druid was chanting. Morg longed to be there.But Morg was not allowed to go. She wasn't even allowed to watch. Her brother was unwell. He had an evil spirit in his chest which was making him cough and cough. He had to stay warm, and to do that, he had to be in the hut. Therefore, while her mother was fetching water, Morg had to stay in the hut too. It was dark in the hut. A warm, rich, thick darkness, lit only by the glow from the fire which burnt in the middle of the room. Later, the fire would be built up so that flames would lick the round black cauldronand heat the stew for the evening meal, but for now turf had been laid on the logs. The fire would stay hot and alive, but would not need to be fed. Morg knew that fires were as ravenous as the wolves she heard howling in the woods at night.Morg could smell the fire and the smell was as familiar to her as the smell of her mother. She could sniff and tell in a moment whether the family were burning ash branches or hazel, hawthorn or coppiced elm. To Morg, it was the smell of home. The glow from the fire lit the face of the boy who lay next to it asleep on the blanket. Morg swept the floor around him savagely. Any crumbs or discarded meat would make food for the rats, and her mother hated rats. Morg decided that today she hated her mother. She knew her mother was anxious about the cough because her sister had coughed in the same way before she had died. That didn't stop Morg from muttering a curse against the unkind-ness that kept her inside the hut. As she said it, she wished she could swallow the words back, but it was too late. She looked around worriedly. Maybe nobody had heard. She chanted a good will incantation, and crossed her fingers.Outside, she heard a hunting horn, loud and sharp across the village. Morg sidled towards the doorway. She could see light through a gap in the planks, but that was not enough. She opened the door a crack. Maybe she could watch them from here? She might just be able to catch a glimpse of what was going on. But she couldn't see anything. The fence that kept in the pigs was blocking her view. She opened the door wider, and an icy blast of wind whipped it out of her hands. It banged crash against the side of the hut. Behind her the fire crackled into life and the baby opened his eyes. Morg did not notice. She fought for control of the door. She wedged it with a stone, so that it still looked closed at first glance. She slid out and across to the corner of the pig fence.


9. The Seasons Spring is a lovely lady With flashing eyes of green Her hair is decked with flowers Of growing things she's Queen Summer's a lively school boy Who loves the sun and surf And singing, clowning, and prancing Round the campfire on turf Autumn's hair is golden As the leaves begin to fall She enjoys the fruit of the harvest And the mellow light over all Winter's a sleeping giant Who slumbers long and deep With slow but sure awakening Another year to greet 1. what is the poem about 2. what is the describe as : a) queen of the growing things. b) flashing eyes of green. c) autumn's hair is golden 3. does the writer want to show the good or the bad things of the season 4. how does the writer make you feel as you read the poem

1.the poem is about a season
2. a) spring season
b) leaf c) leaves in the autumn season
3. yes, she does

