To Have Present Past For An Action In Progress

To Have Present Past For An Action In Progress

to-,present,past,for an action in progress

Daftar Isi

1. to-,present,past,for an action in progress



Jawaban  Pendahuluan  

Present Continuous Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di waktu sekarang (Present action in progress). Kata keterangan yang sering digunakan pada present continous adalah: now, at the moment, right now.

Rumus atau polda Present Continuous Tense adalah:

(+) S + is/am/are + Ving + O

(-) S + is/am/are not + Ving + O

(?) is/am/are + S + Ving + O?

NB: is untuk he, she, it

am untuk I

are untuk you, they, we

Past Continuous Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang berlangsung atau mempunyai progress di masa lampau (Past action in progress). Kata keterangan yang sering digunakan pada Past Continuous Tense adalah: At the same time yesterday, Yesterday at 6 pm, all day yesterday, whole day yesterday, dan lain-lain.

Rumus atau pola Past Continuous Tense adalah:

(+) S + was/were + Ving + O

(-) S + was/were not + Ving + O

(?) was/were + S + Ving + O?

NB: was untuk I, he, she, it

were untuk they, we, you

Terkadang, past continuous tense juga dipasangkan dengan Simple Past tense menggunakan kata when dan while.



Contoh Present Continuous Tense:

Aldi is coming to the theater now.

I am not watching TV right now.

Are you looking for a new member?

Contoh Past Continuous Tense:

I was teaching English at the same time yesterday.

They weren't playing football all day yesterday.

Were you going to office?

My teacher called me while I was daydreaming in the class yesterday morning.

I was talking to Mina when Abdul called me.


Pelajari lebih lanjut  

1. present continuous

2. past continuous

----------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Detil Jawaban  

Kelas : 9

Mapel : B Inggris

Bab : Present and Past Continuous Tense

Kode :9.5.3

Kata Kunci: present continuous, past continuous  

2. to present past for an action in progress


to present past for an action in  progress  adalah:

1 to be     am, is, are    was, were    being

2 to think    think         thought        thinking

3 to hear     hear         heard            hearing

4 to have    have         had               having

5 to turn     turn           turned          turning

6 to go       go             went            going

7 to stay      stay         stayed          staying

8 to try        try            tried             trying

9 to study  study        studied        studying

10 to ask    ask           asked          asking

11 to make  make         made          making

12 to do      do             did              doing

13 to come  come        came           coming

14 to help    help          helped         helping

15 to fix         fix             fixed            fixing

16 to call      call            called          calling

17 to mix      mix            mixed          mixing

18 to tell       tell             told             telling

19 to look     look           looked       looking

20 to describe   describe    described     describing

21 to write    write         wrote          writing

22 to read    read         read            reading

23 to mop     mop        mopped      mopping

24 to finish    finish      finished       finishing

25 to trip        trip         tripped        tripping  

26 to fall         fall          fell              falling

27 to join        join         joined         joining

Pelajari lebih lanjut  

1. Materi tentang Contoh Past Tense

2. Materi tentang Past Continuous Tense

3. Materi tentang Present Continuous Tense


Detil jawaban  

Kelas: 9

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Present Continuous Tense

Kode: 9.5.5

Kata Kunci: action verb, present continuous tense

3. To have present,past,for an action ini progress apa ya?

present perfect continous tense

4. Tolong carikan ya present, past, for an action progress

Verb is a word that indicates an action, event, or state.


3. hear (present) - heard (past) - heard (past participle) - hearing (present participle)

4. have (present) - had (past) - had (past participle) - having (present participle)

5. turn (present) - turned (past) - turned (past participle) - turning (present participle)

6. go (present) - went (past) - gone (past participle) - going (present participle)

7. stay (present) - stayed (past) - stayed (past participle) - staying (present participle)

8. try (present) - tried (past) - tried (past participle) - trying (present participle)

9. study (present) - studied (past) - studied (past participle) - studying (present participle)

10. ask (present) - asked (past) - asked (past participle) - asking (present participle)

11. make (present) - made (past) - made (past participle) - making (present participle)

12. do (present) - did (past) - done (past participle) - doing (present participle)

13. come (present) - came (past) - come (past participle) - coming (present participle)

14. help (present) - helped (past) - helped (past participle) - helping (present participle)

15. fix (present) - fixed (past) - fixed (past participle) - fixing (present participle)

16. call (present) - called (past) - called (past participle) - calling (present participle)

17. mix (present) - mixed (past) - mixed (past participle) - mixing (present participle)

18. tell (present) - told (past) - told (past participle) - telling (present participle)

