Dialog Cause And Effect Tentang Bullying

Dialog Cause And Effect Tentang Bullying

Buat dialog cause and effect tentang bullying dua orang?

1. Buat dialog cause and effect tentang bullying dua orang?

Elsa: "Hi ...., Helen, how are you today?

Helen: "not so bad, Elsa.

Elsa '"Do you know why Anton did not go to school since two days ago?

Helen: "According to the information I received, Anton got sick, Elsa.

Elsa: "Can you explain further why he got sick, Helen?

Helen: "Because three days ago when he came home from school with me, he was bullied by third graders to join the student brawl, even he was told by them that he was not a man if he did not join the fight because he was afraid of being bullied again, he Got sick and did not go to school.

Elsa: "It's a pity for him.
We should report everything to the principal.

Helen: "That's a good idea, Elsa.


2. contoh dialog percakapan cause and effect tentang bullying 3 orang​


Contoh dialog cause and effect beserta artinya ini bisa diperagakan oleh beberapa orang dalam role play. Ada banyak text atau percakapan contoh dialog cause and effect 4 orang, dialog cause and effect 5 orang, atau percakapan cause and effect 3 orang atau lebih banyak orang lagi dalam 1 kelompok misalnya. Hal ini akan lebih menarik karean melibatkan banyak orang dalam belajar.

Perlu diketahui bahwa contoh dialog cause and effect singkat beserta artinya ini seyogyanya telah dimulai dengan materi awal Penggunaan Because of, Due to, Thanks to, juga Contoh Soal Causal Conjunction, dan juga Contoh Percakapan Pendek Bahasa Inggris Bermacam Topik. Dengan membaca pelajaran grammar seperti diatas, maka pemahaman kita tentang percakapan sebab akibat dalam bahasa Inggris ini lebih bagus

maaf banget kalo salah saya :)

3. buatlah contoh dialog cause and effect tentang bullying 3 orang​



1. Dita is always bullied by her friends because she is a shy child. 2. because he was late Bagas was pelted with paper in front of the class by his friends. 3. Because of her black skin, Ani is laughed at.

4. tolong buat kan dialog tentang cause and effect of bullying on teenagers please bantu ya besok harus dikumpulkan

Answer:_______Elsa: "Hi ...., Helen, how are you today?
Helen: "not so bad, Elsa.
Elsa '"Do you know why Anton did not go to school since two days ago?
Helen: "According to the information I received, Anton got sick, Elsa.
Elsa: "Can you explain further why he got sick, Helen?
Helen: "Because three days ago when he came home from school with me, he was bullied by third graders to join the student brawl, even he was told by them that he was not a man if he did not join the fight because he was afraid of being bullied again, he Got sick and did not go to school.
Elsa: "It's a pity for him.We should report everything to the principal.
Helen: "That's a good idea, Elsa.

5. dialog cause and effect

me : sorry sir, I come late (effect)
sir adam : why?
me : because my bike has small tire

6. contoh paragraf cause and effect tentang bullying​


Short paragraph about Bullying.

    Bullying is now recognized as a widespread and usually neglected problem in school around the world because it implicates severe consequences for children who initiate the bullying and for those who are victimized by bullies. This is an important issue that won't be solved until parents and teachers address the reasons why children humiliate and intimidate others.

    With the right guidance and training, children can acquire skills to work through their problems instead of managing them by bullying others. In order to provide them with such education and successfully eliminate bullying from schools, we need to determine its causes and effects that school bullying poses on children.

    The effects of school bullying are extensive. From a mental point of view, bullying has a potential to severely impact a child’s self-esteem even years after bullying has stopped. The victims of threatening and intimidating are tend to suffer in anxiety and depression, mainly if the harassment has occurred over the prolonged duration of action (Kelleher).

    Bullying can lead to such psychological effects as low self-esteem, loneliness, and increased potential into illness. These issues may persist into adulthood. It should be recognized that these mental impacts do not stop at the bullied, they also extended to the bullies



    Bullying sekarang diakui sebagai masalah yang tersebar luas dan biasanya diabaikan di sekolah di seluruh dunia karena berimplikasi pada konsekuensi yang parah bagi anak-anak yang memulai bullying dan bagi mereka yang menjadi korban bullying. Ini adalah masalah penting yang tidak akan terpecahkan sampai orang tua dan guru membahas alasan mengapa anak-anak mempermalukan dan mengintimidasi orang lain.