cuma itu yang saya tau maaf kalo salah semoga membantu

10. Carilah verb yang digunakan tulis beserta kalimatnya! B.J. Habibie, in full Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (born June 25, 1936, Parepare, Indonesia), Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician who was president ofIndonesia (1998–99) and a leader in the country’s technological and economic development in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Brilliant in science and mathematics from childhood, Habibie received his postsecondary education at the Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, and furthered his studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–Westphalia in Aachen, West Germany. After graduating in 1960, he remained in West Germany as an aeronautics researcher and production supervisor. Suharto took power as Indonesia’s second president in 1966, and in 1974 he asked Habibie—whom he had known for 25 years—to return to the country to help build advanced industries. Suharto assured him that he could do whatever was needed to accomplish that goal. Initially assigned to the state oil company, Pertamina, Habibie became a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace company in 1976. Two years later he became research minister and head of the Agency for Technology Evaluation and Application. In these roles he oversaw a number of ventures involving the production and transportation of heavy machinery, steel, electronics and telecommunications equipment, and arms and ammunition. Habibie believed his enterprises ultimately would spawn high-tech ventures in the private sector and allow the country to climb the technology ladder. In 1993 he unveiled the first Indonesian-developed plane, which he helped design, and in the following year he launched a plan to refurbish more than three dozen vessels bought from the former East German navy at his initiative. The Finance Ministry balked at the cost of the latter endeavour, while the armed forces thought that its turf had been violated. Nevertheless, Habibie got more than $400 million for refurbishing. Meanwhile, in 1990 Habibie was appointed head of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association, and during the 1993 central-board elections of the country’s ruling party, Golkar, Habibie helped the children and allies of President Suharto rise to top positions, easing out long-standing military-backed power brokers. By the late 1990s Habibie was viewed as one of several possible successors to the aging Suharto. In March 1998 Suharto appointed Habibie to the vice presidency, and two months later, in the wake of large-scale violence in Jakarta, Suharto announced his resignation. Thrust unexpectedly into the country’s top position, Habibie immediately began to implement major reforms. He appointed a new cabinet; fired Suharto’s eldest daughter as social affairs minister as well as his longtime friend as trade and industry minister; named a committee to draft less-restrictive political laws; allowed a free press; arranged for free parliamentary and presidential elections the following year; and agreed to presidential term limits (two five-year terms). He also granted amnesty to more than 100 political prisoners. In 1999 Habibie announced that East Timor, a former Portuguese colony that had been invaded by Indonesia in 1975, could choose between special autonomy and independence; the territory chose independence. Indonesia held free general elections (the first since 1955) in June, as promised. Later that year Habibie ran for president, but he withdrew his candidacy shortly before the October election, which was won by Abdurrahman Wahid. After Wahid took office, Habibie essentially stepped out of politics, although in 2000 he established the Habibie Center, a political research institute.

Brilliant in science and mathematics from childhood, Habibie received his postsecondary education at the Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, and furthered his studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–Westphalia in Aachen, West Germany. After graduating in 1960, he remained in West Germany as an aeronautics researcher and production supervisor.

Suharto took power as Indonesia’s second president in 1966, and in 1974 he asked Habibie—whom he had known for 25 years—to return to the country to help build advanced industries. Suharto assured him that he could do whatever was needed to accomplish that goal. Initially assigned to the state oil company, Pertamina, Habibie became a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace company in 1976. Two years later he became research minister and head of the Agency for Technology Evaluation and Application. In these roles he oversaw a number of ventures involving the production and transportation of heavy machinery, steel, electronics and telecommunications equipment, and arms and ammunition.

Habibie believed his enterprises ultimately would spawn high-tech ventures in the private sector and allow the country to climb the technology ladder. In 1993 he unveiled the first Indonesian-developed plane, which he helped design, and in the following year he launched a plan to refurbish more than three dozen vessels bought from the former East German navy at his initiative. The Finance Ministry balked at the cost of the latter endeavour, while the armed forces thought that its turf had been violated. Nevertheless, Habibie got more than $400 million for refurbishing.

Meanwhile, in 1990 Habibie was appointed head of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association, and during the 1993 central-board elections of the country’s ruling party, Golkar, Habibie helped the children and allies of President Suharto rise to top positions, easing out long-standing military-backed power brokers. By the late 1990s Habibie was viewed as one of several possible successors to the aging Suharto.

In March 1998 Suharto appointed Habibie to the vice presidency, and two months later, in the wake of large-scale violence in Jakarta, Suharto announced his resignation. Thrust unexpectedly into the country’s top position, Habibie immediately began to implement major reforms. He appointed a new cabinet; fired Suharto’s eldest daughter as social affairs minister as well as his longtime friend as trade and industry minister; named a committee to draft less-restrictive political laws; allowed a free press; arranged for free parliamentary and presidential elections the following year; and agreed to presidential term limits (two five-year terms). He also granted amnesty to more than 100 political prisoners.

In 1999 Habibie announced that East Timor, a former Portuguese colony that had been invaded by Indonesia in 1975, could choose between special autonomy and independence; the territory chose independence. Indonesia held free general elections (the first since 1955) in June, as promised. Later that year Habibie ran for president, but he withdrew his candidacy shortly before the October election, which was won by Abdurrahman Wahid. After Wahid took office, Habibie essentially stepped out of politics, although in 2000 he established the Habibie Center, a political research institute.

