translet in to indonesia in accordance with the international security
1. translet in to indonesia in accordance with the international security
ke indonesia sesuai dengan keamanan internasional
Sesuai dengan keamanan internasional.
2. In accordance with the text above Mr. Dadi is an ... in economics. *
In accordance with the text above Mr. Dadi is an teacher in economics. *
3. The online enrollment system (be) in accordance with thecentral government’s instruction.
the online enrollment system is in accordance with the central government's instruction.
4. arti dari ANNOUNCEMENTIn accordance with the international securityregulations, the following items are never allowed to betaken into a plane by passengers, either in their carry onbags or in their checked luggage: weapons, includingknives and guns; explosives, including dynamite and
Sesuai dengan keamanan internasional
peraturan, barang-barang berikut tidak pernah diizinkan
dibawa ke pesawat oleh penumpang, baik dalam perjalanan mereka
tas atau di bagasi terdaftar: senjata, termasuk
pisau dan senjata; bahan peledak, termasuk dinamit dan
5. Proceedoceed tremendous cancel in accordance with unforeseen registratiin fee stadium a first come basis reserved approval
Proceed tremendous cancel in accordance with unforeseen registration fee stadium a first come basis reserved approval.
Terjemahan :
Pembatalan dahsyat (yang telah diproses) dalam penyesuaian dengan biaya pendaftaran tak terduga, berdasarkan persetujuan pendatang (yang telah lebih dulu datang) yang sudah memesan
Ok agak gajelas tapi sepertinya karena penyusunan kata Bahasa Inggris nya yang kurang tepat. Kata stadium itu gangerti apa faedahnya ditaro disitu.
Kalau ini jawaban terbaik, jangan lupa ditandai yaa
Semoga membantu.
6. What Is The Impact of consuming drugs not in Accordance with the rules? tolong bantu jawab ya!:)
damage internal organs
7. mention 3 attitudes and behaviors that are in accordance with the norms of pancasila?
1. Always pray to God, do His order, and avoid His Prohibition (divine norm (norm of divine)/norma ketuhanan)
2. keep and maintain harmony and peace in society (norm of unity /norma persatuan kesatuan)
3. not indiscriminately towards others (norm of justice/norma keadilan)
8. Buatkan kalimat dari kata cancel stadium approval proceed in accordance with unforeseen a firs come back tremendous registration fee reserved beserta artinya
Kalimat adalah gabungan kata-kata yang mempunyai makna/arti. Dikatakan sebuah kalimat jika terdiri, dari subjek (subject), predikat (verb), objek (object), dan pelengkap (compliment). Kalimat paling sederhana cukup hanya terdiri dari subjek dan predikat saja.
PembahasanBuatkan kalimat dari kata-kata berikut ini!
cancel, stadium , approval, proceed , in accordance with, unforeseen, a firs come back , tremendous, registration fee, reserved.
1. She has to cancel the meeting. (Dia harus membatalkan rapat tersebut)
2. I neet to go to stadium now. (Saya perlu pergi ke stadion sekarang)
3. Every students has to have their parents' approval to join this trip. (Setiap siswa harus memiliki izin orang tua untuk ikut bergabung dalam perjalanan ini.)
4. you must to proceed to that gate. (Kamu harus berjalan ke gerbang itu.)
5. In accordance with the rules, every one should uses uniform every workday . (Sesuai peraturan, setiap orang harus menggunakan seragam pada hari kerja)
6. This is such an unforeseen news for every body. (Ini merupakan berita tak terduga untuk semua orang.)
7. she is a first come back from the journey. (Dia adalah yang pertama kembali dari perjalanan tersebut.)
8. The tremendous disaster happened in my province. (Bencana yang dasyat telah terjadi di provinsiku)
9. You can give you registration fee to your English teacher. (Kamu bisa menyerahkan biaya pendaftarannya pada guru bahasa Inggris.)
10. He is a reserved boy. (Dia adalah anak laki-laki pendiam.)
Kalimat-kalimat tersebut hampis seluruhnya susun menggunakan simple present tense dan sebagiannya menggunakan modal.
Simple present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini. Simple present tense dibentuk dari verb-1 (present tense) berupa kata kerja biasa yang menunjukkan aksi atau keadaan, atau berupa verb “to be” (is, am, are). Verb-1 merupakan bare infinitive dengan tambahan -s atau -es (kecuali verb to be) khusus untuk subject berupa singular noun (seperti: Tita, book) atau third person singular pronoun (seperti: she, he, it); atau tanpa tambahan apapun untuk subject berupa plural noun (seperti: boys, men, books) atau plural pronoun (seperti: we, they), pronoun I/you, atau compound subject dengan kata hubung “and” (seperti: you and I, Tina and Ratih).