19. look (present) - looked (past) - looked (past participle) - looking (present participle)

20. describe (present) - described (past) - described (past participle) - describing (present participle)

21. write (present) - wrote (past) - written (past participle) - writing (present participle)

22. read (present) - read (past) - read (past participle) - reading (present participle)

23. mop (present) - mopped (past) - mopped (past participle) - mopping (present participle)

24. finish (present) - finished (past) - finished (past participle) - finishing (present participle)

25. trip (present) - tripped (past) - tripped (past participle) - tripping (present participle)

26. fall (present) - fell (past) - fallen (past participle) - falling (present participle)

27. join (present) - joined (past) - joined (past participle) - joining (present participle)


Detil tambahan

Kelas: VII

Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Regular and Irregular verb

Kode: 7.5.-

Kata kunci: verb, past verb, past verb, past participle verb, present participle verb, verb for an action progress

5. kak tolong jawab present,past,for an action in progress

kedua : present
ketiga : past
keempat : for an action in progress

semoga membanty

6. to | present | past | for an action in progress | Artinya |​


untuk | hadiah | masa lalu untuk tindakan yang sedang berlangsung

7. To make ,dijadiin present ,past ,for an action in progress


Present of to make is make.

Past of to make is made.

Past participle of to make is made.

For an action in progress is making.


Contoh kalimat dengan kata make yaitu

Present: My mother makes fried rice every morning.

Past: He made a new paper plane for his brother yesterday.

Past participle: She has made that cake since two hours ago.

For an action in progress: We are making chicken soup in the kitchen now.

Pelajari lebih lanjut present, past, for an action in progress verb pada


8. Observing and Asking Question (to-,Present,Past,Action in progress)​


4.have had having

5.turn turned turning

6. go went going

7.stay stayed staying

8.try tryed trying studied studying

10.ask Asked asking

11.make maked making dId doing

13.come came coming helped helping

15.fix fixed fixing called calling

17.mix mixed mixing

18.tell told telling

19.look looked looking

20.describe described describing

21.write wrote writing readed reading

23.mop mopped mopping

24.fnish finished finishing

25.trip tripped tripping

26.fall fell falling

27.join joined joining

9. We use ... to talk about an action in progress at certain time in the past

We use phone to talk about an action in progress at certain time in the past

Semoga tidak membantu

10. to-presentPastFor an actionin progressgoingreadingthinkingwentgoreadreadthoughtthinkto goto readto thinkto workto dreamto hopeto bring taketo getting​





For an action

in progress










to go

to read

to think

to work

to dream

to hope

to bring take

to getting





Masa lalu

Untuk suatu tindakan

sedang berlangsung




telah pergi






untuk pergi

untuk membaca

untuk berpikir



untuk berharap

membawa mengambil

untuk mendapatkan

11. jawaban bahasa inggris untuk kelas 3. verb for present, past, for in action in progress to go,to stay,to come,to call,to fall​


kata kerja untuk saat ini, masa lalu, untuk dalam tindakan yang sedang berlangsung untuk pergi, tinggal, untuk datang, untuk memanggil, untuk jatuh


itu di di jadiin bahada indonesia atau di apain ya?

kalau di jadiin bahasa Indonesia itu saya udah jawab

12. to present past for an action in progress. tolong dong bantu aku untuk selesaikan tugas besok dikumpulin

23. To mop => Mop => Mopped => Mopping
24. To finish => Finish => Finished => Finishing
25. To trip => Trip => Tripped => Tripping
26. To fall => Fall => Fell => Falling
27. To join => Join => Joined => Joining

semoga membantu

13. tolong di jawab present,past,for an action in progress​


Present (V1); past (V2); an action in progress (V1-ing)

3) Ask; asked; asking

4) Make; made; making

5) Go; went; going

6) Come; came; coming

7) Eat; ate; eating

8) Carry; carried; carrying

9) Prepare; prepared; preparing

10) Look; looked; looking

11) Tell; told; telling

12) Call; called; calling

13) Help; helped; helping

14) Study; studied; studying

15) Try; tried; trying

16) Stay; stayed; staying

17) Read; read; reading

18) Write; wrote; writing

19) Say; said; saying

Maaf jika ada yang salah

14. Kalimat positif dari kosa kata present, past, dan for an action in progress

Present:I have do my homework.
Past:I had studied so much for the exam.
Action: I am doing my homework.

15. Tuliskan 20 kata memakai : -To -present -past -after be ,for an action in progress

Before you wrote a 500 word essay for homework. Now you must write a 800 word essay for you final exam.