11. Underline the indirect objects in the following paragraphs But Morg was not allowed to go. She wasn't even allowed to watch. Her brother was unwell. He had an evil spirit in his chest which was making him cough and cough. He had to stay warm, and to do that, he had to be in the hut. Therefore, while her mother was fetching water, Morg had to stay in the hut too.It was dark in the hut. A warm, rich, thick darkness, lit only by the glow from the fire which burnt in the middle of the room. Later, the fire would be built up so that flames would lick the round black cauldron and heat the stew for the evening meal, but for now turf had been laid on the logs. The fire would stay hot and alive, but would not need to be fed. Morg knew that fires were as ravenous as the wolves she heard howling in the woods at night.





Aku cuman tau dua mohon maaf

12. The Seasons Spring is a lovely lady With flashing eyes of green Her hair is decked with flowers Of growing things she's Queen Summer's a lively school boy Who loves the sun and surf And singing, clowning, and prancing Round the campfire on turf Autumn's hair is golden As the leaves begin to fall She enjoys the fruit of the harvest And the mellow light over all Winter's a sleeping giant Who slumbers long and deep With slow but sure awakening Another year to greet A. what is the poem about? B. what is described as : 1. queen of the growing things.................... 2. flashing eyes of green...................... 3. autumn's hair is golden................... c. Does the writer want to show the good or the bad things of the seasons d. How does the writer make you feel as you read the poem INI SOAL ESSAY BUKAN PG !!!!



The põem is about 4 seasons / The seasons




3.Dried leaves


The good things of the seasons


By describing the weather of every seasons in the poem

13. carilah verb yang digunakan tulis beserta kalimatnya! B.J. Habibie, in full Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (born June 25, 1936, Parepare, Indonesia), Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician who was president ofIndonesia (1998–99) and a leader in the country’s technological and economic development in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Brilliant in science and mathematics from childhood, Habibie received his postsecondary education at the Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, and furthered his studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–Westphalia in Aachen, West Germany. After graduating in 1960, he remained in West Germany as an aeronautics researcher and production supervisor. Suharto took power as Indonesia’s second president in 1966, and in 1974 he asked Habibie—whom he had known for 25 years—to return to the country to help build advanced industries. Suharto assured him that he could do whatever was needed to accomplish that goal. Initially assigned to the state oil company, Pertamina, Habibie became a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace company in 1976. Two years later he became research minister and head of the Agency for Technology Evaluation and Application. In these roles he oversaw a number of ventures involving the production and transportation of heavy machinery, steel, electronics and telecommunications equipment, and arms and ammunition. Habibie believed his enterprises ultimately would spawn high-tech ventures in the private sector and allow the country to climb the technology ladder. In 1993 he unveiled the first Indonesian-developed plane, which he helped design, and in the following year he launched a plan to refurbish more than three dozen vessels bought from the former East German navy at his initiative. The Finance Ministry balked at the cost of the latter endeavour, while the armed forces thought that its turf had been violated. Nevertheless, Habibie got more than $400 million for refurbishing. Meanwhile, in 1990 Habibie was appointed head of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association, and during the 1993 central-board elections of the country’s ruling party, Golkar, Habibie helped the children and allies of President Suharto rise to top positions, easing out long-standing military-backed power brokers. By the late 1990s Habibie was viewed as one of several possible successors to the aging Suharto. In March 1998 Suharto appointed Habibie to the vice presidency, and two months later, in the wake of large-scale violence in Jakarta, Suharto announced his resignation. Thrust unexpectedly into the country’s top position, Habibie immediately began to implement major reforms. He appointed a new cabinet; fired Suharto’s eldest daughter as social affairs minister as well as his longtime friend as trade and industry minister; named a committee to draft less-restrictive political laws; allowed a free press; arranged for free parliamentary and presidential elections the following year; and agreed to presidential term limits (two five-year terms). He also granted amnesty to more than 100 political prisoners. In 1999 Habibie announced that East Timor, a former Portuguese colony that had been invaded by Indonesia in 1975, could choose between special autonomy and independence; the territory chose independence. Indonesia held free general elections (the first since 1955) in June, as promised. Later that year Habibie ran for president, but he withdrew his candidacy shortly before the October election, which was won by Abdurrahman Wahid. After Wahid took office, Habibie essentially stepped out of politics, although in 2000 he established the Habibie Center, a political research institute.

