Mouse Deer And Mr Crocodile

Mouse Deer And Mr Crocodile

Mention the characters of the story mouse deer and mr crocodile

Daftar Isi

1. Mention the characters of the story mouse deer and mr crocodile


The characters are in the story as follows:

=> Mouse Deer
- it's very ingenious/clever and has a brilliant idea
- it's good at playing with words
- it can convince others in everything.

=> Mr.Crocodile
- Very stupid
- it's easy to be deceived
- it is too hasty in doing something.


2. Storytelling about mouse deer and crocodile

Storytelling about mouse deer and crocodile

Once upon time there were a smart mouse deer. He lived near a river. The mouse deer used to go to the river to drink.
One day, the mouse deer was thirsty. He wanted to drink in the river but he knew that crocodiles were staying and waiting underwater to eat him. Hi thought hard and got bright idea. He said out loudly. “I will put in my leg and find out whether the water is warm or not” Of course the mouse deer did not do what he said. He did not put his leg but the mouse deer took a wood stick and put one end into the water. Blurrr…! Surely a crocodile grabbed the wood stick and pulled it underwater. Seeing that, the mouse deer laughed and said “Stupid crocodile! Can’t you see the difference between a wood stick and a leg?” Then the mouse deer ran to another side of the river and drink some water.
On the following day, the mouse deer was hungry. He wanted to eat some grass on the side of the river so he had to to cross the dangerous river which was full of crocodiles. Again he thought hard and found another smart idea and said loudly “Crocodiles come up!” then some crocodiles rose from the water. They looked happy and saw their sharp teeth and said “Hello, Mouse Deer. Do you come to be my lunch? We are hungry” The mouse deer just smiled and replied. “Sorry, Crocodiles, not today, I come to you to bring an invitation from the king. You are invited to the party. The king ordered me to count all crocodiles in this river so he knew how to prepare enough meal for you.”All the crocodiles felt happy and said “Really…? Tell us what to do,” said a crocodile. “You have to line up from this side of the river to the other side,” said the mouse deer. Not long after that the crocodile got all his friends and family. He ordered to lined up across the river.
The mouse deer then jumped on the Crocodile’s back. “One,” the mouse deer counted. He jumped onto the next crocodile, “Two.” And he jumped again on the next crocodile, “Three.” he kept jumping until he arrived on the other side of the river. “Just enough,” said the mouse deer. “I have counted all of you” He laughed and ran to the field of grass.

3. pesan moral Mouse Deer and Crocodile​


we have to cleveri tackle the problem

4. ada yang bisa buatin rangkuman mouse deer and crocodile pake bahasa inggris ga?

Mouse deer And Crocodile

Once upon time there were a smart mouse deer. He lived near a river. The mouse deer used to go to the river to drink.

One day, the mouse deer was thirsty. He wanted to drink in the river but he knew that crocodiles were staying and waiting underwater to eat him. Hi thought hard and got bright idea. He said out loudly. “I will put in my leg and find out whether the water is warm or not” Of course the mouse deer did not do what he said. He did not put his leg but the mouse deer took a wood stick and put one end into the water. Blurrr…! Surely a crocodile grabbed the wood stick and pulled it underwater. Seeing that, the mouse deer laughed and said “Stupid crocodile! Can’t you see the difference between a wood stick and a leg?” Then the mouse deer ran to another side of the river and drink some water.

On the following day, the mouse deer was hungry. He wanted to eat some grass on the side of the river so he had to to cross the dangerous river which was full of crocodiles. Again he thought hard and found another smart idea and said loudly “Crocodiles come up!” then some crocodiles rose from the water. They looked happy and saw their sharp teeth and said “Hello, Mouse Deer. Do you come to be my lunch? We are hungry” The mouse deer just smiled and replied. “Sorry, Crocodiles, not today, I come to you to bring an invitation from the king. You are invited to the party. The king ordered me to count all crocodiles in this river so he knew how to prepare enough meal for you.”

All the crocodiles felt happy and said “Really…? Tell us what to do,” said a crocodile. “You have to line up from this side of the river to the other side,” said the mouse deer. Not long after that the crocodile got all his friends and family. He ordered to lined up across the river. the mouse deer then jumped on the Crocodile’s back. “One,” the mouse deer counted. He jumped onto the next crocodile, “Two.” And he jumped again on the next crocodile, “Three.” he kept jumping until he arrived on the other side of the river. “Just enough,” said the mouse deer. “I have counted all of you” He laughed and ran to the field of grass.

