Choose One Of The Following Topics For Your Project

Choose One Of The Following Topics For Your Project

Choose one of the following topics for you project

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1. Choose one of the following topics for you project


Pilih salah satu topik untuk project yang akan kamu ikuti.

2. Choose one of the following topics for your project 1.Effects of smoking 2.extreme weather due to global warming 3.effects of global warming

Contoh analytical exposition text tentang 'Effects of smoking':

It is no secret that smoking can lead to various severe health issues. However, most smokers disregard the prominent health warning on the cigarette pack. They may find the habit energizing at times and relaxing at others, but they are unaware that it can be fatal and dangerous. So, what are the negative consequences of smoking?

One of the most serious risks of smoking is an increased risk of cancer, particularly lung cancer, but also bladder, mouth, and esophageal cancer. A person's risk of developing tobacco-related cancer is typically determined by how long they have been smoking, the tar content of the cigarette, the number of cigarettes smoked per day, and how deeply they inhale the smoke. A heavy smoker's risk of dying from lung cancer is 20 to 30 times that of a nonsmoker.

For many years, smoking has been identified as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which binds to hemoglobin in the blood, making fewer molecules available for oxygen transport. Furthermore, it can reduce blood flow in the coronary arteries, forcing the heart to work harder to deliver oxygen to the body. This stress puts smokers at a significantly higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke have a 25% to 30% increased risk of developing heart disease.

Other than lung cancer, smokers are at risk for a variety of respiratory diseases, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Active smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke in the environment are also linked to an increase in other respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia, the common cold, and influenza. Smokers who develop these ailments recover more slowly than nonsmokers. Furthermore, children who are raised in a household where they are frequently exposed to environmental tobacco smoke are more likely to develop asthma and chronic cough.

Finally, smoking is harmful to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Women who smoke have a higher risk of infertility and miscarriage. Toxins from smoking can be passed to the fetus when a pregnant woman smokes. Toxins can harm an infant's lung development and function later in life. Babies born to a smoker's mother are more likely to be born prematurely, with a low birth weight, and with slower initial growth. Furthermore, mothers who expose their babies to nicotine and other substances through breast milk can cause undesirable symptoms such as restlessness, a faster heartbeat, and shorter sleep times.

To summarize, the effects of smoking are extremely damaging not just to smokers but also to everyone around them. It can lead to a variety of health issues, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease. Furthermore, smoking has a negative impact on the health of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, as well as their children.


Teks diatas merupakan contoh teks analytical exposition. Analytical exposition merupakan jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang menjelaskan secara rinci mengenai pendapat penulis tentang fenomena yang terjadi tanpa bermaksud mempengaruhi pembaca untuk setuju terhadap pendapat tersebut.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang analytical exposition text tentang bullying: tentang analytical exposition text tentang government: tentang pembahasan soal analytical exposition text:


Detail jawaban  

Kelas: 11

Mapel: B.Inggris

Bab: Bab 2 - Expositions

Kode: 11.5.2


3. Choose one of the following topics for your project. 1. Effects of smoking 2. Extrame weather due to global warming 3. Effects of global warming


Itu yang dia minta topik apa yang mau kaka buat untuk projek kaka

Pilihannya itu:

Efek-efek dari merokokCuaca ekstrim akibat pemanasan globalEfek-efek dari pemanasan global


Tinggal kaka pilih aja salah 1 topik dari ke3 pilihan diatas untuk dijadikan topik projek kakak

Maaf kalau kurang membantu ya

4. Choose one of the following pictures. Please describe it.​


I will describe about programmers.

Programmers are individuals who write and maintain computer programs. They use programming languages, such as Java, Python, and C++, to create software that performs specific tasks or solves problems. Programmers may work in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, and technology.

To be a programmer, it is important to have strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Programmers must be able to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts and then develop algorithms and code to solve those problems. They must also be able to test their programs to ensure they are functioning correctly and debugging any errors that may arise.