Verb = Kata Kerja.

Contoh dalam Passage yang kawan berikan (Verb saya tebalkan):

1.  Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician who was president ofcIndonesia
2. Habibie received his postsecondary education at the Bandung Institute of Technology (Verb 2)
3.  Furthered his studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–Westphalia in Aachen, West Germany (Verb 2)

4.  Suharto took power as Indonesia’s second president in 1966 (Verb 2)
5.  To return to the country to help build advanced industries (Verb 2)
6.  Whom he had known for 25 years (known = Verb 3)

*Catatan: Dalam struktur kalimat yang sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris, Verb biasanya langsung mengikuti Subject.

Sisanya dicari lagi ya!

14. Underline the indirect objects in the following paragraphs! 1. Morg was cross. She was more than cross, she was furious. She had been chosen to mind her little brother, again. Normally she quite liked him, as he stumbled after her on his short legs, babbling in a way that made her laugh, but today there was some-thing much more exciting happening. The men were preparing to go on a hunt. There hadn't been a hunt for months. First there was too much rain and then there was too much work with the harvest. But now the wheat was in and the grain was all stored in pits. The Druid was here, bringing blessings from the gods and medicines for the villagers. So the chief had decided that it was time. Outside the men were gathering and the Druid was chanting. Morg longed to be there. 2. But Morg was not allowed to go. She wasn't even allowed to watch. Her brother was unwell. He had an evil spirit in his chest which was making him cough and cough. He had to stay warm, and to do that, he had to be in the hut. Therefore, while her mother was fetching water, Morg had to stay in the hut too. It was dark in the hut. A warm, rich, thick darkness, lit only by the glow from the fire which burnt in the middle of the room. Later, the fire would be built up so that flames would lick the round black cauldronand heat the stew for the evening meal, but for now turf had been laid on the logs. The fire would stay hot and alive, but would not need to be fed. Morg knew that fires were as ravenous as the wolves she heard howling in the woods at night. 3. Morg could smell the fire and the smell was as familiar to her as the smell of her mother. She could sniff and tell in a moment whether the family were burning ash branches or hazel, hawthorn or coppiced elm. To Morg, it was the smell of home. The glow from the fire lit the face of the boy who lay next to it asleep on the blanket. Morg swept the floor around him savagely. Any crumbs or discarded meat would make food for the rats, and her mother hated rats. Morg decided that today she hated her mother. She knew her mother was anxious about the cough because her sister had coughed in the same way before she had died. That didn't stop Morg from muttering a curse against the unkind-ness that kept her inside the hut. As she said it, she wished she could swallow the words back, but it was too late. She looked around worriedly. Maybe nobody had heard. She chanted a good will incantation, and crossed her fingers. 4. Outside, she heard a hunting horn, loud and sharp across the village. Morg sidled towards the doorway. She could see light through a gap in the planks, but that was not enough. She opened the door a crack. Maybe she could watch them from here? She might just be able to catch a glimpse of what was going on. But she couldn't see anything. The fence that kept in the pigs was blocking her view. She opened the door wider, and an icy blast of wind whipped it out of her hands. It banged crash against the side of the hut. Behind her the fire crackled into life and the baby opened his eyes. Morg did not notice. She fought for control of the door. She wedged it with a stone, so that it still looked closed at first glance. She slid out and across to the corner of the pig fence.