5. pesan moral dari cerita the crocodile the mouse deer

don't be easily fooled by other people and we must help each other

semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah

6. tolong buatin ringkasan cerita mouse deer and the crocodile minimal 100 kata

once upon a day,there is a mouse deer which want to acroos the river,but he confused that there is a terrible crocodile. so it thought for a few times,and just get a good idea. so he aksed to crocodile to bring him across the river,then he wiil gave some fiod to crocodile. so the crocodile believe him and then take hin to the bank of the river. after arrive there,the mouse deer had rub away and never return day, mouse deer went to the river to take a drink. but he knew that the crocodile might be waiting him in underwater to eat him. so, he said out loud, " i wonder if the water's warm. i'll put in my leg and find out'. of course, mouse deer didn't put his leg. he picked up a stick to water. suddenly, crocodile grabbed the stick and pullet in underwater. mouse deer laughed, "hahaah! stupid crocodile! can't you difference between a stick and a leg?". then mouse deer ran to drink somewhere else.

in the next day, mouse deer wanted to cross the river. he wanted to eat some fruit on the order side of the river. but, he knew that crocodile looked like a log when he floated. he didn't want to eaten by crocodile. suddenly, mouse deer had an idea. he called the crocodile, "crocodile! ooh crocodile!" crocodile turn up from the water, "hello mouse deer, have you come to be my lunch?" said crocodile. "ohh, sorry crocodile, not today. because i have orders from the king. he wants me to invite all the crocodiles in this river to come to the party. he wants me to count all the crocodiles. so he could prepare enough meal for you!" tell mouse deer.

"really? tell us what to do!", ask crocodile. "you must line up from this side of the river to the orders side." tell mouse deer. and crocodile then got his friends and his family. they lined up across the river. mouse deer than jumped onto crocodile's back. "one" he counted. he jumped onto the next crocodile, "two". and the next crocodile, "three". he kept jumping until he arrived on the orders side of the river. "how many are there?",ask crocodile. "just enough". mouse deer laughed as he ran to the forest

7. 1. how many main characters are there in the text2. mention the names of the characters in the text3. where was the place of the story4. what dod mouse deer want to do in the river5. what did mouse deer do to know whether the water was warm6. was there a crocodile in the river7. in the next day, why did mouse deer want to cross the river8. what did mouse deer say to crocodile9. what did crocodile do after hearing the news from mouse deer10. how did mouse deer cross the riverini ceritanyaMouse Deer and CrocodileOne day, Mouse Deer went down to the river to take a drink. But he knew that the crocodile might be waiting underwater to eat him, so he said out loud. “I wonder if the water’s warm. I’ll put in my leg and find out.” Of course Mouse Deer didn’t put in his leg. He picked up a stick instead and put one end into the water. Chomp…! Crocodile grabbed the stick and pulled it underwater. Mouse Deer laughed. “Ha… ha…ha… Stupid crocodile! Cant you tell the difference between a stick and a leg?” Then Mouse Deer ran off to drink somewhere else.In the next day, Mouse Deer wanted to cross the river. He wanted to eat the fruits on the other side of the river. He saw a floating log in the river. He knew that Crocodile looked like a log when he floated. Mouse Deer didn’t want to be eaten by Crocodile when he crosses the river. He had an idea. He called out loud, “Crocodile!” Crocodile rose from the water, “Hello, Mouse Deer. Have you come to be my lunch?” Mouse Deer smiled. “Sorry, not today, Crocodile. I have orders from the King. He wants to invite all the crocodiles in this river to a party. He wants me to count all the crocodiles so he could prepare enough meal for you.”“Really…? Tell us what to do,” said Crocodile. “You must line up from this side of the river to the other side,” said Mouse Deer. Crocodile then got all his friends and family. They lined up across the river. Mouse Deer then jumped onto Crocodile’s back. “One,” he counted. He jumped onto the next crocodile, “Two.” And the next crocodile, “Three.” Mouse Deer kept jumping until he arrived on the other side of the river. “How many are there?” asked Crocodile. “Just enough,” said Mouse Deer. He laughed as he ran to the forest.***​


1. Ada 2 karakter utama (there are two main characters)

2. Kancil dan buaya (mouse-deer and crocodile)

3. Sungai (river)

4. Untuk minum (for drink)

5. Mengambil sebatang tongkat dan memasukkan salah satu ujungnya ke dalam air (take a stick and put one end into the water)