Ketika menggunakan be, is digunakan pada subject berupa singular noun dan third-person singular pronoun; are pada plural noun, plural pronoun dan you; sementara am pada I.
Rumus simple present tense
(+) Subject + verb 1 (+ s/es) + object/complement
(+) Subject + to be (am/is/are) + adjective/adverb noun
1. I use social media
2. She is very polite and kind
(-) Subject + do/does not + verb 1 + object/complement
(-) Subject + to be (am/is/are) + not + adjective/adverb/noun
1. They do not use social media
2. She is not very polite and kind
(?) Do/does + subject + verb 1 + object/complement?
(?) To be (am/is/are) + subject + adjective/adverb/noun?
1. Does he use social media?
2. Is she polite and kind?
Modal merupakan salah satu di antara kata kerja bantu (auxilarry verbs) adalah modals. Ini terdiri dari boleh, mungkin), shall (akan), will (akan),can (bisa), must (harus, pasti), could (bisa), have to (harus), might ( may (boleh, mungkin), should (sebaiknya, seharusnya), would (akan), ought to (sebaiknya, seharusnya), dan had better (sebaiknya).
Berbeda dengan have to dan ought to. Karena dari HAVE TO dan OUGHT TO mengandung to, jadi tetap harus menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama setelah kedua modals tersebut.
• You ought clean your room. (salah)
• You ought to clean your room. (benar)
• You have type faster (salah)
• You have to type faster. (benar)
Pelajari lebih lanjut:1. Materi tentang simple present tense
------------------------------------------- Detil JawabanKelas: 7
Mapel: B.Inggris
Bab: Simple present tense
Kode: 7.5.3
Kata Kunci: Kalimat, simple present tense, modal
9. One of the following sentences is in accordance with the text above.
where is the text above?
10. these plans are in accordance with the regulation required by the authorities in sinapore and the
karena soal tdk lengkap, sy akan menerjemahkannya. These plans are in accordance with the regulation required by the authorities in singapore and the = tanaman2 ini menurut peraturan yg dibutuhkan oleh kebijakan2 singapura.
11. Rosa enjoyed studying sciences in high school... she decided to major in biology in college A. however B. In spite of C. In accordance D. Therefore E. Because
semoga membantu
maaf kalau salah♡
12. Buatlah Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Kata : -An Approval -Proceed -In Accordance With -Unforeseen -a First-come Basis -Tremendous -a Registration Fee -Reserved
Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh kalimat bahasa inggris menggunakan kata-kata tersebut.
1. An approval
I need an approval from my boss before I leave work early. (Aku membutuhkan persetujuan dari atasan sebelum pulang kerja lebih awal)
2. Proceed
From now on, we must proceed with caution. (Mulai sekarang, kita harus lebih berhati-hati untuk mengambil langkah selanjutnya)
3. In accordance with
The party was canceled, in accordance with the apartment rules. (Pestanya dibatalkan sesuatu dengan aturan apartemen)
4. Unforeseen
Sometimes unforeseen accidents would happen. (Terkadang kecelakaan yang tak terduga dapat terjadi.)
5. A first-come basis
Zumba sessions have a limited number of participant, we encourage you to book in advance as it is required on a first-come basis.(Sesi zumba memiliki peserta yang terbatas, kami anjurkan Anda untuk memesan tempat terlebih dahulu karena diperlukan dalam sistem kedatangan yang pertama.)
6. Tremendous
My grandfather has a tremendous amount time since he is retired. (Kakek saya memiliki banyak waktu sejak ia pensiun.)
7. Registration fee
Every new students needs to pay a registration fee of Rp200.000,00. (Setiap murid baru harus membayar biaya pendaftaran sebesar 200 ribu rupiah.)
8. Reserved
I’m sorry sir but I have to inform you that all the tables are reserved. (Maaf pak, tapi saya harus menginformasikan bahwa semua meja telah dipesan.)