Garisbawahi objek tidak langsung di paragraf berikut! 1. Morg adalah salib. Dia lebih dari sekadar salib, dia sangat marah. Dia telah dipilih untuk memikirkan adik laki-lakinya, lagi. Biasanya dia sangat menyukainya, karena dia menemukan kakinya yang pendek, mengoceh dengan cara yang membuatnya tertawa, tetapi hari ini ada sesuatu yang lebih menarik terjadi. Orang-orang itu bersiap untuk pergi berburu. Tidak ada perburuan selama berbulan-bulan. Pertama ada terlalu banyak hujan dan kemudian ada terlalu banyak pekerjaan dengan panen. Tapi sekarang gandum sudah masuk dan biji-bijian itu semuanya disimpan di dalam lubang. Druid ada di sini, membawa berkah dari para dewa dan obat-obatan untuk penduduk desa. Jadi, sang ketua memutuskan bahwa sudah waktunya. Di luar para pria sedang berkumpul dan Druid sedang melantunkan. Morg ingin berada di sana. 2. Tetapi Morg tidak diijinkan pergi. Dia bahkan tidak diizinkan untuk menonton. Kakaknya tidak sehat. Dia memiliki roh jahat di dadanya yang membuatnya batuk dan batuk. Dia harus tetap hangat, dan untuk melakukan itu, dia harus berada di dalam pondok. Karena itu, ketika ibunya mengambil air, Morg harus tinggal di pondok juga. Gelap di dalam pondok. Suatu kegelapan yang hangat, kaya, tebal, hanya diterangi oleh cahaya dari api yang membakar di tengah ruangan. Kemudian, api akan dibangun sehingga api akan menjilat kuali hitam bulat dan memanaskan rebusan untuk makan malam, tetapi untuk saat ini rumput telah diletakkan di kayu gelondongan. Api akan tetap panas dan hidup, tetapi tidak perlu diberi makan. Morg tahu bahwa kebakaran sama rakusnya dengan serigala yang dia dengar melolong di hutan pada malam hari. 3. Morg bisa mencium bau api dan baunya sama akrabnya dengan bau ibunya. Dia bisa mengendus dan mengatakan pada suatu saat apakah keluarga membakar abu cabang atau hazel, hawthorn atau elm berhurung. Untuk Morg, itu bau rumah. Cahaya dari api menyinari wajah bocah lelaki yang berbaring di sebelahnya tertidur di atas selimut. Morg menyapu lantai di sekitarnya dengan kejam. Setiap remah atau daging yang dibuang akan membuat makanan untuk tikus, dan ibunya membenci tikus. Morg memutuskan bahwa hari ini dia membenci ibunya. Dia tahu ibunya cemas tentang batuk karena kakaknya batuk dengan cara yang sama sebelum dia meninggal. Itu tidak menghentikan Morg dari menggumamkan kutukan melawan kejahatan yang membuatnya di dalam gubuk. Saat dia mengatakannya, dia berharap dia bisa menelan kembali kata-katanya, tetapi sudah terlambat. Dia melihat sekeliling dengan khawatir. Mungkin tidak ada yang mendengarnya. Dia melantunkan niat baik akan mantra, dan menyilangkan jari-jarinya. 4. Di luar, dia mendengar tanduk berburu, keras dan tajam melintasi desa. Morg beringsut menuju ambang pintu. Dia bisa melihat cahaya melalui celah di papan, tapi itu tidak cukup. Dia membuka pintu sedikit. Mungkin dia bisa menontonnya dari sini? Dia mungkin bisa melihat sekilas apa yang sedang terjadi. Tapi dia tidak bisa melihat apa pun. Pagar yang disimpan di babi menghalangi pandangannya. Dia membuka pintu lebih lebar, dan embusan angin dingin mencambuknya dari tangannya. Itu menabrak tabrakan di sisi gubuk. Di belakangnya api berderak menjadi hidup dan bayi itu membuka matanya. Morg tidak memperhatikan. Dia berjuang untuk mengendalikan pintu. Dia menjepitnya dengan batu, sehingga masih terlihat tertutup pada pandangan pertama. Dia meluncur keluar dan menyeberang ke pojok pagar babi.

