The Legend Of Situ Bagendit

The Legend Of Situ Bagendit

The legend of situ Bagendit

1. The legend of situ Bagendit

dalam bahasa indo itu adalah

Legenda Situ Bagendit

2. contoh soal narative the legend situ bagendit

1. what happened if the villager can not return their debts to nyai bagendit?

2. who came to nyai bagendit’s house and asked for some money and some food?

3. why nobody helped nyai bagendit when her house is fell down?

terima kasih, semoga membantu :D

3. how the story ended of situ bagendit

The Legend Of Situ Bagendit

Far away in an isolated village there was a young rich woman. The house that she had been living in was very big. Her wealth was plentiful. The young woman lived by herself. She didn’t have any friend at all.

“Wouw, I am very rich! Ha…ha…ha, I am the richest woman in this village!” said the young woman while she was looking at her gold and jewelries. It was so pity, that the young woman was very miserly. Her plentiful wealth never been used to help others.

Because of the young woman miserly, the villagers called her Bagenda Endit. Bagenda Endit meant the miserly rich person. “Bagenda Endit, have mercy on me! My child has not eaten for few days”, said an old woman sadly.

“Hi, you crazy old woman! Get away from me!” yelled Bagenda Endit threw the old woman away. Because the old woman didn’t want to go, Bagenda Endit splashed her with water. Splash!, and all over the old woman body and her baby became wet.

Bagenda Endit was a feeling less woman. She didn’t even have a little bit mercy to the old woman and her baby. She even got more angry. After that, she asked the old woman to get out of her house yard. And then, she was dragging her out of the yard.

Although Bagenda Endit was very miserly, the village people kept coming in. The came for the water wheel. “No, I won’t let you to take away the water from my wheel! The water in the wheel is mine!” Bagenda Endit yelled angrily.

“Ha…ha…ha…you’re all stupid! You think you just can take the water from my wheel!” Bagenda Endit said while she was watching the thirst villagers outside the fence. Suddenly, a decrepit man was standing in Bagenda Endit house yard. He was walking tottery to the wheel while holding his stick.

When the old man was trying to take the water, Bagenda Endit saw it. Then, she hit the old man with a founder. “Have mercy on me Bagenda Endit! I want to take the water just for a drink”, said the old man when he was trying to get up.

Bagenda Endit kept beating the old man. And then, an astonishing thing happened. Suddenly the old man got up with a healthy body. He walked closer to Bagenda Endit. He pointed his stick at the cruel rich woman’s nose.

“Hi, Bagenda Endit, take the punishment from me!” said the old man loudly. Then he pointed at the wheel with his stick. Wus…byuur, the wheel was sprinkling the water swiftly. Not long enough, the water was flooding up. Bagenda Endit couldn’t save herself. She drawn with all of her wealth.

The village was disappeared. The thing that left was a wide and deep lake. The lake was named Situ Bagendit. Situ means a wide lake. It was named Situ Bagendit, because the wide lake came from a wheel that belongs to Bagenda Endit

4. situ bagendit terlatak dimana??

Situ Bagendit terletak di desa Bagendit
, kecamatan Banyuresmi kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 

di desa Bagendit, Kecamatan Banyuresmi Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

5. complication situ bagendit

komplikasi Situ Bagendit

6. cerpen situ bagendit​


Cerpen adalah cerita pendek

7. 1. Does the story of Situ Bagendit come from Central Java? apa jawaban nya​



#semogamembantu [^_^]


that's not true, because the story of situ Bagendit comes from West Java

8. The legend of "situ patengang is from


west java


maaf kalo salah



sorry if wrong

9. setting of location dalam legenda situ bagendit

west java
kalo gk salahbayuresmi district, garut regency, west java

10. Apayang adadalamcerita situ bagendit

Jawaban: amanatnya adalah jangan suka menyombongkan diri dan berbagilah dengan sesama


11. susunlah kalimat kalimat di bawah ini 1Is-west java-legend-Situ Bagendit-the fro 2Rowo pening-central java-is-lake -in-beatiful-the

