Contoh Soal Essay Greeting Card Dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Essay Greeting Card Dan Jawabannya

Buatlah 5 soal essay tentang greeting card beserta jawabannya

1. Buatlah 5 soal essay tentang greeting card beserta jawabannya

Saya hanya bisa 3 saja

Gibran :"Hi,Nini good morning"
Answer : Nini :"Good morning.
Loli:"Hi,Lala Good Afternoon"
Answer:Lala:"Good afternoon"
Gogo:"Hi,Nia Good night"
Answer: Nia:"Good night"

Semoga Membantu : )

2. Buatlah 5 soal essay dari greeting card

1. Buatlah satu buah greeting card || 2. Apa yang dimaksud greeting card? || 3. Apa syarat terbuatnya greeting card? || 4. Manfaat greeting card? || 5. Ciri-ciri greeting card?

3. buat 2 jenis greeting cards kemudian buat 4 soal dan jawab berdasarkan greeting card yang kalian buat soal essay ya​


Card 1.

Dear Sophia,

Happy birthday, Sophia. You're 17 years old now. I wish you happiness and joy. Let's be friends forever.




1. Who write the card?

2. What is the purpose of the card?

3. How old is Sophia now?

4. What does the writer wish for her friend?

Card 2.

Dear Ben and Laura,

Congratulations on your newborn baby. I've seen the picture and he's such a cute baby boy. I wish him to be as smart as his father and as kind as his mother. Can't wait to see you guys soon.

Your cousin,



1. Who is the recipient of the card?

2. What is the purpose of the card?

3. Is it a baby girl?

4. what is the relationship between the writer and the recipient?


semoga bs membantu~

4. contoh text greeting card+soal+jawaban

dear lisa
i heard that you were hospitalized. so sad to see you in bed. i wish you'll be better soon may you would be back to your spirit

your friend, lucy

soal :
the writer wrote the text to........
jawaban :
to exprees her simpathy

5. contoh soal greeting card 5 soal pilihan ganda

good afternoon good luck

6. contoh soal greeting card 5 soal pilihan ganda

dear Lena,
happy birthday my friend Lena 12th.hopefully long life,always feel happy,and wish you all the best. I promise i will give you a gift.

you're friend,

1. who write this greeting card?
a.Laurent b.Lena c.Laurent's mom d.Lena'ssister

2. what for this greeting card?
a.congratulation b.welcom c.happy birthday d. good bye

3. who this greeting card send?
a.Laurent b.Lena c.johnny d.Dog

maaf cuma 3 soal

7. Contoh greeting card dan 5 soal serta jawaban

Dear Wulan,

Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May today success be just the beginning of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the challenge is waiting for you in the college. Nevertheless, I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!

Your best friend,
1. The purpose of the text above is ....
A. To persuade someone
B. To entertain someone
C. To congratulate someone
D. To invite someone
answer (b)

2. What has Wulan done?
A. Won the contest
B. Passed the college entrance exam
C. Invited Fitri to his celebration day
D. Graduated from University
answer b

Read the following text to answer questions number 3 and 4.
Happy Mother's Day

Your smile brightens each day just as the morning rays shines on the hills and it’s with doubt that this gives us the courage to face the new day with joy.
3. To whom the card is sent?
A. Mother
B. Father
C. Grandmother
D. Grandfather
answer (a)

4. "... with doubt that this gives us ..." The underlined word has similar meaning to ....
A. Belief
B. Uncertainty
C. Selfish
D. Wealthy

Read the following text to answer questions number 5

Congratulation on your success in winning the badminton competition this year, Roni. It was a tough competition. We are so proud of you. We knew you would make it. We wish you the best always.

5. What do the students of VIII A say to complement their friend?
A. It was a tough competition
B. Winning the speech contest this year
C. We are so proud of you
D. We wish you the best always

8. contoh soal greeting card tentang mendapatkan sekolah bagus

To : Laura

Congratulations Laura! you are accepted in the best senior high shcool!

From : Arin

semoga bisa membantu ya ^^

9. contoh soal greeting card 5 soal pilihan ganda

Contoh soal" greeting card
"Get your succes always and do your best".
Send my regard to your parents and your sister,Rani.
Yours Truly
1.When should we send the card....
A.After January
B.At the end of december
C.At the end of January
Jawabannya( A)
2.Salsa is the........of the card?
3.Who got the card....

10. 10 contoh soal greeting card

1.congratulations, you can get a general rank in school. we will always support your friends...

2. congratulations, you have won the race, once again congratulations.

3. congratulations, you can enter junior high school in Makassar seed.