15. The Seasons Spring is a lovely lady With flashing eyes of green Her hair is decked with flowers Of growing things she's Queen Summer's a lively school boy Who loves the sun and surf And singing, clowning, and prancing Round the campfire on turf Autumn's hair is golden As the leaves begin to fall She enjoys the fruit of the harvest And the mellow light over all Winter's a sleeping giant Who slumbers long and deep With slow but sure awakening Another year to greet -Answer the question : 1. what is the poem about? 2. what is described as : a. queen of the growing things.................... b. flashing eyes of green...................... c. autumn's hair is golden................... - identify the words in the poem that have the following meaning : 3. decorated 4. soft,sweet and pure 5. sleeps peacefully and comfortably

Here is the answer of the questions above:

It is about the four seasons in a year.a. It describes a flower

b. it describes the leaves

c. it describes the falling dried leaves

3. decked

4. mellow

5. slumbers


Here are the explanation for each answer above:

The theme of the poem is just like the title. Each stanza describes each four season.the phrase 'queen of growing things' is a metaphor for a flower which signifies the natural growth of plants; The phrase 'flashing green eyes' definitely is related to leaves whereas, the phrase 'autumn's golden hair' represents the falling yellow leaves mainly taking places in that season.the word 'deck' is actually the synonym of 'decorate'.the word mellow means 'tender, soft and delicate', which is the same as the words mentioned in the question.the word 'slumbers' is the most suitable word to replace 'sleep comfortably'

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang menulis puisi


Materi tentang puisi



Detil jawaban:

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: English

Bab: understanding poem



16. The Seasons Spring is a lovely lady With flashing eyes of green Her hair is decked with flowers Of growing things she's Queen Summer's a lively school boy Who loves the sun and surf And singing, clowning, and prancing Round the campfire on turf Autumn's hair is golden As the leaves begin to fall She enjoys the fruit of the harvest And the mellow light over all Winter's a sleeping giant Who slumbers long and deep With slow but sure awakening Another year to greet A. what is the poem about? B. what is described as : 1. queen of the growing things.................... 2. flashing eyes of green...................... 3. autumn's hair is golden................... c. Does the writer want to show the good or the bad things of the seasons d. How does the writer make you feel as you read the poem




1. it is aboutthefourseansonsinayear.

2.A. it describestheaflouwer

















17. tolong ya kak :) Buatlah sebuah karangan bertema “kebijakan belajar dari rumah”, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut : 1. Karangan ditulis tangan dengan bahasa inggris; 2. Terdiri dari minimal 5 paragraf; 3. 1 paragraf minimal terdiri dari 5 kalimat; 4. 1 kalimat minimal terdiri dari 15 kata; 5. Dalam karangan tersebut mengandung 15 unsur nouns;(digaris bawahi) 6. Dalam karangan tersebut terdapat minimal 5 article (The, A, An), 10 unsur preposition;(digaris bawahi) 7. Jika ada karangan yang sama akan diambil jawaban pengumpul pertama, sedangkan pengumpul selanjutnya hanya mendapat nilai setengahnya; 8. Selamat UTS secara online, semoga kita semua selalu diberi kesehatan dan keselamatan, Aamiin. Example : Homeschooling is lack of violence based on a survey in Mary Pride’s book that stated four to ten children (noun) feared (noun) violence at elementary school (past tense).There are many kinds of violence that can be done by some students in public school such as physical and verbal abuse, turf lines, drug use, and others. The (article) most common types of violence are bullying and fighting that sometimes happen because of verbal abuse or family background (present tense).



Beberapa minggu yang lalu negara kita dihebohkan dengan menyebarnya suatu wabah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus corona. Berawal dari munculnya wabah di salah satu kota di China yang kemudian meluas hingga ke berbagai penjuru dunia. Pada awalnya, saya sendiri tidak begitu antusias melihat penanganan penyakit ini dari negara-negara lain. Tapi ketika melihat Indonesia sudah mulai tertular wabah COVID-19 membuat saya lebih berhati-hati dalam menjaga diri. Oleh sebab itu pemerintah memberikan haluan untuk seluruh siswa belajar di rumah dan melakukan social distancing.

Perintah tersebut tidak ditujukan untuk siswa dan mahasiswa saja, namun seluruh warga termasuk para pekerja dihimbau untuk tetap di rumah. Untuk menyambung ekonomi, para pekerja menerapkan program WFH (Work from Home) agar terhindar dari hubungan sosial di luar rumah sebagai bentuk pencegahan COVID-19 walaupun tidak semua pekerja menerapkan hal ini. Mungkin dengan belajar di rumah memang terlihat menyenangkan, tapi untuk sebagian siswa termasuk saya menganggap belajar di rumah kurang bisa dinikmati karena kita tidak bisa memahami memahami materi secara langsung. Ada beberapa materi bisa dipahami dengan jelas namun tidak semudah ketika diterangkan langsung oleh bapak/ibu guru saat berada di kelas.

