Percakapan Present Continuous Tense

Percakapan Present Continuous Tense

Carilah present progressive tense atau present continuous tense (+) (-) (?) pada setiap percakapan. ​

Daftar Isi

1. Carilah present progressive tense atau present continuous tense (+) (-) (?) pada setiap percakapan. ​


she's turning on the music loudly she's not turning on the music loudly

is she turning on the music loudly?

everybody is staying outside

everybody isn't staying outside

is everybody staying outside?

I'm trying to concentrate

I'm not trying to concentrate

are you trying to concentrate?

am I trying to concentrate?

I'm studying history for the test tomorrow

I'm not studying history for the test tomorrow

are you studying history for the test tomorrow?

am I studying history for the test tomorrow?

2. percakapan tentang simple present tense,present continous tense dan present continuous. tapi percakapannya digabung jadi satu conversation

A : B, does your mother likes cookies?
B: Yes, she really likes cookies. But, the most is she likes cakes.How about your mother?
A : She likes pudding and cakes.And now she is baking a cake in my house.
B : Wow, it looks like your mother good on cooking.
A : Yes, she really likes cooking and baking. How about your mother?
B : She don't really like cooking. But, she likes books and magazine. 
A : Really ? I love book.Can I go to your house to borrow some books from your mother?
B : Of course.. 
A : By the way,what is your mother doing now?
B : My mother is reading a novel.
A : Wow great.. Your mother likes novel too..
B : She likes all of the genre on novel, but the most is my mother likes a dramitic novels. 

3. Buatlah 1 contoh dialog percakapan present perfect continuous tense!(minimal ada 5 kalimat present perfect continuous tense dalam percakapan)​


ya membantu ko sangat membantu

4. Percakapan verbal sentences menggunakan simple tense (present, past, future) continuous tense (present, past, future) perfect tense (present, past, future)


Ranz  : good morning Niana, whats up? we are long time no see.

Niana: oh morning Ranz. spectacular. wanna hear something amazing?

Ranz  : what's that? let me know

Niana: finally, i got my scholarship.

Ranz  : wicked, really? oh may god, what a lucky girl you are. congratulation Niana, iam happy for you.

Niana: thank you Ranz, by the way what are you doing here?

Ranz  : it's sunday, so i just accompany my mother to get some food

Niana: so how about your new position in your office? is that good to be a manager?

Ranz  : its more than good, more than what i've thought before, that is amazing. i've to attend many conference around this world which is that was my dream , i mean my bigest dream since i was kid.

Niana: waw, iam happy for you Ranz. now i know, no matter how difficult the way, we will pass it well and succeed to reach our seccees.

Ranz  : true that, for sure.

Niana: oh god, i almost forget it.

Ranz  : whats going on?

Niana: i will move to Canada for my scholarship at Friday, i hope you can join my small party, we just gonna dinner and maybe you wanna say good bye to me hahaha.

Ranz  : don't worry. i'll come. btw, i think my mother is done, so i'll go. see you Niana, Byee

Niana: oke, See you at Friday Ranz, Byee

semoga membantu ya..


5. 2. Present continuous tense: Past continuous tense Future continuous tense​


Present continuous tense:

Dirga is watching movieDirga is not watching movieis Dirga watching movie?

Past continuous tense:

Last night, I was watching youtube Last night, I was watching youtube Last night , was I watching youtube?

Future continuous tense:

naufal will be watching in lippo plaza Next monthnaufal will not be watching in lippo plaza next monthwill naufal be watching in lippo plaza next month?



padaPresent continuous tensejika:




pada Past continuous tense jika:

pada Past continuous tense jika:was menggunakan I,SHE,HE, & IT

pada Past continuous tense jika:was menggunakan I,SHE,HE, & ITwere menggunakan YOU,THEY, & WE


6. AN Task 3 Observe the pictures and write what are/were/will be they doing! 1. Present continuous tense: Past continuous tense Future continuous tense : 2. 3. 4. Present continuous tense: Past continuous tense Future continuous tense Present continuous tense: . Past continuous tense : Future continuous tense : Present continuous tense: Past continuous tense Future continuous tense :​

present future continuous tense past continuous tense future continuous

7. Buatlah percakapan dengan menggunakan tenses present continuous tense​


A: hello Vicky , what are you doing?