In addition to technical skills, programmers should have strong communication skills, as they may work in teams and need to be able to explain their work to others. They should also be able to work independently and be self-motivated to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field.

Overall, programmers play a critical role in the development and maintenance of computer systems and software, and their work has a significant impact on various industries and aspects of our daily lives.

5. choose one of the topics given below. create the dialogue of your opinion about your choosen topic. follow the opinion giving technique you have learnt in the building Blocks.​


- I think education is a priviladge, because esucation are super important to know our knowledge and ability about certain things or topic. Example by this matter, all of the jobs are also required by this form that we need an average knowladge to get to role something/be able to do our work well.

- Yes, this is so important for the wild animals are have been losing their habits/place to live because of accident that caused by the nature itself or by human's hand. Example, they have been rescued alot of rare animals/endangered animals that almost their species are gone or died because of their low of quantity caused by their habits.

- For me yes, time for sure more valuable than any money in the world. In my opinion, money are just a thing that put our society given price. Some people even said that "Time is Money" , but that phrase I didn't quite agreed on. I think time can learn us more to be better person in the future, help us to get improve on how to handle things and more. As long you filled all of your time with things that tou enjoyed the most, money isn't a problem to you anymore.

- In my opinion, yes this has been a major problem with Indonesia for awhile. This act of politics are right and I think they should do more than just a warning. They should added some concequences to whoever did it. Example, by giving them penalty of violation of funds to decrease the percentage of it.

- In my opinion, I don't think game influenced the life of teeneger. Why? Because it's never been the problem to the media or source but we as teeneger are the one who's made it get affected by us. Teeneges must know how to balanced their life with social life, media life, and school life. Not just putting everything to the media life. The overuse their phone by playing games or console like Ps4 and XboX to entertain theirself. Almost half of the people who's playing are addicted and getting out of hands.

6. choose one of the topics to reflect and write your diary on

First day at school, homeworks today, problems that you have, friends, etc

7. Make your own recommendation for the following topics. Choose one of the topics you like most! ( at least 250 words) You are a manager in an outstanding company and has an employee who will be promoted as supervisor in the head​

Soal di atas meminta penjawab untuk membuat contoh rekomendasi dengan memposisikan diri sebagai manejer di sebuah perusahaan ternama yang merekomendasikan pekerjanya untuk jabatan supervisor. Berikut contoh rekomendasinya:

Dear Mr. YYY

I am beyond happy and excited to recommend Abrianna for the supervisory position. Abrianna has been part of my work team for three years and during the time she worked with me, she demonstrated an excellent work ethic, outstanding achievement and was able to inspire other work colleagues to achieve the goals. She earnerd a great respect and admiration among my team members.

I really appreciate Abrianna’s willingness to take the initiative to help the office serve it’s constituents more fully. High ambition and an open attitude to criticism are two other things that strengthen her eminence so that she is highly deserve the opportunity. I strongly believe that she will bring even greater good influence if placed in a strategic position. I am confident that Abrianna is the right person to fill the supervisory position because her dedication to this company has been proven.

In Abrianna, there is also a figure of an excellent leader and organizer. Her talents and skills match the supervisor's character we are looking for. I recommend Abrianna without any hesitation. I wish we able give him the chance she deserves. If you need any additional information about this outstanding young lady, I am willing to be contacted. It is an honor for me to pave the way for a positive person like Abrianna.





Pada soal, tidak ditegaskan apakan format rekomendasi yang dimaksud dalam bentuk surat. Namun umumnya, rekomendasi memang ditulis dalam bentuk surat sehingga untuk menyelesaikan surat ini, kalian harus menyesuaikan format penulisannya ke dalam surat resmi.