Selain itu, banyaknya tugas yang diberikan oleh bapak/ibu guru membuat kebanyakan siswa menjadi keberatan. Mereka masih belum paham materi yang diterangkan namun sudah diminta untuk mengerjakan soal latihan, sehingga saat ini banyak aplikasi bimbel online yang digratiskan untuk menunjang aktivitas belajar siswa. Sistem belajar online yang diterapkan menggunakan google juga aplikasi lainnya untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran, seperti google classroom, zoom, hingga whatsapp. Materi serta tugas pun dikirim secara online melalui aplikasi tersebut. Ada pula beberapa tugas yang diunggah melalui email, google drive atau bahkan diunggah ke akun sosial media. Contoh tugas yang diunggah ke sosial media adalah tugas berupa video. Saya sendiri sebenarnya juga suntuk bila terus berdiam diri di rumah ditambah lagi tugas dan materi yang belum terselesaikan. Tapi di situasi begini kita harus menikmatinya dan menjadi pengalaman baru dalam hidup. Setidaknya saya bersyukur di tengah kondisi luar yang kurang baik ini saya masih diberikan kesempatan untuk tetap belajar jarak jauh.

semoga membantu :>


Maaf klo salah

18. Ada berapa banyak kata kerja ke dua dalam cerita B.j.Habibie ? B.J. Habibie, in full Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (born June 25, 1936, Parepare, Indonesia), Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician who was president ofIndonesia (1998–99) and a leader in the country’s technological and economic development in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Brilliant in science and mathematics from childhood, Habibie received his postsecondary education at the Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, and furthered his studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–Westphalia in Aachen, West Germany. After graduating in 1960, he remained in West Germany as an aeronautics researcher and production supervisor. Suharto took power as Indonesia’s second president in 1966, and in 1974 he asked Habibie—whom he had known for 25 years—to return to the country to help build advanced industries. Suharto assured him that he could do whatever was needed to accomplish that goal. Initially assigned to the state oil company, Pertamina, Habibie became a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace company in 1976. Two years later he became research minister and head of the Agency for Technology Evaluation and Application. In these roles he oversaw a number of ventures involving the production and transportation of heavy machinery, steel, electronics and telecommunications equipment, and arms and ammunition. Habibie believed his enterprises ultimately would spawn high-tech ventures in the private sector and allow the country to climb the technology ladder. In 1993 he unveiled the first Indonesian-developed plane, which he helped design, and in the following year he launched a plan to refurbish more than three dozen vessels bought from the former East German navy at his initiative. The Finance Ministry balked at the cost of the latter endeavour, while the armed forces thought that its turf had been violated. Nevertheless, Habibie got more than $400 million for refurbishing. Meanwhile, in 1990 Habibie was appointed head of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association, and during the 1993 central-board elections of the country’s ruling party, Golkar, Habibie helped the children and allies of President Suharto rise to top positions, easing out long-standing military-backed power brokers. By the late 1990s Habibie was viewed as one of several possible successors to the aging Suharto. In March 1998 Suharto appointed Habibie to the vice presidency, and two months later, in the wake of large-scale violence in Jakarta, Suharto announced his resignation. Thrust unexpectedly into the country’s top position, Habibie immediately began to implement major reforms. He appointed a new cabinet; fired Suharto’s eldest daughter as social affairs minister as well as his longtime friend as trade and industry minister; named a committee to draft less-restrictive political laws; allowed a free press; arranged for free parliamentary and presidential elections the following year; and agreed to presidential term limits (two five-year terms). He also granted amnesty to more than 100 political prisoners. In 1999 Habibie announced that East Timor, a former Portuguese colony that had been invaded by Indonesia in 1975, could choose between special autonomy and independence; the territory chose independence. Indonesia held free general elections (the first since 1955) in June, as promised. Later that year Habibie ran for president, but he withdrew his candidacy shortly before the October election, which was won by Abdurrahman Wahid. After Wahid took office, Habibie essentially stepped out of politics, although in 2000 he established the Habibie Center, a political research institute.