    Dengan bimbingan dan pelatihan yang tepat, anak-anak dapat memperoleh keterampilan untuk mengatasi masalah mereka alih-alih mengelolanya dengan menindas orang lain. Untuk memberi mereka pendidikan dan edukasi sehingga berhasil menghilangkan intimidasi dari sekolah, kita perlu menentukan penyebab dan efek yang ditimbulkan oleh intimidasi sekolah pada anak-anak.

    Efek bullying di sekolah sangat luas. Dari sudut pandang mental, intimidasi berpotensi berdampak parah pada harga diri seorang anak bahkan bertahun-tahun setelah intimidasi berhenti. Para korban ancaman dan intimidasi cenderung menderita kecemasan dan depresi, terutama jika pelecehan terjadi dalam durasi yang berkepanjangan (Kelleher).

    Bullying dapat menyebabkan efek psikologis seperti tidak percaya diri, kesepian, dan peningkatan potensi penyakit. Masalah-masalah ini dapat bertahan hingga dewasa. Harus diakui bahwa dampak mental ini tidak berhenti pada korban intimidasi, tetapi juga berdampak ke pelaku intimidasi.

Cause : sebab
Effect : Akibat/Efek

Maaf cuma bisa kasih translatenya karena perintahnya kurang tepat

7. Tolong kk buatkan dialog tentang cause and effect. menggunakan 2 kata cause dan 2 kata effect dalam satu dialog.​

Noel : Where have you been, Dew? You looked unwell

Dew : I just came back from the nearby mall. Really ?

Noel : Yea, what did happen to you?

Dew : I hurried to leave when the polices were inspecting the mall.

Noel : What did they do? Did you steal any things ?

Dew : You're exaggerating! The police informed me to come home soon due to the coronavirus spread.

Noel : So did I. Yesterday night, some polices asked me to go home when my friends and I gathered in the caffe shop. They told us to keep distancing because it can cut the risk of the coronavirus infection.

Dew : Let me know, why didn't you wear a face mask? It's vulnerable to get infected because of your carelessness

Noel : I left it at house because I was rushed to take my order in the bakery.

Dew : Listen to what I say. You must protect your self, boost your immune by taking some vitamins since it can keep you healthy. As the result of the great death rate, our government warns the society to apply the social distancing.

Noel : Yea, we must obey the government's rule for it's a good way to protect people from this deadly outbreak


Cause and effect, kalimat yang terhubung adanya keterangan sebab akibat dengan bantuan frasa, seperti :

Due to, because of, because, owing to, therefore, since, as, for, as the result dan sebagainya.

Dalam penulisan frasa cause and effect diatas terdapat perbedaan. Frasa-frasa diatas pada umumnya tertulis dengan diikuti oleh kata kerja ataupun kata benda.

Berikut ini signal phrase yang harus diikuti dengan noun/noun phrase :

Because of, owing to, due to, as a result of

Pattern :

Signal phrase + noun/noun phrase


The students don't come to school because of the coronavirus impact

↪Signal phrase : because

↪Cause : the coronavirus impact

↪Effect : The students don't come to school

Berikut ini signal phrase yang harus diikuti dengan clause/verb phrase :

Because, since, as, for

Pattern :

Signal phrase+S+verb


He stayed in the hospital several weeks for he was infected by the coronavirus

↪Signal Phrase  : for

↪Cause : he was infected by the coronavirus

↪Effect  : stayed in the hospital several weeks



Noel: Kemana aja kamu, Dew? Kamu kelihatan nggak sehat.

Dew: Sy baru aja balik dari mal terdekat. Yakin ??

Noel: Ya, apa yang terjadi padamu ?

Dew: Sy buruan pulang ketika para polisi sedang memeriksa mal.

Noel: Apa yang mereka lakukan? Apakah kamu mencuri beberapa barang?

Dew: Kamu berlebihan deh! Polisi ngabarin ke sy untuk segera pulang karena penyebaran coronavirus.