1. West Java is the fro Situ Bagendit legend

2. Rowo pening is beautiful lake in the central java.

semoga membantu :)the situ bangendit is legend from west java

the rowo pening is beautiful lake in west java

12. complication situ bagendit

Once upon a time there lived a very wealthywoman in a small village .She lived alone in a very big house .She was very greedy so people called her Bagenda Endit, the greedy wealthy woman.“I’m the richest woman in this village. Ha…ha…ha all these wealth are mine. No one can take even a little cent from me.”“I have all of these by my own. So why do I have to share the things with the other?” That was what she thought about. She didn’t care with the people around her,although they were very poor and were starving.

13. Sungai situ bagendit ada dimana ???

Wilayah kecamatan banyuresmi


semoga membantu:)

14. Tahap perkenalan situ bagendit

Situ Bagendit terletak di desa Bagendit, Kecamatan Banyuresmi Kabupaten Garut , Jawa Barat, Indonesia . Situ Bagendit merupakan objek wisata alam berupa danau dengan batas administrasi disebelah utara berbatasan dengan Desa Banyuresmi, disebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Desa Cipicung, disebelah timur berbatasan dengan Desa Binakarya, dan disebelah barat berbatasan dengan Desa Sukamukti.
Aktivitas wisata yang dapat dilakukan di Situ Bagendit ini antara lain menikmati pemandangan, mengelilingi danau dengan menggunakan perahu atau rakit. Para pengunjung juga dapat melakukan kegiatan rekreasi keluarga, menikmati pemandangan serta kegiatan bersepeda air.
Objek wisata ini dikelola oleh Bapak Ajan Sobari dengan status kepemilikan berada di tangan pemerintah daerah yang kewenangannya dilimpahkan kepada Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Garut dan pihak swasta yaitu Bapak Adang Kurnia. Berdasarkan perda no. 11 tahun 2001 harga masuk tiket ke kawasan ini Rp. 1.000/orang untuk dewasa dan Rp. 500/orang untuk anak-anak.

15. kesimpulan dari cerita situ bagendit​


kesimpulan:jadi orang janganlah kikir,tamak dan sombong terhadap harta

16. kapan peristiwa situ bagendit terjadi?

Peristiwa situ bagendit merupakan sebuah legenda yang sudah lama terjadi

17. kesimpulan danau situ bagendit

Situ Bagendit merupakan objek wisata alam berupa danau dengan batas administrasi disebelah utara berbatasan dengan Desa Banyuresmi, disebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Desa Cipicung, disebelah timur berbatasan dengan Desa Binakarya, dan disebelah barat berbatasan dengan Desa Sukamukti.

Aktivitas wisata yang dapat dilakukan di Situ Bagendit ini antara lain menikmati pemandangan, mengelilingi danau dengan menggunakan perahu atau rakit. Para pengunjung juga dapat melakukan kegiatan rekreasi keluarga, menikmati pemandangan serta kegiatan bersepeda air.

Objek wisata ini dikelola oleh Bapak Ajan Sobari dengan status kepemilikan berada di tangan pemerintah daerah yang kewenangannya dilimpahkan kepada Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Garutdan pihak swasta yaitu Bapak Adang Kurnia. Berdasarkan perda no. 11 tahun 2001 harga masuk tiket ke kawasan ini Rp. 1.000/orang untuk dewasa dan Rp. 500/orang untuk anak-anak.

18. dimana adanya situ bagendit

di prov. jawa barat.....situ bagendit terdapat di daerah garut jawa barat

19. Alur cerita situ bagendit


alur cerita dari situ bagendit maju


maaf kalo salah

20. Apa yang di maksud dengan Situ bagendit?

Situ Bagendit adalah sebuah danau ( situ dalam bahasa sunda ) yang terletak di kecamatan Banyuresmi kabupaten Garut. Situ Bagendit sendiri merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang banyak dikunjungi karena letaknya yang mudah dijangkau .


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