4. congratulations, you could be the winner of the cooking competition between cities.

5. congratulations, with your birthday this time. hopefully getting smarter, better, dutiful to parents.

11. contoh soal greeting card

Gambar ada ada di file :)

1. What is the genre of the text?
    a. Short Message
    b. Greeting Card
    c. Letter
    d. Notice

2. From the text we know that Fachri...
    a. get a medal for the best student
    b. is the best student at school
    c. graduates from high school
    d. got five for his test

3. "...please step forward..."
   a. come to the from
   b. move back
   c. one step to the left
   d. stand in line

4. "...when your name is called as the best...."
     your refers to.....
     a. Fachri
     b. Uncle Farhan
     c. Student
     d. Uncle Fachri

5.  The opposite of best...
     a. worse
     b. better
     c. nice
     d. good


greeting card itu kartu ucapan!
contohnya : memberikan selamat kepada tmn mu yang mendapatkan juara lomba melukis
, memberikan ucapan kepada oran yang ulang tahun ,

13. contoh soal greeting card ​


Greeting card is a card with a picture and a message that you send to somebody to congratulate them on a special occasion


Greeting Card Adalah sebuah kartu ucapan

14. Buatlah 5 soal essay dari greeting card beserta jawaban nya

1. who sent the greeting card?
2. why the writer sent the greeting card?
3. what relationship between the sender and the receiver?
4. what will the receiver do after receive the greeting card?
5. from the greetinga card we can conclude that?


1. tony sent the greeting card
2. to congrats dion on his success get a gold medal on a football tournament
3. bestfriend
4. he will reply it and say thank you for the greeting card.
5. we can conclude that dion was a champion of football tournament cause he got a gold medal

15. contoh 7 soal greeting card

Jawaban :
--Greeting Card--
1) Who is the recepient of the card?
==> Yohan
2) Who is the sender?
==> Tito
3) Who is Yohan?
==> Tito's best friend
4) What is the purpose from writing the card?
==> To congratulate Yohan for became the top rank in his class
5) What is Tito's message to Yohan?
==> He said "Continue your talent!"
6) What does Tito feel to Yohan?
==> He feels proud
7) Why Tito congratulate Yohan?
==> He became the top rank in his class

Semoga membantu^^

16. 10 contoh soal greeting card

kurang jelas pertanyaan mu

17. Buatlah contoh birthday greeting card dan graduation greeting card ?

ITU CONTOHNYA ................................................................... maaf banyak titiknya soalnya minimal 20 huruf

18. contoh invitation card dan contoh greeting card


invitation card


Dear Jelita.

Please, come to singing class on Tuesday,

June 4th 2015 in our college

at 13.30 p.m. until 15.00 p.m.

I will wait you!


2.Greeting card

To my beloved mom,

Happy mother’s day!

I’m so blessed for having super mother like you,

You are my inspiration and thank a lot for everything that you’ve done

19. contoh text greeting card+soal+jawaban

Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Muammar Jumran It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home. Congratulations on your new home May your new place give you …. Warmth, happiness and lots of joy! Your sincerely Mr. and Mrs. Iswahyudi 1. From the text we can say that Mr. and Mrs. Muammar Jumran have just …a new house. A. sold B. built C. bought D. moved into =C 2. What is Mr. and Mrs. Anwar Sidiq‟s purpose for sending the card? A. To congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Muammar Jumran for their moving into a new house. B. To give warmth and happiness for Mr. and Mrs. Muammar Jumran's house. C. To ask Mr and Mrs. Muammar Jumranto come to their house. D. To help Mr. and Mrs. Muammar Jumran build anew house. = A

20. 1. what is greeting card? (apakah yang dimaksud dengan greeting card?) 2. what is the purpose of greeting card? (apakah tujuan dari greeting card?) 3. mention the kinds of greeting card! (sebutkan jenis-jenis greeting card!) 4. what are the generic structure of greeting card? (apa saja struktur dari greeting card?) 5. please make an example of greeting card! (buatlah sebuah contoh greeting card!) kak tolong bantu jawab

1. A greeting card is a special type of card for welcoming/ congratulating someone
2. The purpose for greeting cards are for welcoming, celebrating, or congratulating someone
3. Birthday cards, welcome cards, anniversary cards, congratulations card and many more
- Receiver, which is the person whose gonna receive the card
- Body, which is the main part of the card
- Sender, which is the person who wrote and sent the card
Dear, [name]

Happy Birthday to you, I wish all the best for you, I hope you get your best gifts and best wishes, I love you.

- your friend, [name]

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