was, received, furthered, remained, asked. advanced, assured, needed, believed, unveiled, developed, helped, launched, became, assigned, bought, balked, armed, violated, got, appointed, announced, named, arranged, began, granted, agreed, allowed, promised, stepped, estabilished, (44 kata) mungkin


maaf kalau salah

19. Underline the indirect objects in the following paragraphs! 1. Morg was cross. She was more than cross, she was furious. She had been chosen to mind her little brother, again. Normally she quite liked him, as he stumbled after her on his short legs, babbling in a way that made her laugh, but today there was some-thing much more exciting happening. The men were preparing to go on a hunt. There hadn't been a hunt for months. First there was too much rain and then there was too much work with the harvest. But now the wheat was in and the grain was all stored in pits. The Druid was here, bringing blessings from the gods and medicines for the villagers. So the chief had decided that it was time. Outside the men were gathering and the Druid was chanting. Morg longed to be there. 2. But Morg was not allowed to go. She wasn't even allowed to watch. Her brother was unwell. He had an evil spirit in his chest which was making him cough and cough. He had to stay warm, and to do that, he had to be in the hut. Therefore, while her mother was fetching water, Morg had to stay in the hut too. It was dark in the hut. A warm, rich, thick darkness, lit only by the glow from the fire which burnt in the middle of the room. Later, the fire would be built up so that flames would lick the round black cauldronand heat the stew for the evening meal, but for now turf had been laid on the logs. The fire would stay hot and alive, but would not need to be fed. Morg knew that fires were as ravenous as the wolves she heard howling in the woods at night. 3. Morg could smell the fire and the smell was as familiar to her as the smell of her mother. She could sniff and tell in a moment whether the family were burning ash branches or hazel, hawthorn or coppiced elm. To Morg, it was the smell of home. The glow from the fire lit the face of the boy who lay next to it asleep on the blanket. Morg swept the floor around him savagely. Any crumbs or discarded meat would make food for the rats, and her mother hated rats. Morg decided that today she hated her mother. She knew her mother was anxious about the cough because her sister had coughed in the same way before she had died. That didn't stop Morg from muttering a curse against the unkind-ness that kept her inside the hut. As she said it, she wished she could swallow the words back, but it was too late. She looked around worriedly. Maybe nobody had heard. She chanted a good will incantation, and crossed her fingers. 4. Outside, she heard a hunting horn, loud and sharp across the village. Morg sidled towards the doorway. She could see light through a gap in the planks, but that was not enough. She opened the door a crack. Maybe she could watch them from here? She might just be able to catch a glimpse of what was going on. But she couldn't see anything. The fence that kept in the pigs was blocking her view. She opened the door wider, and an icy blast of wind whipped it out of her hands. It banged crash against the side of the hut. Behind her the fire crackled into life and the baby opened his eyes. Morg did not notice. She fought for control of the door. She wedged it with a stone, so that it still looked closed at first glance. She slid out and across to the corner of the pig fence.

1.morg was cross.she was more than cross,shewas forious.

20. The SeasonsSpring is a lovel lady with a flashing eyes of green Her hair is decided with flowersof growing things she’s Queen.Summer’s a lively school boywho loves the sun and surfAnd singing, clowning and prancingRound the campfire the turf.Autumn’s hair is golden.As the leaves begin to fallShe enjoys the fruit of the harvestAnd the mellow light over all.Winter’s a sleeping giant. Who slumbers long and deepQuestion:1) What is the poem about?2) What is described as:a) Queen of growing things: ________________b) Flashing eyes of green: __________________c) Autumn’s hair is golden: ________________3) Does the writer want to show the good or bad things of the season?4) How does the writer make you feel as you read the poem?​


1. it's about seasons

2. jawabannya↓️

a) Spring b) Springc) Winter

3. the good things

4. ini kamu coba isi sendiri aja, soalnya nanya tentang gimana perasaan kamu setelah baca puisi terssbut :D!

maaf ya kalau jawabannya salah, terima kasih! ✨

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