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang building sentence:
_____________________________Detil JawabanKelas : SMA
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Building sentence
Kata kunci : Vocabulary
13. Change the sentences in the previous task into negative or interrogative in accordance to the symbols given.TRANSLATE YANG BENAR
Ubahlah kalimat pada tugas sebelumnya menjadi negatif atau interogatif sesuai dengan simbol yang diberikan.
ubah kalimat pada tugas sebelumnyamenjadinegatifinterogatifsesuaidengansimbolyangdiberikan
semoga terbantu ^^
14. Match the paragraphs with their topics and put number 1 tp 6 in accordance with sequence of the passage above* Died and hunting prey* Identification* Classification* Conservation* Speed * Life cycle
Died and hunting prey : Cheetahs are carnivores... (paragraph 4)
Identification : Cheetahs are members of the cat family... (paragraph 1)
Classification : Cheetahs are often mistaken for leopards... (paragraph 2)
Conservation : Cheetahs are now en endangered species... (paragraph 6)
Speed : The animals have muscular and powerful bodies... (paragraph 3)
Life cycle : Female chetaahs give birth... (paragraph 5)
15. Pros and cons about why the government requires students to learn in accordance with the progress of technology!
why government requires students to learn in accordance with the progress of technology
pros :
in this era the advance of techlogy is so fast, that's why the advance should followed by our educational program so that we can know how far the technology advance and how do we can compete it. meaning of technology is The purposeful application of information in the design, production, and utilization of goods and services, and in the organization of human activities. the technology using by students for learn such Computer, Gadget, Smarthphone, etc that connected by internet. by internet students can search the information quickly, easy and cheap. they can use some program or application to solve the task or homework.
cons :
the advance of technology have no limit, one of that was internet. that's why we should be carefull when access or using the internet because unlimited information served by internet. we know that access of internet quick, easy, cheap. but the fact is so many students missuse the internet such view the porn videos or cheating when solve the task in the school, focusing playing game or social media when in the class, and reduce the concern for the social environment
16. Buatlah Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Kata : -An Approval -Proceed -In Accordance With -Unforeseen -a First-come Basis -Tremendous -a Registration Fee -Reserved
In order to make sentences first, we need to search the meaning of each word, open your dictionary and search for the words.
PembahasanBerikut ini contoh kalimat dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan kata yang telah ditentukan dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia.
An Approval : The governor currently has an approval rating of over 65 per cent. (Gubernur saat ini memiliki tingkat persetujuan lebih dari 65 persen)Proceed : Passengers for Seoul should proceed to Gate 32 for boarding. (Penumpang untuk tujuan Seoul harus melanjutkan ke Gate 32 untuk naik ke pesawat).In accordance with : The music was turned off at midnight, in accordance with the rules. (Sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku, musik dimatikan pada tengah malam). Unforeseen : Due to unforeseen circumstances, the concert has been cancelled. (Karena keadaan yang tidak terduga maka konser dibatalkan)A First-Come Basis : The ticket will be given on a first-come basis. (Tiket akan diberikan berdasarkan kedatangan).Tremendous : It costs a tremendous amount of money. (Ini membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar)A Registration Fee : All the conference participants need to pay a registration fee of $ 400. (Semua peserta konferensi harus membayar uang registrasi sebesar $400.Reserved :These seats are reserved for special guests. (Kursi ini disediakan untuk tamu istimewa).Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
Detil tambahanKelas : 9
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Vocabulary
Kode : 9.5.4
Kata kunci : create sentences, vocabulary
17. please explanatory text to back of the volcano complete and in accordance with the sequence text structure
The volcano is a powerful force in nature.
First, heat from beneath the earth’s surface melts solid rock into a white hot mixture of gas and a liquid called magma. The gas-filled magma is lighter than the unmelted rock. This causes the magma to rise toward the surface, melting gaps in the rock as it rises. Then the magma enters the magma chamber. Since a region of magma would be hardened after a past eruption, the magma continues to push and melt its way upward. It pushes through channels of weak, fractured rock consisting of hardened magma. Eventually, the magma and gas push up to the top of the volcano and blast up through an opening called the central vent.
Volcano eruptions can be shocking and dangerous events which may cost lives or cause damage to buildings.
Red - introductory statement Yellow - technical vocabulary Orange - connectives Green - present tense Blue - third person pronouns Violet - conclusion statement that sums up ideas
18. no ngasal In accordance with the text above Mr. Dadi is an ............... in economics. * a applicant b costumer c User d Lecturer e Expert
Mr dadi is an lecturer in economics
19. 1. which of these statement in accordance with the text above a. there is sugar in the product b. suitable for baby c. store in 30 degree Celciusd. no menthol in this product
Penjelasan:ada di contains (A)
20. Translite,legal assistance that is not inaccordance with applicable legalprovisions or obstruition of justic
bantuan hukum yang tidak ada dalam persetujuan / ketentuan hukum yang berlaku atau tindak pidana yang menghalangi proses hukum
semoga benar dan membantu!
legal assistance that is not in accordance whit apllicable legal provision or obstruition of justic
bantuan hukum yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku atau halangan hakim
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