16. Mohon bantuanyan, for an action in progress nya di ganti sama After HAVE. Kalau misal kebanyakkan beberapa nomer aja, setidaknya ada pembahasanya. ​

Verb Conjugation

To infinitive -- Present -- Past (preterite) -- Past Participle

4. to have -- have/has -- had -- had = mempunyai

5. to turn -- turn -- turned -- turned = berputar, memutar, berbelok, membelokkan

6. to go -- go -- went -- gone = pergi

7. to stay -- stay -- stayed -- stayed = tinggal

8. to try -- try -- tried -- tried = mencoba

9. to study -- study -- studied -- studied = belajar, mempelajari

10. to ask -- ask -- asked -- asked = bertanya, menanyakan

11. to make -- make -- made -- made = membuat

12. to do -- do -- did -- done = melakukan, mengerjakan

13. to come -- come -- came -- come = datang

14. to help -- help -- helped -- helped = menolong

15. to fix -- fix -- fixed -- fixed = memperbaiki

16. to call -- call -- called -- called = memangggil

17. to mix -- mix -- mixed -- mixed = mencampur

18. to tell -- tell -- told -- told = memberi tahu, menceritakan

19. to look -- look -- looked -- looked = terlihat

20. to describe -- describe -- described -- described = mendeskripsikan, menggambarkan

21. to write -- write -- wrote -- written = menulis

22. to read -- read -- read /ɹɛd/ -- read /ɹɛd/ = membaca

23. to mop -- mop -- mopped -- mopped = mengepel

24. to finish -- finish -- finished -- finished = menyelesaikan

25. to trip -- trip -- tripped -- tripped = tersandung, menyandung

26. to fall -- fall -- fell -- fallen = jatuh

27. to join -- join -- joined -- joined = bergabung, menggabungkan



Verb conjugation atau konjugasi kata kerja adalah perubahan bentuk katakerja. Dalam bahasa Inggris, konjugasi kata kerja menunjukkan person dan number (I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they), tense dan aspect (present/past, simple/continuous/perfect), serta mood (stative, imperative, interrogative, dll).


I study.

person: 1st person number: singulartense: presentaspect: simplemood: indicative

Is Susan studying?

person: 3rd person number: singulartense: presentaspect: continuousmood: interrogative

Berdasarkan konjugasinya, kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris dibagi dalam dua kelompok, yaitu:

regular verbsirregular verbs

Regular verb atau kata kerja beraturan adalah kata kerja yang bentuk past (preterite) dan past participlenya mempunyai pola tertentu, yaitu infinitive + -ed.


I clean my room every weekend. I cleaned my room last weekend. I have cleaned my room already.

Irregular verb atau kata kerja tidak beraturan adalah kata kerja yang bentuk past(preterite) dan/atau past participlenya tidak mempunyai pola tertentu seperti regular verb.


I sweep the floor every morning. I swept the floor yesterday morning. I have just swept the floor.


Pelajari lebih lanjut:



Year: 8

Subject: English

Category: Structure and Written Expression

Sub-category: Verb conjugation

Code: 8.5.6

Keywords: verb, infinitive, preterite, past participle, regular verb, irregular verb

17. Berikan contoh kata kerja atau verb dalam bahasa inggris present continuouns yang terdiri dari present, past,for an action in progress

i am studying
i was studying
i am being studied•》I am studying
i am study
i was studying

maaf jka salah yoo ^•^

18. tolong di jawab present,past,for an action in progress ​


1.say, said, saying

2.think, thought, thinking

3.fall, fell, falling

4.sweep, swept, sweeping

5.mop,mopped, mopping

6.mix, mixed, mixing

7.sit, sat, sitting


no22 to swept Bener gak kalo benar labari

19. kak tolong jawabpresent, past, dan for an action in progress

Semoga bisa membantu.

20. Present, past, for an action in progres??

4. to have = have and has, had, having
5. to turn = turn, turned, turning
6. to go = go, went, going
7. to stay = stay, stayed, staying
8. to try = try, tried,trying
9. to study = study, studied, studying
10. to ask = ask, asked, asking
11. to make = make, made, making
12. to do = do, did, doing
13. to come = come, came, coming
14. to help = help, helped, helping
15. to fix = fix, fixed, fixing
16. to call = call, called, calling
17. to mix = mix, mixed, mixing
18. to tell = tell, told, telling
19. to look = look, looked, looking
20. to describe = describe, described, describing
21. to write = write, written, writing
22. to read = read, read, reading
23. to mop = mop, mopped, mopping
24. to finish = finish, finished, finishing
25. to trip = trip, tripped, tripping
26. to fall = fall, fallen, falling
27. to join = join, joined, joining

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