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPelajari lebih lanjut tentang materi penulisan nama terang pada surat pada link berikut



8. Jawaban f buku bahasa inggris let's create/ contribute cause and effect tree choose one of the following topic for your project a.effects of smoking b. extrame wheater to global warmimg c.efects to global warming


Jawaban F Buku Bahasa Inggris mari kita buat / Kontribusi Piala dan Efek Pohon Pilih salah satu topik berikut untuk proyek Anda A. Effects of Smoking b. Ekstrame Wingge ke Global Warmimg C.EFects untuk Pemanasan Global

9. choose one of the types of personal letter.!Create it for your friend of family​


pilih salah satu jenis surat pribadi.!

Buat untuk teman keluarga Anda


ini artinya ya kak maaf kalo salah

10. Write an essay about the following topics! Choose one of the topics given! Use phrases of giving examples! 1. Healthy food 2. School facilities 3. Theme park Tolong dijawab yaaaa

Theme Park- One day i went to a Theme Park

It was very fun! there are boom boom cars

And we can swim because the Theme Park has A waterpark too!

Its sooo exciting And I really enjoyed go in the Boat race too!

and There is a roller coaster!

I rided it and i feel little bit dizzy but its also fun!

Then I try everything at the Theme Park And then went home

It was soooo fun!

I wish I can go to the theme park once again!

Maap yaa kalo ada yg salah

Writing essay about Healthy Food using phrases of giving examples.

For the past decade, healthy lifestyle has been promoted all over the media and now it's becoming a trend in the whole world. Healthy lifestyle generally associated with consuming healthy food and exercising regularly.

Healthy food are basically the food which are as natural as possible, less processed as well as providing macronutrients and micronutrients all humans need. Sadly, many people often think that healthy food means it's boring and not tasty. Which is not always true. There are many kind of tasty healthy food such as caesar salad and grilled chicken, sandwich, green smoothies and many more.


Ketika kita ingin membuat suatu kalimat lengkap kita dapat menambahkan frasa for instance, for example atau such as yang secara umum memiliki arti “contohnya adalah…”

Nah, berikut ini adalah perbedaan dan cara penggunaannya.

Frasa di Dalam Kalimat

Setiap frasa-frasa berikut ini digunakan di dialam kalimat, gunanya untuk menunjukan contoh dari inti kalimat tersebut.


I can play some musical instruments, for example, the guitar, the piano and the cello.I can play some musical instruments, for instance, the guitar, the piano and the cello.I can play quite a few musical instruments, such as the guitar, the piano and the cello.

Frasa di Awal Kalimat

Frasa ini digunakan untuk memulai suatu kalimat.


My mother loves eating street food. For example, yesterday she went to night market which has a lot of street food stalls.My mother loves eating street food. For instance, yesterday she went to night market which has a lot of street food stalls.
Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang introducing examples:

___________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMP

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Introducing examples

Kata kunci : For example, For instance, Such as

11. Choose one of the following topics, then write an essay of approximately 300 words.


Pilih salah satu topik berikut, lalu tulis esai yang terdiri dari sekitar 300 kata.

maaf kalo salah:)

12. Choose one of the following topics and write down a dialog expressing your opinion on the topic.1. Corruption in Indonesia

Corruption in Indonesia

I think that the government should be more careful and wiser in appointing someone to be an official when it  is concerning the state finances

13. 14. Write a greeting card. Choose one of the following situationsOne of your friend is sick.One of your friend moves into a new houseYour friend got the second prize in a competition (mention the kind of competitionfor example, running, storytelling etc.).​


hi friend the other word you are sick huh? Don't despair, prove that you will not give up just because you are attacked by disease. prove that you are a strong person


maaf kalo salah semoga jawabannya bisa membantu

14. Choose one of the topics below then DESCRIBE orally based on the generic structure of descriptive text in the front of the must be at least 100 words. Topics: 1.your house 2.your school 3.your idol 4.your mother 5.your pet

Jadi disini kamu harus  memilih satu topik deskriptif teks beserta generic structurnya lalu bicarakan didepan penonton (orang orang).

contoh topik pet :

Brazilian Turtle


I have a little Brazilian turtle. I got it when I was fishing at the river near my home.