Noel: Saya juga. Kemarin malam, beberapa polisi meminta sy pulang ketika teman-teman saya dan saya berkumpul di warung kopi. Mereka mengatakan kepada kami untuk menjaga jarak karena dapat mengurangi risiko infeksi coronavirus.

Dew: Ngomong-ngomong, kenapa kamu nggk pakai masker, sih? Ini sangat rentan terkena infeksi karena kecerobohanmu sendiri.

Noel: Saya meninggalkannya di rumah karena saya tergesa-gesa mengambil pesanan saya di toko roti.

Dew: Dengerin sy. Kamu harus melindungi diri sendiri, meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dengan mengonsumsi beberapa vitamin karena dapat menjaga kesehatanmu. Sebagai dampak dari tingkat kematian yang luar biasa, pemerintah kita memperingatkan masyarakat untuk menerapkan jarak sosial.

Noel: Ya, kita harus mematuhi aturan pemerintah karena itu cara yang baik untuk melindungi orang dari wabah mematikan ini

1) Signal phrase : due to

Cause : the coronavirus spread

Effect : to come home soon

2) Signal phrase : because

Cause : cut the risk of the coronavirus infection.

Effect : to keep distancing

3) Signal phrase : because

Cause : in hurry

Effect : Left it at house

4) Signal phrase : because of

Cause : carelessness

Effect : vulnerable to get infection

5) Signal phrase : since

Cause : it can keep you health

Effect :You must protect your self, boost your immune by taking some vitamins

6) Signal phrase : As the result of

Cause : the great death rate

Effect : our government warns the society to apply the social distancing.

7) Signal phrase : for

Cause : it's a good way to protect people from this deadly outbreak

Effect : obey the government's rule


Learn more about :

Cause and effect




Grad         : XI

Subject     : English

Category  : Sentence structure, Expression

Code         : 5

Categorization : 11.5.6

Keywords   : cause, effect, because, because of, owing to

8. contoh dialog cause and effect

Anny was running in the forest very fast, she didnt pay attention to the road and then slipped on a branch
Cause: Anny wasn't paying attention to the path
Effect: Annu slipped on a branch

9. Dialog cause and effect global warning


Situation: Jesica is at Samantha’s house. They will do their assignment.

Situasi: Jesica di rumah Samantha. Mereka akan mengerjakan tugas mereka.

…………….. the bell is ringing

…………….. Bel berdering

Jesica: Excuse me.

Jesica: Permisi.

Samantha: Hi, Jesica. You are always on time. Come in, please.

Samantha: Hi, Jesica.Kamu selalu tepat waktu. Silahkan masuk.

Jesica: Thank you, Sam.

Jesica: Terima kasih, Sam

Samantha: Please sit down. I’ll bring you a cup of tea.

Samantha: Silahkan duduk. Aku akan membawakan kamu secangkir teh.

Jesica: With the ice cubes, please.

Jesica: Dengan es batu, ya.

Samantha: Roger that.

Samantha: Baiklah.

…………….. later

…………….. kemudian

Samantha: Here you are.

Samantha: Ini.

Jesica: Thanks. Do you know, Sam? It’s so hot outside.

Jesica: Terima kasih. Apakah kamu tahu, Sam? Sangat panas di luar.

Samantha: Yes, I know that. It’s an effect of Global Warming.

Samantha: Ya, aku tahu itu. Ini efek dari Pemanasan Global.

Jesica: Yeah. I agree with you. It’s caused by the greenhouse effect.

Jesica: Ya. Aku setuju dengan kamu. Ini disebabkan oleh efek rumah kaca.

Samantha: Yeah. That’s why we have to save the earth from the greenhouse effect.

Samantha: Ya. Itu sebabnya kita harus menyelamatkan bumi dari efek rumah kaca.

Jesica: Do you know, Sam? I came here with my bicycle. That is another way to save the earth from the greenhouse effect, isn’t it?

Jesica: Apakah kamu tahu, Sam? Aku datang ke sini dengan sepedaku. Itu merupakan cara lain untuk menyelamatkan bumi dari efek rumah kaca, kan?

Samantha: That’s good, Jesica. Cycling can reduce the volume of carbon dioxide.

Samantha: Itu bagus, Jesica. Bersepeda dapat mengurangi volume karbon dioksida.