B: i am watching the TV.

A: oh really? what are you watching?

B: i'm watching the horror film.

A: can i watch it too?

B: for sure!

A: Thanks!!


semoga membantu, semangat ✨

8. Apa persamaan antara present continuous tense, past continuous tense, present perfect tense, dan present perfect future tense


Persamaannya adalah bahwa mereka termasuk tenses

9. Buatlah dialog percakapan yang terdapat simple present tense, present continuous tense dan present perfect tense didalam dialog tersebut :) terimakasih mohon di bantu :)


jay : hello marie!

marie: oh hey jay, long time no see.

jay: yeah. by the way how have you been ?

marie : not bad and you?

jay: me too.

marie : what are you doing here jay?

jay : just looking for some fresh air. and you?

marie : im waiting for my friend here.

jay : oh where is your friend?

marie : she buys some snacks over there.

jay : oh sounds good. can i have sit here?

marie : sure!

maaf klo ada kekurangan ya hehehe

10. Jelaskan perbedaan past tense, past continuous tense, present tense, dan present continuous tense.​


Past tense : kata yang menunjukkan pada kala lampau

Past continuous tense : kata yang menunjukkan kejadian atau aksi yang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau

Present tense : kata yang menunjukkan pada masa sekarang

Present continuous tense : kata yang menunjukkan kejadian atau aksi yang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa sekarang

Perbedaannya di kata past dan present ingat ya bahwa past artinya masa lampau atau dulu sedangkan present artinya masa sekarang

11. tolong buatlah percakapan dari simple present tense,present continuous tense dan present perfect tense digabung jadi satuterimakasih :)​


God bless the world of the people of America and america in this situation where we can only hope to see you as the best in your world to know that this will not happen again

12. Present Continuous Tense/Past Continuous Tense/Futire Continuous Tense​


2. Present continuous tense

3. Past continuous tense

4. Past continuous tense

5. Future continuous tense

6. Future continuous tense

13. contoh percakapan present continuous tense singkat 6 baris Jangan ngasal ya


Aldi: Hello Vania! How are you?

Vania: Hi Aldi, I'm good. what about you?

Aldi: Yeah, me too. What are you doing there?

Vania: I'm helping my mom to prepare her birthday party tonight. Would you like to join?

Aldi: Obviously! But, now I am going to pick up my sister at school. So, see you tonight!

Vania: Well, bye! See you!

semoga membantu yaa

14. contoh percakapan present continuous tense dan artinya

. Contoh Percakapan Present Continuous Tense antara 2 Orang tentang Ujian

Pernah ngobrolin tentang ujian dengan temanmu? Topik ini sering banget ada dalam sebuah contoh percakapan dengan seorang teman.

Contoh ini dilakukan oleh 2 orang. Mereka adalah Anggi dan Harmoni. Harmoni menelepon Anggi menggunakan hp ibunya karena hp Harmoni kehabisan daya batre.

Harmoni nelpon Anggi karena ia merasa kesulitan menghapal materi Sain. Padahal mereka bakal ujian besok pagi. Harmoni khawatir kalau ia akan gagal dalam ujian nanti.

Anggi menenangkan Harmoni. Ia memberi saran untuk memahami materi, bukan menghapal materinya. Tiba-tiba Anggi teringat sesuatu. Apa kira-kira yang diingat oleh Anggi? Bagaimana Anggi membantu temannya? Yuk kita cek jawabannya dalam contoh percakapan Present Continuous Tense.

Anggi:Hello. Anggi is speaking. Who is it?Harmoni:Hello Anggi. I’m Harmoni.Anggi:Oh, Harmoni. Are you using somebody’s phone? This isn’t your phone numbers, right?Harmoni:No, it isn’t. I am using my mother’s phone. My battery is running out. By the way, what are you doing?Anggi:Oh, I’m studying right now. We are having Science examination tomorrow morning. Do you forget it?Harmoni:Of course not. That’s why I am calling you now.Anggi:Oh, what’s up? Is there anything I can help?Harmoni:Owh, I do not know where to start learning. These are difficult materials. I am trying to remember all things. I have been reading the Science books five times. But I cannot remember almost all of them. I am afraid that I will fail the exam.Anggi:Keep calm, Harmoni. You cannot concentrate at the same time you’re worrying about the failure. Start from the easiest material. One more, you should not memorize all things. Try to understand them.Harmoni:Yeah, I think so. I will try to understand those materials.Anggi:O yeah, I am just remembering something. I have some Science videos. I have watched all of them. Those videos give me clear explanation about Science. I think you should watch them too.Harmoni:Oh, that sounds great.Anggi:I am in front of my computer now. I am sending the links of the videos to your email. Check them out.Harmoni:Wow, thanks, Anggi. You’re saving my life!Anggi:Oh, don’t mention it. Good luck on the exam tomorrow. Bye.Harmoni:U too. Bye.