Normally, there is no that kind of turtle at that river. I guess the turtle was belonged to somebody before it escaped. That was my lucky day because I found it.


Looking at the size of the turtle, the age is around a year. The colour is still yellowish green. Baby Brazilian turtle has green colour and the colour will slowly change along its growth.

That turtle is a kind of water turtle but sometimes it stays at dry place for a while. Thus, this turtle which is known as red-eared slider is a semiaquatic turtle.

A give it the name Kukurara. I keep it at my pond and it seems like happy living there with my fish. Sometimes it is swimming around but sometimes it does not move at all on the stone in the middle of the pond.

I don’t really understand the right way to take care of turtle. As long as it wants to eat, I think it will survive.

15. 1. Now send an email to you teacher choose one of the following topics: - asking for information Tolong dibantu dong ini, maksudnya gmn? please yg udh bgn

1. sekarang kirim email ke gurumu
pilih salah satu dari beberapa topik berikut:
- meminta informasi

topiknya cuma 1, jadi itu tugasmu
maksudnya itu kamu disuruh bikin dialog asking for information
misalnya tanya soal tempat, tanya soal pengumuman, dsb nya

semoga membantu :)

16. 44. Write a greeting card. Choose one of the following situationsOne of your friend is sick.One of your friend moves into a new house.Your friend got the second prize in a competition (mention the kind of competition,for example, running, storytelling etc.).​


hello mira, i hope you get well soon

17. Choose one of the following topics, and write a paragraph by using simple, compound, and complex sentences

Pilih salah satu dari topik berikut, dan tulis sebuah paragraf dengan menggunakan kalimat sederhana, majemuk, dan kompleks

18. 7. Choose one of the following topics. Then, write one procedural text in your own word.Topics:.How to make a cup of coffee, milk, tea, ect.How to cook instant noodle.How to cook rice. dan terjemahan​


How to cook instant noodles:


First, heat up the water in a pot until it starts boiling. Then, open the packet of noodles of your choice and remove the dried noodles from the packaging. Insert the noodles into the pot and wait for it to become soft. When that is finished, pour the noodles into a bowl and add the seasoning that came with the packet of noodles.

Pilihan :

How to cook Isntant noodle


hai guys, today i gonna Cook Instant noodle > _  <

today I will make authentic Indonesian instant noodles, namely Indomie yummy,

First. we gonna boil water until the water hot

Second. enter the noodle in to the hot water.

Thirt. Pour the noodle seasoning into the plate while the noodles are cooking

Fourth. When the noodles are cooked, take the noodles and place them on a plate that has been given the spices


hai teman-teman, hari ini saya akan memasak mie instan> _ <

hari ini saya akan membuat mie instan asli indonesia yaitu indomie yummy,

Pertama. kita akan merebus air sampai airnya panas

Kedua. masukkan mie ke dalam air panas.

ketiga. Tuang bumbu mie ke dalam piring saat mie sedang dimasak

Keempat. Saat mie sudah matang, ambil mie tersebut dan letakkan di atas piring yang sudah diberi bumbu



semoga membantu

19. choose one of the topics below. write a text using the information,​


Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. It is located between Earth and Jupiter. It has two satelites, Phobos and Deimos. It takes around 24 hours and 37 minutes to rotate and 686.98 days to orbit around the sun. Mars is known as "The Red Planet" because of its red surface. Research has shown that there are no oxygen or water there.


Semoga membantu

20. Cause and Effect Tree Choose one of the following topics for you project. 3. Effects of global warming. Tolong di bantu kak


itu yg dia minta topik apa yg mau kaka buat untuk projek kaka


1. efek - efek dari merokok

2. cuaca ekstrim akibat pemanasan global

3. efek efek dari pemanasan grobal


tinggal kaka pilih aja salah satu topik dari ke3 pilihan diatas untuk dijadikan topik projek kakak


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