Jesica: Don’t cut the trees but planting the trees.

Jesica: Jangan memotong pohon-pohon tetapi menanam pohon-pohon.

Samantha: Yes, I agree with you. Let’s see the picture of Global Warming.

Samantha: Ya, aku setuju dengan kamu. Mari kita lihat gambar Pemanasan Global.

Jesica: People can be killed by the greenhouse effect.

Jesica: Orang dapat terbunuh oleh efek rumah kaca.

Samantha: Yes, you’re right. Now, let’s do the assignment in my room because there is an air conditioner in my room.

Samantha: Ya, kamu benar. Sekarang, mari kita kerjakan tugas di kamarku karena ada AC di kamarku.

Jesica: Okay.

Jesica: Oke.

Samantha: Follow me, please.

Samantha: Ikuti aku.

Jesica: After you.

Jesica: Silahkan.

10. contoh dialog cause and effect

A : Hi
B : Hello
A : Hey did you watch tv last night ?
B : Nope. Why ?
A : There's said about DRUGS !
B : What ? drugs ?
A : Yes ! And it said there's much thing cause effect if we consume drugs. Example : Brain disorders
B : Really ?
A : Of Course
B : I think from now we must be careful
A : Yeah you're right

11. Dialog cause and effect tentang covid 19

Jawaban:It's a dialogue between a mom and her little daughter:

Daughter: Mom, why does everyone wearing a mask now?

Mom: Because of the coronavirus outbreak everyone must wearing a mask. It would help us from catching the virus.

Daughter: Is coronavirus dangerous, Mom? My teacher said we should stay at home and learning from home too.

Mom: Yes, It's dangerous and contagious, so everyone should follow the rule, wash your hands regularly, social distancing, wearing a mask when you go out, stay at home and only go outside when necessary.

Daughter: Yes, that's what my teacher has said too.

Penjelasan:Hubungan antara cause and effect dalam bahasa Indonesia sehari-hari disebut hubungan sebab akibat.

'A cause' memiliki hubungan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan 'an effect.' Kita tidak bisa menyebutkan bahwa suatu kalimat adalah 'a cause' jika kalimat tersebut tidak memiliki 'an effect'.

Secara singkat definisi masing-masing sebagai berikut:

CAUSE adalah alasan sesuatu hal bisa terjadi (the reason for something happening)

EFFECT adalah what happened (apa yang terjadi)

CAUSE & EFFECT adalah menjelaskan mengapa sesuatu terjadi

Untuk menghubungkan cause dan effect digunakan signal words, diantaranya:

due to



because of




1. Because of his illness, Barry has resigned from his job

CAUSE pada kalimat diatas adalah his illness

EFFECT-nya adalah Barry has resigned from his job

Signal word yang digunakan adalah because of (diikuti noun)

2. Andi didn't pass the exam because he didn't study well.

CAUSE pada kalimat diatas adalah didn't study well

EFFECT-nya adalah Andi didn't pass the exam.

Signal word yang digunakan adalah because (diikuti oleh verb)

3. I slept late last night so I am sleepy now.

CAUSE pada kalimat diatas adalah sleep late

EFFECT-nya adalah I am sleepy now.

Signal word: so

12. Cause and effect dialog tentang ulang tahun ​


☆゚.*・。゚contoh dialog

✯ A: Hey, guys! Do you have any plans for the weekend?

(Hai, kawan-kawan! Apakah kalian ada rencana di akhir pekan ini?)

✯ B: Not really, why?

(Tidak sebenarnya, kenapa?)

✯ C: Me neither.

(Aku juga tidak)

✯ D: I don’t have any plans either. Why?

(Aku juga tidak punya rencana. Kenapa?)

✯ A: I want to invite you guys to my birthday party this weekend! In case you guys forgot, I’m turning 18 this week. So my parents will throw me a pretty big party on a fancy restaurant near Kemang Street. Would you guys be able to come?

(Aku ingin mengundang kalian ke pesta ulang tahunku di akhir pekan ini! Jika kalian lupa, aku akan bertambah umur jadi 18 tahun minggu ini. Jadi orang tuaku akan membuat pesta besar untukku di restoran mewah dekat jalan Kemang. Apakah kalian akan bisa datang?)