15. cerita bahasa inggris mencakup simple present tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense

I am Sarah. My full name is Sarah Lau Smith. I am a second grade student of Junior High School. I am 14 years old. My birth day is on July 5.

In my family, I am the second child. I have an older brother named Nathan and one younger sister named Grace. My mother is from China and my father is from Australia. We live in Indonesia.

My family and I love pets. We have some pets at home, namely five fish, one dog and two cats. Nathan love cats and I love dogs. Our cats and dog are like friends. They never fight.

In the future, I want to be a veterinarian. I want to help animals to survive and live longer. I like watching their unique behaviors.  They are all beautiful creatures. I love animals.

16. buatkan dialog ttg present continuous tense! 3 percakapan! 2 orang!

david : hey dave, how are you?
dave : i'm fine, thanks. what about you?
david : same here. dude, what are you doing?
dave : im collecting my old books.
david : i see.. what does it for?
dave : i'm studying all over from the beginning. im going to make a good start.
david : well then, good luck! im going now
dave : thanks david. wait, im going to close the door. im making a stack of book now.

richard = hello,what areyou doing here
alex     = oh , richard i'm looking for a map
richard = oh, i see . excuse me,where can i get tip-ex

alex     = maybe some where over there.oy youd better ask the shop keeper

richard  = alright , then thankyou

alex = your are welcome

17. buat 2 percakapan sederhana dengan 2 pertanyaan dan 2 balasan dengan menggunakan simple present tense dan satu present continuous tense.


hy jon lagi apa

lagi santuy

lha lagi apa

lagi ddk

18. ubah ke kalimat present continuous tense,present perfect tense,present perfect continuous tense​


present continues tense

(+) Ani is getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(-) Ani is not getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(?) Is Ani getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday?

Present perfect tense

(+) Ani has gotten up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(-) Ani has not gotten up at 8 o'clock every Sunday

(?) has Ani gotten up at 8 o'clock every sunday?

present perfect continues tense

(+) Ani has been getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(-) Ani has not been getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday

(?) Has Ani been getting up at 8 o'clock every sunday?

19. Buatlah percakapan sedang berada di taman menggunakan tiga tense yaitu present continuous tense, past continuous tense,dan future continuous tense plisss buat yg benerrrr​

who's ready for some reason I don't know what you think about it is not going to be a great day of school and I have a great day of school and I have a great day of school and I'm still here and there is no longer have a great time

semoga membantu:)

20. ini past continuous tense bukan present continuous tense​


1. C. when

2. A.

3.  B. when

4. C. was

5.  C.



I was reading a detective story when I heard a noise.I was studying when my mobile rang.Somebody threw a shoe at him while he was speaking.My brother and sister were playing tennis at 11 a.m. yesterday.They were watching TV when I arrived.

PAST CONTINUOUS TENSEFungsiMenunjukkan suatu aksi yang sedang terjadi di masa lampau.Menunjukkan suatu aksi yang sedang terjadi sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi di masa lampau.

While & When

Past continuous tense biasanya sering menggunakan kata while dan when.

While digunakan pada klausa past continuous tenseWhen digunakan pada klausa simple past tense


When I arrived, they were talking about me.She went out while I was taking a bath.

Pola Kalimat Past Continuous Tense(+) S + was/were + V-ing(-) S + was/were + not + V-ing(?) Was/were + S + V-ing + ...?


I was cleaning the house when you called meYou told me something while I was not doing my job.Was he bothering you?


Gunakan was untuk subjek I, he, she, itGunakan were untuk you, we, they

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