6. Ada buaya di sungai (there is a crocodile in the river)

7. Dia ingin makan buah di seberang sungai (he wants to eat fruit across the river)

8. Mengundang semua buaya di sungai ini ke pesta raja (invite all the crocodiles in this river to the king's feast)

9. Buaya berbaris sampai ke seberang sungai (crocodiles marching across the river)

10. melompat dipunggung buaya (jump on crocodile's back)



1. berapa banyak karakter utama yang ada di teks

2. Sebutkan nama-nama karakter dalam teks

3. dimana tempat cerita

4. apa yang ingin dilakukan kancil di sungai

5. apa yang dilakukan kancil untuk mengetahui apakah air itu hangat

6. Apakah ada buaya di sungai

7. Keesokan harinya, mengapa kancil ingin menyeberangi sungai

8. apa yang dikatakan kancil pada buaya

9. apa yang dilakukan buaya setelah mendengar berita dari kancil

10. bagaimana kancil menyeberangi sungai


Kancil dan buaya

Suatu hari, Kancil turun ke sungai untuk minum. Tapi dia tahu bahwa buaya mungkin menunggu di bawah air untuk memakannya, jadi dia berkata dengan lantang.“Aku ingin tahu apakah airnya hangat. Aku akan berusaha keras dan mencari tahu. " Tentu saja Kancil tidak memasukkan kakinya. Dia malah mengambil sebatang tongkat dan memasukkan salah satu ujungnya ke dalam air. Chomp…! Buaya meraih tongkat itu dan menariknya ke dalam air. Kancil tertawa. “Ha… ha… ha… Buaya bodoh! Tidak bisakah kamu membedakan antara tongkat dan kaki? ” Kemudian Kancil lari untuk minum di tempat lain.

Keesokan harinya, Kancil ingin menyeberangi sungai. Dia ingin makan buah di seberang sungai. Dia melihat batang kayu mengambang di sungai.Dia tahu bahwa Buaya tampak seperti batang kayu ketika dia mengapung. Kancil tidak ingin dimakan Buaya saat menyeberangi sungai. Dia punya ide.Dia berteriak keras, "Buaya!" Buaya bangkit dari air, “Halo, Kancil. Apakah kamu datang untuk menjadi makan siang saya? ” Kancil tersenyum. “Maaf, tidak hari ini, Buaya. Saya mendapat perintah dari Raja. Dia ingin mengundang semua buaya di sungai ini ke pesta. Dia ingin aku menghitung semua buaya sehingga dia bisa menyiapkan makanan yang cukup untukmu. "

"Betulkah…? Beri tahu kami apa yang harus dilakukan, ”kata Buaya. “Anda harus berbaris dari sisi sungai ini ke sisi lain,” kata Kancil. Buaya kemudian mendapatkan semua teman dan keluarganya. Mereka berbaris sungai. Kancil lalu melompat ke punggung buaya. "Satu," dia menghitung. Dia melompat ke buaya berikutnya, "Dua." Dan buaya berikutnya, "Tiga." Kancil terus melompat sampai dia tiba di seberang sungai. "Berapa banyak?" tanya Buaya. “Cukup,” kata Kancil. Dia tertawa saat berlari ke hutan.

8. What do mouse deer do Crocodile​


Apa yang dilakukan kancil Buaya


ini benar tolong



apa yang dilakukan kancil buaya


itu artinya

9. soal dan jawaban dari cerita the mouse deer and the crocodile

how many figures at the story

10. The crocodile is clever but the mouse deer is...........than the crocodile


smarter/more clever





smarter=lebih pintar

11. what happened betwen mouse deer and crocodile

translate : apa yang terjadi antara rusa dan buaya ?

Translate :apa yg terjadi dengan tikus rusa dan buaya

12. try to describe what you know about the mouse deer and crocodile jawabanya ya kak tolong​


A mouse, plural mice, is a small rodent. Characteristically, mice are known to have a pointed snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail, and a high breeding rate. The best known mouse species is the common house mouse (Mus musculus). Mice are also popular as pets. In some places, certain kinds of field mice are locally common. They are known to invade homes for food and shelter they are member of order rodentia and their genus is mus they often distinguished as rats by their size if its smaller muroid rodent then its common name include the term mouse if its larger its common name include the term rats.