✯ C: Oh my god! Of course we remember it’s your birthday this week. What time will it be?

(Ya ampun! Tentu saja kami ingat bahwa ulang tahunmu minggu ini. Pukul berapa pestanya akan dimulai?)

✯ A: I think it will start around 7 PM? It will be just a dinner party.

(Sepertinya pestanya akan mulai sekitar pukul 7 malam? Ini hanya akan menjadi pesta makan malam)

✯ B: I’m pretty sure I can go at 7 PM. Is it on Saturday or Sunday?

(Aku cukup yakin bahwa aku bisa pergi pukul 7 malam. Apakah itu pada hari Sabtu atau Minggu?)

✯ A : It’s on Sunday. If you guys want to come, I’ll send you the electronic invite to your email.

(Pestanya hari Minggu. Jika kalian ingin datang, aku akan mengirimkan kalian undangan elektroniknya ke email kalian)

✯D: Of course I want to come! Your birthday sounds like it will be such a blast.

(Tentu saja aku ingin datang! Pesta ulang tahunmu sepertinya akan sangat seru)

✯ A: I hope so! Okay then, I will send the invite to your email. See you later guys! And there’s no obligation for you to bring a gift!

(Aku berharap begitu! Baiklah kalau begitu. Aku akan mengirimkan undangannya ke email kalian. Sampai jumpa nanti, semuanya! Dan tidak ada kewajiban untuk kalian membawa kado!)


semoga membantu

maaf jika ada kesalahan mengetik

jangan lupa kasi jawaban tercerdas

13. cause and effect of flooding,corruption,and bullying on teenagers

Penyebab dan akibat banjir,korupsi,dan bullying pada remaja.

14. contoh dialog cause and effect

A: Do you know why flying balloon can fly?
B: No. I don't know, tell me why.
A: Flying balloon can fly because the balloon is filled in with gas that is lighter        than the air. When the total weight of the balloon and the gas inside the              balloon is lighter than the air around it (for the same volume), then the balloon will fly.
A: Almost the same thing happen with the flying balloon that can carried people.  The air under the balloon is heated so that it is hot. When the air is hot it becomes lighter than the air around it that is not heated, as a result the balloon will fly. 

15. Write down the cause and effect about bullying

Write down the cause and effect about bullying artinya tulikan penyebab dan efeknya intimidasi.

Semoga membantu yaa...........some effect of bullying:
Low self-confidence, depression, sleep disorders, frequent crying, bed-wetting, some school problem, rage, poor appetitie
some causes of billying:
1. want to get notice
2.like having power over there peers
3. having problem in home
4. think it's cool and funny
5. aggressive personality
6. ect

16. contoh dialog cause and effect dan artinya

Gabby : Hi Jes, what is happening? Why are you crying? (Hai Jes, apa yang sedang terjadi? Kenapa kamu menangis?).

Jessica : You know Mathew, don’t you? (Kamu tahu Mathew kan?)

Gabby : Yes i know him. Your boyfriend, isn’t it? (Ya aku tahu dia. Pacarmu kan?)

Jessica : Yes but not anymore. He walked out on me without any reason. (Ya, tapi udah enggak lagi. Dia meninggalkan aku tanpa alasan).

Gabby : Oh my God, if i were you, i would slap his face. (Ya Tuhan, kalau aku jadi kamu, aku akan nampar muka dia).

Jessica : How can i slap his face? He hasn’t contacted me for a week already and he’s just gone! If i knew where he was, i would talk to him. (Gimana caranya nampar muka dia? Dia sudah tidak menghubungi aku selama satu minggu dan dia cuma menghilang gitu aja! Kalau aku tahu dia dimana, aku akan bicara padanya).

Gabby : Oohh poor you. I am sorry to hear that. (Kasian. Aku turut bersimpati).

Jessica : Thanks Jes. (Terima kasih Jes).

17. Contoh dialog cause and effect

A : Hi
B : Hello
A : Hey did you watch tv last night ?
B : Nope. Why ?
A : There's said about DRUGS !
B : What ? drugs ?
A : Yes ! And it said there's much thing cause effect if we consume drugs. Example : Brain disorders
B : Really ?
A : Of Course
B : I think from now we must be careful
A : Yeah you're right

18. Cause and effect dialog tentang homework

Cause and Effect - Dialog

Topic: Homework

Ali: Bella, can I ask your help please?

