From Where The Writer Flew

From Where The Writer Flew

from where the writer flew?​

1. from where the writer flew?​


the writer flew from Denpasar

semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah


the writer flew from Denpasar

2. From where the writer flew


From where the writer flew? (= Dari manakah penulis terbang?)

The writer flew from Denpasar to Makassar. (= Penulis terbang dari Denpasar ke Makassar).


Pertanyaan di atas berdasarkan teks:

One day I flew from Denpasar to Makassar. I went with Kevin and Kathrin. Kevin is the project manager for Cool Radio English and Kathrin is the Program Officer for AuSAID.

Pelajari lebih lanjut teks from where the writer flew pada


3. From where the writer flewtolong dijawab​



4. Where does the writer go


Kemana perginya penulis?

5. where was the writer .....

bahasa indonesia “ dimana penulis ”

6. Answer the question based on the text.a. Where did the writer send the letter from?b .How long did the writer stay here?

1. In Jogya in a hotel that's not far from Maliboro

2. 1 Day

Maaf kalau salah

7. where did the writer go after he went home from school

Kemana penulisnya pergi setelah ia pulang kerumah dari sekolah

8. Where did the writer go?


Kemana penulis itu pergi ?

9. where did the writer study​


bisa diperjelas lagi soal/pertanyaannya kak

10. From where the writer flew?Answer.2. Who is Ajid?Answer: 3 Who is Imas?Answer: 4. Did the writer understand with Bahasa Indonesia?Answer:5. What is the writer feeling when he looked out the window?Answer:secepatnya mau dikumpulll ​


1. from Jakarta to Medan

2. Project Manager for Cool Radio English

3. Program Officer for auSAID

4. No, she didn't

5. a little weak in the knees


1. From jakarta to medan

2. Ajid is the project manager for cool radio english

3. Imas is the Program Officer for AuSAID

4. No the writer dont understand anything about bahasa indonesia

5. The writer feel a little weak in his knees


Semoga membantu

11. jawaban dri from where the writer flew terjemah​


Dari mana penulis terbang


From : Dari

Where : Dimana / mana

Writer : Penulis (pengarang cerita)

Flew : Terbang (verb 2 dari fly)

Semoga membantu

12. arti dari where is the writer from

darimana asal penulis?Dimana si penulis berasal

13. RIDHO Anugrah00/2-9-2020From where the writer flow?who is kevinwho is tha kathrin?Did the writher understand with Bahasa Indonesia ?What is the writher feeling when he looked out the windowAnswer Jawabthe whiter flew from Denpasar to makassar​




ondadin mangolek rasa nya anda menjadi iron man

14. 1.Where does the dialog takes place?2.Where does the writer flew ?​


1. dimana lokasi percakapan tersebut?

2. kemana penulis terbang?

15. Where does the writer live


dimana penulis itu bertempat tinggal?


16. where the writer met adam​


ina: dimana penulis itu bertemu dengan adam


dimana penulis bertemu adam

ini artinya maaf kalau salah

17. 1.what is the last paragrapah about?2.Where did the writer spend his afternon?3.From the text, we know that writer ....​


1. tentang apa paragraf terakhir? 2. Di mana penulis menghabiskan siangnya? 3. Dari teks tersebut kita tahu bahwa penulis ....

18. Where did the writer get the from

Artinya = dimana si penulis mendapatkan formulir itu?

Maaf kalo salah:)

19. Where does The writer study​


itu gk ada bacaannya kah?

Where does The writer study : Dimana penulis belajar?

Beginner writers can join various types of writing platforms. Just choose, there are Wattpad, Sweek, Gramedia Writing Project, and so on. There, novice writers can meet other writers. Try to get along with other writers—you can stop by their writing and leave some constructive comments. Then if you happen to meet a suitable writer, try to approach the writer, then love about the community, etc., if he knows. Who knows that novice writer can =

Penulis pemula bisa bergabung di berbagai jenis platform kepenulisan. Tinggal pilih, ada Wattpad, Sweek, Gramedia Writing Project, dan sebagainya. Di sana, penulis pemula bisa bertemu penulis lainnya. Coba jalin keakraban dengan penulis lain—caranya mampirlah ke tulisan mereka dan berikan komentar yang konstruktif. Lalu kalau kebetulan ketemu penulis yang cocok, coba dekati penulis tersebut, lalu tanyakan tentang komunitas dsb, apabila dia tahu. Siapa tahu penulis pemula itu bisa

20. where did the writer go in the writer vacation ?​


The writer go holiday in the writer vacation


The writer goes on holiday in vacation

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