Crocodiles (subfamily Crocodylinae) or true crocodiles are large semiaquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodylinae, all of whose members are considered true crocodiles, is classified as a biological subfamily. A broader sense of the term crocodile, Crocodylidae (which includes Tomistoma). The term is sometimes used even more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia, which includes the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae), the gharial and false gharial (family Gavialidae), and all other living and fossil Crocodylomorpha

Deer or true deer are hoofed ruminant mammals forming the family Cervidae. The two main groups of deer are the Cervinae, including the muntjac, the elk (wapiti), the red deer, the fallow deer, and the chital; and the Capreolinae, including the reindeer (caribou), the roe deer, the mule deer, and the moose. Female reindeer, and male deer of all species except the Chinese water deer, grow and shed new antlers each year. In this they differ from permanently horned antelope, which are part of a different family (Bovidae) within the same order of even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla).


Maaf kalo salah



A mouse is a rodent, which is a kind of mammal. It has a pointed snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail and a high breeding rate. The best known mouse species is the common house mouse (Mus musculus). Usually, house mice are brownish-gray. It is also a popular pet. In some places, certain kinds of field mice are also common. They are known to invade homes for food and occasionally shelter.

These small animals are often used in science experiments, or sometimes kept as pets. Some mice carry diseases. In some places they damage crops. This causes some people to think of mice as vermin or pests. Many other people think mice are cute and fun animals.

Mice are rodents, therefore they are related to squirrels, rats, and beavers. Mice eat weeds, seeds, berries, and more. They are eaten by owls, foxes, and cats, amongst others.


Deer are Herbivore and Ruminant Mammals. They are Animals who have a stomach divided into four (occasionally three) compartments. The food that they eat is regurgitated after sometime and this semi-digested mass, known as Cud is chewed again. The Process of Rechewing the Cud to further break down plant matter and stimulate digestion is called Ruminating. Deer are often identified with their Horns which is in most Species, is exclusive to the Males only. Sometimes a Female may have Small Stub giving the appearance of small Horn. Male Deer of all Species but the Chinese Water Deer and Female Reindeer grow and shed new Antlers each year. There are about 38 Species of Deer in the World. The Musk Deer of Asia and Water Chevrotain (or Mouse Deer) of tropical African and Asian Forests are not usually regarded as True Deer and form their own families, Moschidae and Tragulidae, respectively. Male Deer is often called as a Stag or a Buck. A Female Deer is often called as a Doe or Hind. The life expectancy of Deer is 20 years.


A crocodile is a large amphibious reptile. It lives mostly in large tropical rivers, where it is an ambush predator. One species, the Australian saltie, also travels in coastal salt water. In very dry climates, crocodiles may aestivate and sleep out the dry season.

Their colors range from brown to grey and have different patterns covering them.They have many shapes and they differ in color. They have sharp claws and teeth. They can also be a greenish-brownish color.Crocodile tongues are not free. They are held in place by a membrane that can not move. Crocodiles are unable to stick out their tongues.

13. Apa properti yang cocok untuk story telling (Mouse Deer and Crocodile) ?

Gambar kancil, buaya, danau, pepohonan,
gambar kancil, buaya, gambar pemandangan sungai, hutan, pepohonan, dlll

14. Contoh soal dari mouse deer and crocodile dalam bentuk pilihan ganda

where the animals are more sharp teeth
A.mouse B.deer C.crocodile

15. Compose a letter of apology mouse deer to crocodile

Dear Crocodile

I'm so sorry


Mouse Deer

16. jawaban tentang the mouse deer and the crocodile.

mouse deer= rusa

17. moral value mouse deer and crocodile

Be a smart man. Semoga bisa membantu....

18. apa arti the mouse deer played a trick on the crocodile​

Artinya :

Kancil memainkan tipuan pada buaya

Bingung ya ? Saya akan jelaskan dengan suatu cerita.

Seekor kancil ingin menyebrang. Karena disana ada apel. Hanya saja di sungai tersebut tidak ada jambatan. Justru ada buaya. Karena kancil pikir buaya tidak bisa hitung, ia menyuruh buaya berbaris berjejer agar dapat ia hitung. si Kancil menginjak punggung para buaya. Kemudian ia berpura - pura berhitung. Setelah ia sampai di seberang, ia langsung menyambar pohon apel tersebut, dan memakan apel terswbut tanpa memedulikan para buaya.

Maaf kalau salah...

19. What is the genre of story Mouse deer and Crocodile​




fable is a story that tells about animal life

semoga membantu ^^

Fable is a story about animal
Im sorry if That wrong

20. apa pesan dari cerita mouse deer and crocodile

we have to cleverly tackle the problemwe must smart,and strong

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