Bella: Sure, Ali. What happened?

Ali: Yesterday, my mother was sick so I had to take care of her in the hospital. As a result of it, I didn’t finish my Math homework. If you don’t mind, could you teach me how to answer some of the hard questions?

Bella: Of course! Maybe today after school?

Ali: Sounds good! Thanks a lot Bella.

Bella: No worries.


Untuk mengungkapkan cause and effect dalam bahasa Inggris, kita menggunakan signal words berikut:

due tobecause ofowing tothanks toas a consequence ofas a result ofbecausesinceasfor

Nah, untuk menunjukan cause and effect dalam kalimat ada dua jenis yakni yang diikuti kata benda (followed by noun) dan yang diikuti kata kerja (followed by verb).

Followed by noun

Signal word/phrase + Cause + Effect

Effect + Signal word/phrase + Cause

Due to Jen’s laziness, she didn’t pass the Math test.

Signal phrase: Due toCause: Jen’s lazinessEffect: She didn’t pass the test

He was sick as a consequence of his ignorance.

Signal phrase: As a consequenceCause: His ignoranceEffect: He was sick

Followed by verb

Signal word/phrase + Cause + Effect

Effect + Signal word/phrase + Cause

Because Jen was lazy, she didn’t pass the Math test.

Signal phrase: BecauseCause: Jen was lazyEffect: She didn’t pass the Math test

As he ignored his health, he will be sick.

Signal word: AsCause: He ignoredEffect: He will be sickPelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang cause and effect:



___________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMA kelas XI

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Complex sentence - clause of reason and purpose, Building sentences

Kata kunci : Cause and effect, Dialog

Kode : 11.5.6

Cause and Effect

Lana and Ben are classmates. They are having a conversation on Monday morning before the flag ceremony in their school yard.

Lana: Hi, Ben! Are you alright? You look a bit pale.

Ben: Hi, Lana. I lack of sleep so I feel tired but I'm fine. Thanks!

Lana: Why? Did you go hiking again last weekend?

Ben: No, I didn't. I couldn't go anywhere due to a lot of homework and the upcoming test. Last week, Arfan was punished because he did not submit the homework. I don't want to get the same punishment.

Lana: Oh, I see. I worked on those homework one at a time long before the deadline. As a result, I do not have to stay up late to finish them the last minute.  

Ben: Yes, you are right. I should do that next time. Thanks for your advice.

Lana: You are welcome.  Let me know if you need any help. Good luck!

Ben: Thank you.


Cause and Effect Relation

Cause secara sederhana diartikan sebagai alasan atau motif seseorang melakukan sebuah tindakan. Dalam kata lain, cause adalah alasan mengapa sesuatu terjadi. Effect diartikan hasil atau akibat dari sebuah tindakan. Contohnya:

It rained very hard so I got wet.

Cause = It rained.

Effect = I got wet.

Dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk menyatakan cause and effect digunakan signal words sebagai berikut:

due toas a result of because of                              as a consequence of                       +                  Nounowing to thanks to  

because since                                                +                   Verbas for

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Materi tentang cause and effect tentang Flooding https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14317959

2.Materi tentang contoh dialog cause and effect https://brainly.co.id/tugas/10266367


Detil Jawaban

Kelas : 11

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Complex sentence - clause of reason and purpose, Building sentences

Kata kunci : Cause and effect , reason, impact, dialogue

Kode : 11.5.6

19. cause and effect of flooding,corruption,and bullying on teenagers

translatenya "sebab dan akibat banjir, korupsi, dan intimidasi terhadap remaja"

20. dialog cause and effect tema kelulusan​


(In campus)

chika: Hallo Andi!!!

Andi: Hallo chika,long not to see you

Chika: yes andi, I miss yau so much

Andi: how are yau chika?

chika: I am fine,how about you?

andi: I am Really,I hear you hafe graduated,right?

chika: that's right!

andi: WOW! congratulation chika!

chika: thakyau so much andi,how about you?

andi: Nex month I will graduate

chika: waw! that's great

andi: thanks


moga membantu :D

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